Knowledge Systems Lab Reports By Report Number
Knowledge Systems Lab Reports By Report Number
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This document contains a list of KSL Technical Reports organized
by report number. Select a number to move to that section in this document:
08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86
- KSL-08-01
- Glass, A.; McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Wolverton, M.
Trustable Task Processing Systems.
In Roth-Berghofer, T., and Richter, M.M., editors, KI Journal, Special Issue on Explanation, Kunstliche Intelligenz,
- KSL-08-02
- McGuinness, D.L.; Furtado, V.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Ding, L.; Glass, A.; Chang, C.
Explaining Semantic Web Applications.
In Cardoso, J., and Lytras, M.D., editors, Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society, Information Science Reference, IGI Global Press,
- KSL-07-01
- McGuinness, D.L.; Fox, P.; Cinquini, L.; West, P.; Garcia, J.; Benedict, J.L.; Middleton, D.
The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory: A Deployed Semantic Web Application Case Study for Scientific Research.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-07),
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
July 22-26,
- KSL-07-02
- McGuinness, D.L.; Fox, P.; Cinquini, L.; West, P.; Garcia, J.; Benedict, J.L.; Middleton, D.
A Deployed Semantically-Enabled Interdisciplinary Virtual Observatory.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07) Intelligent Systems Track,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
July 22-26,
- KSL-07-03
- McGuinness, D.L.; Glass, A.; Wolverton, M.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.
Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants that Learn.
Proceedings of the 20th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-20),
Key West, Florida,
May 7-9,
- KSL-07-04
- Glass, A.; McGuinness, D.L.; Wolverton, M.
Toward Establishing Trust in Adaptive Agents.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI2008),
Canary Islands, Spain,
January 13-16,
- KSL-07-05
- McGuinness, D.L.; Glass, A.; Wolverton, M.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.
A Categorization of Explanation Questions for Task Processing Systems.
Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt-2007),
Vancouver, Canada,
July 22-23,
- KSL-07-06
- Furtado, V.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Deshwal, P.; Narayanan, D.; Carvalho, J.; Pinheiro, V.; Chang, C.
Abstracting Web Agent Proofs into Human-Level Justifications.
Proceedings of the 20th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-20),
Key West, Florida,
May 7-9,
- KSL-07-07
- McGuinness, D.L.; Ding, L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Chang, C.
PML 2: A Modular Explanation Interlingua.
Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt-2007),
Vancouver, Canada,
July 22-23,
- KSL-07-08
- Kendall, E.F.; Jacobs, J.; McGuinness, D.L.; Schwab, S.
Policies for Public Domain Ontologies for the Intelligence Community.
Proceedings of the Ontology for the Intelligence Community Conference,
Columbia, Maryland,
November 28-29,
- KSL-07-09
- Fox, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Raskin, R.; Sinha, K.
A Volcano Erupts: Semantically Mediated Integration of Heterogeneous Volcanic and Atmospheric Data.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure: Information Management in eScience, co-located with the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
Lisbon, Portugal,
November 9,
- KSL-06-01
- Zeng, H.; McIlraith, S.
Experimental Results on the Satisfiable Core in Random 3SAT.
Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics,
January 4-6, 2006, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- KSL-06-02
- Cowell, A.; McGuinness, D.L.; Varley, C.; Thurman, D.
Knowledge-Worker Requirements for Next Generation Query Answering and Explanation Systems.
In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces for Intelligence Analysis, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2006), Sydney, Australia.
- KSL-06-03
- Weitzner, D.J.; Abelson, H.; Berners-Lee, T.; Hanson, C.P.; Hendler, J.; Kagal, L.; McGuinness, D.L.; Sussman, G.J.; Waterman, K.K. Transparent Accountable Data Mining: New Strategies for Privacy Protection. Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on The Semantic Web meets eGovernment. AAAI Press, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 2006.
- KSL-06-04
- Glass, A.; McGuinness, D.L. Introspective Predicates for Explaining Task Execution in CALO. Technical Report. 2006.
- KSL-06-05
- McGuinness, D.L.; Zeng, H.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Ding, L.; Narayanan, D.; Bhaowal, M. Investigations into Trust for Collaborative Information Repositories: A Wikipedia Case Study.
The Workshop on the Models of Trust for the Web (MTW'06), Edinburgh, Scotland, May 22, 2006.
- KSL-06-06
- McGuinness, D.L.; Glass, A.; Wolverton, M.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.
Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants that Learn.
Proceedings of the AAAI 2007 Spring Symposium on Interaction Challenges for Intelligent Assistants
March, 2007.
- KSL-06-07
- Makarios, S.; Heuer, K.; Fikes, R.
Computational Context Logic and Species of $ist$.
- KSL-06-08
- Makarios, S.
A Model Theory for a Quantified Generalized Logic of Contexts.
- KSL-06-09
- Makarios, S.; Heuer, K.
Building-In New Inference Rules for Computational Context Logic.
- KSL-06-10
- Makarios, S.; Guha, R.V.
Any $ist_{AON}$ Quantified Context Logic has a First-Order Semantics.
- KSL-06-11
- Makarios, S.; Heuer, K.
Any $ist_{AO}$ Quantified Context Logic has a First-Order Semantics.
- KSL-06-12
- Zeng, H.; Alhossaini, M.; Ding, L.; Fikes, R.; McGuinness, D.L.
Computing Trust from Revision History.
The 2006 International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2006)
Markham, Ontario, Canada
October 30 -- November 1,
- KSL-06-13
- Pinheiro, V.; Furtado, V.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.
WebExplain: A UPML Extension to Support the Development of Explanations on the Web for Knowledge-based Systems.
The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- KSL-06-14
- McGuinness, D.L.; Ding, L.; Glass, A.; Chang, C.; Zeng, H.; Furtado, V.
Explanation Interfaces for the Semantic Web: Issues and Models.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI'06)
November ,
- KSL-06-15
- Ding, L.; Finin, T.
Characterizing the Semantic Web on the Web.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC06)
Athens, GA
November 5-9,
- KSL-06-16
- Zeng, H.; Alhossaini, M.; Fikes, R.; McGuinness, D.L.
Mining Revision History to Assess Trustworthiness of Article Fragments.
The 2nd International Conference on Collaborative Computing:
Networking, Applications and Worksharing (collaboratecom'06)
Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
November 17th - 20th,
- KSL-06-17
- Murdock, J. W.; McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Welty, C.; Ferrucci, D.
Explaining Conclusions from Diverse Knowledge Sources.
the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2006)
Athens, Georgia, USA,
November 5th - 9th,
- KSL-06-18
- McGuinness, D.L.; Fox, P.; Cinquini, L.; West, P.; Benedict, J.; Darnell, J.A.; Garcia, J.; Middleton, D.
Semantically-Enabled Virtual Observatories.
OWL: Experiences and Direction (OWLED-2006) workshop,
Athens, Georgia, USA,
November 10th - 11th,
- KSL-06-19
- Fox, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Middleton, D.; Cinquini, L.; Darnell, J.A.; Garcia, J.; West, P.; Benedict, J.; Solomon, S.
Semantically-Enabled Large-Scale Science Data Repositories.
the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC06),
Athens, Georgia, USA,
November 5th - 9th,
- KSL-06-20
- McGuinness, D.L; Fox, P.; Cinquini, L.; Darnell, T.; West, P.; Benedict, J.; Garcia, J.; Middleton, D.
Ontology-Enabled Virtual Observatories: Semantic Integration in Practice.
the 5th International Semantic Web Conference Poster Session (ISWC06),
Athens, Georgia, USA,
November 5th - 9th,
- KSL-06-21
- Martin, D.; Burstein, M.; McDermott, D.; McGuinness, D.L.; McIlraith, S.; Paolucci, M.; Sirin, E.; Srinivasan, N.; Sycara, K.
Bringing Semantics to Web Services with OWL-S.
World Wide Web Journal (to appear).
- KSL-05-01
- Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Hayes, P.; McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; & Deshwal, P. Towards Checking Hybrid Proofs. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University., 2005.
- KSL-05-02
- Pinheiro, V.; Furtado, V.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D. L. Explaining Problem Solver Answers. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University., 2005.
- KSL-05-03
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Murdock, J. W.; & Ferrucci, D. Exposing Extracted Knowledge Supporting Answers. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University., 2005.
- KSL-05-04
- Zeng, H.; Fikes, R.
Explaining Data Incompleteness in Knowledge Aggregation.
Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University.
- KSL-05-05
- Welty, C.; Murdock, J. W.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Ferrucci, D.; Fikes, R.
Tracking Information Extraction from Intelligence Documents.
In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Intelligence Analysis (IA 2005), McLean, VA, USA, 2-6 May, 2005.
- KSL-05-06
- Ding, L.; Finin, T.; Peng, Y.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.
Tracking RDF Graph Provenance using RDF Molecules.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Semantic Web Conference, November 2005.
- KSL-05-07
- Zeng, H.; Fikes, R. Extracting Assumptions from Missing Data.
Context representation and reasoning 2005, proceedings of the first international workshop
- KSL-05-08
- Zeng, H.; McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Fikes, R.
Explaining Results from Information Retrieval and Integration.
International Symposium on
Explanation-aware Computing,
AAAI Symposium, Washington, D.C., November 3-6, 2005
- KSL-05-09
- Martine De Cock; Pinheiro da Silva, P.
A Many Valued Representation and Propagation of Trust and Distrust.
Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University.
- KSL-05-10
- Zeng, H.; McIlraith, S.
The Role of Redundant Clauses in Solving Satisfiability Problems
(extended abstract), CP-2005 (the Eleventh International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming), October 1-5, 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
- KSL-05-11
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Wolverton, M.
Plan for Explaining Task Execution in CALO.
Technical Report.
- KSL-04-01
- Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D. L.; & Fikes, R. E. A Proof Markup Language for Semantic Web Services. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University., 2004.
- KSL-04-02
- Shvaiko, P.; Giunchiglia, F.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; & McGuinness, D. L. Web Explanations for Semantic Heterogeneity Discovery. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), pp 303-317, 2004.
- KSL-04-03
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P. Explaining Answers from the Semantic Web: The Inference Web Approach. Journal of Web Semantics Vol.1 No.4, pages 397-413, October 2004.
- KSL-04-04
- Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Hayes, P.; McGuinness, D. L.; & Fikes, R. PPDR: A Proof Protocol for Deductive Reasoning. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University., 2004, 2004.
- KSL-04-05
- Fikes, R. & Makarios, S. KANI Time Ontology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 2004.
- KSL-04-06
- Murdock, J. W.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Ferrucci, D.; Welty, C.; & McGuinness, D. L. Encoding Extraction as Inferences. 2004.
- KSL-04-08
- Zaihrayeu, I.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; & McGuinness, D. L. IWTrust: Improving User Trust in Answers from the Web. Rocquencourt, France, 2005., 2004.
- KSL-03-01
- Fikes, R.; Jenkins, J.; & Frank, G. JTP: A System Architecture and Component Library for Hybrid Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2003.
- KSL-03-02
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P. Inference Web: Portable Explanations for the Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 2003.
- KSL-03-03
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P. Registry-Based Support for Information Integration. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 2003.
- KSL-03-04
- Pinheiro da Silva, P.; McGuinness, D.L.; Fikes, R. Combinable Proof Fragments for the Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 2003.
- KSL-03-05
- Fikes, R.; Jenkins, J.; & Zhou, Q. Including Domain-Specific Reasoners with Reusable Ontologies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 2003.
- KSL-03-06
- Sanner, S. P. Towards Practical Taxonomic Classification for Description Logics on the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2003.
- KSL-03-07
- McCool, R.; Fikes, R.; & McGuinness, D. Semantic Web Tools for Enhanced Authoring. KSL, 2003.
- KSL-03-08
- Kumar, T. K. S. Incremental Computation of Resource-Envelopes in Producer-Consumer Models. The Ninth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2003), September, 2003.
- KSL-03-09
- McGuinness, D. L. Knowledge Representation for Question Answering. In the Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium Workshop on New Directions for Question Answering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA., March 2003., 2003.
- KSL-03-10
- McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P. Inference Web: Portable and Shareable Explanations for Question Answering. In the Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium Workshop on New Directions for Question Answering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA., March 2003, 2003.
- KSL-03-11
- Mandell, D. & McIlraith, S. A Bottom-Up Approach to Automating Web Service Discovery, Customization, and Semantic Translation. In the Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference Workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web (ESSW'03). Budapest, 2003, 2003.
- KSL-03-12
- MacCartney, B.; McIlraith, S.; Amir, E.; & Uribe, T. Practical Partition-Based Theorem Proving for Large Knowledge Bases. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-03), August 2003., 2003.
- KSL-03-13
- Mandell, D. J. & McIlraith, S. A. Adapting BPEL4WS for the Semantic Web: The Bottom-Up Approach to Web Service Interoperation. The Proceedings of the Second International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Sanibel Island, Florida, 2003, 2003.
- KSL-03-14
- Fikes, R.; Hayes, P.; & Horrocks, I. OWL-QL - A Language for Deductive Query Answering on the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2003.
- KSL-03-15
- McCool, R.; Fikes, R.; & Guha, R. Semantic Issues in Web-Scale Knowledge Aggregation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2003.
- KSL-03-16
- Fikes, R.; Marwick, A.; & Thurman, D. Knowledge Associates for Novel Intelligence (KANI). Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 2003.
- KSL-03-17
- Hsu, E.; McGuinness, D.L. Wine Agent: Semantic Web Testbed Application. Proceedings of the Workshop on Description Logics, Rome, Italy, 2003.
- KSL-02-01
- Fikes, R.; McGuinness, D.L.; & Waldinger, R. A First-Order Logic Semantics for Semantic Web Markup Languages. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 2002.
- KSL-02-02
- Pfleger, K. On-Line Learning of Undirected Sparse n-grams. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2002.
- KSL-02-03
- Fadel, R. M. Planning with Complex Actions. 2002.
- KSL-02-04
- Pinheiro da Silva, P. & Paton, N. W. Improving UML Support for User Interface Design: A Metric Assessment of UMLi. Stanford University, 2002.
- KSL-02-05
- Fikes, R.; Hayes, P.; & Horrocks, I. DQL - A Query Language for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2002.
- KSL-02-06
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; Hendler, J.; & Stein, L. A. DAML+OIL: An Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, September/October 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-07
- Kendall, E. F.; Dutra, M. E.; & McGuinness, D.L. Towards A Commercial Ontology Development Environment. In International Semantic Web Conference Late Breaking Topics Sardinia, Italy, June 9-12, 2002., 2002.
- KSL-02-08
- Lerner, U.; Moses, B.; Scott, M.; McIlraith, S.; & Koller, S. Monitoring a Complex Physical System using a Hybrid Dynamic Bayes Net. The Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-2002), Edmonton, Canada, August, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-09
- McGuinness, D. L. Description Logic for Configuration. In Franz Baader, Deborah McGuinness, Daniele Nardi, and Peter Patel-Schneider, editors The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-10
- McGuinness, D. L. & Patel-Schneider, P. From Description Logic Provers to Knowledge Representation Systems. In Franz Baader, Deborah McGuinness, Daniele Nardi, and Peter Patel-Schneider, editors The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-11
- Horrocks, I.; McGuinness, D.L.; & Welty, C. Digital Libraries and Web-Based Information Systems. In Franz Baader, Deborah McGuinness, Daniele Nardi, and Peter Patel-Schneider, editors The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications. Cambridge University Press., 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-12
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontologies Come of Age. In Dieter Fensel, Jim Hendler, Henry Lieberman, and Wolfgang Wahlster, editors. Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential. MIT Press, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-13
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; Stein, L. A.; & Hendler, J. DAML-ONT: An Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. In Dieter Fensel, Jim Hendler, Henry Lieberman, and Wolfgang Wahlster, editors. Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential. MIT Press, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-14
- Ankolekar, A.; Burstein, M.; Hobbs, J.; Lassila, O.; Martin, D.; McDermott, D.; McIlraith, S.; Narayanan, S.; Paolucci, M.; Payne, T.; & Sycara, K. DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web. Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), July 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-15
- McIlraith, S. & Son, T. Adapting Golog for Composition of Semantic Web Services. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2002), April, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-02-16
- Narayanan, S. & McIlraith, S. Simulation, Verification and Automated Composition of Web Services. The Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW-11), May, 2002, 2002.
- KSL-01-01
- Fikes, R. & McGuinness, D.L. An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF, RDF Schema, and DAML+OIL. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 2001.
- KSL-01-02
- Lassila, O. & McGuinness, D.L. The Role of Frame-Based Representation on the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 2001.
- KSL-01-03
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontologies and Online Commerce. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, January/ February, 2001.
- KSL-01-04
- McIlraith, S. A. & Amir, E. Theorem Proving with Structed Theories (Full Report). Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April 6, 2001.
- KSL-01-05
- Noy, N. F. & McGuinness, D. L. Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 2001.
- KSL-01-06
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fensel, D.; Horrocks, I.; Harmelen, F. v.; & Patel-Schneider, P. F. OIL: An Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2, March/April, 2001.
- KSL-01-07
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontologies Come of Age. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2001.
- KSL-01-08
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; Stein, L. A.; & Hendler, J. DAML-ONT: An Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2001.
- KSL-01-09
- Das, A.; Wu, W.; & McGuinness, D.L. Industrial Strength Ontology Management. In Isabel Cruz, Stefan Decker, Jerome Euzenat, and Deborah L. McGuinness, eds. The Emerging Semantic Web, 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-10
- Pfleger, K. Learning Predictive Compositional Hierarchies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 2001.
- KSL-01-11
- Fensel, D.; Horrocks, I.; Harmelen, F. v.; McGuinness, D.L.; & Patel-Schneider., P. F. OIL: An Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web. In IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2, March/April 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-12
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontologies and Online Commerce. In IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, January/February 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-13
- Son, T.; Baral, C.; & McIlraith, S. Extending Answer Set Planning with Sequence, Conditional, Loop, Non-Deterministic Choice, and Procedure Constructs. Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Answer Set Programming: Towards Efficient and Scalable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning., March, 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-14
- McIlraith, S.; Son, T.; & Zeng, H. Mobilizing the Web with DAML-Enabled Web Services. The Second International Workshop on the Semantic Web (SemWeb'2001) at WWW-10., May 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-15
- McIlraith, S. & Son, T. Adapting Golog for Programming the Semantic Web. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Common Sense 2001), May 2001., 2001.
- KSL-01-16
- Amir, E. & McIlraith, S. Solving Satisfiability using Decomposition and the Most Constrained Subproblem. Proceedings of SAT 2001: the Workshop on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 9, Henry Kautz and Bart Selman (Ed.), June, 2001, 2001.
- KSL-01-17
- Ankolekar, A.; Burstein, M.; Hobbs, J.; Lassila, O.; Martin, D.; McIlraith, S.; Narayanan, S.; Paolucci, M.; Payne, T.; Sycara, K.; & Zeng, H. DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services. Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), July 30-August 1, 2001., 2001.
- KSL-01-18
- Son, T. C.; Baral, C.; & McIlraith, S. Planning with Different Forms of Domain-Dependent Control Knowledge - An Answer Set Programming Approach. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2001), Vienna, Austria, September 17-19, 2001, 2001.
- KSL-00-01
- Zhou, Q. & Fikes, R. A Reusable Time Ontology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 2000.
- KSL-00-02
- Amir, E. & McIlraith, S. A. Partition-Based Logical Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 2000.
- KSL-00-03
- Kumar, T. K. S. Reinterpretation of Causal Order Graphs Towards Effective Explanation Generation Using Compositional Modeling. The Fourteenth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Mexico, 2000.
- KSL-00-04
- Kumar, T. K. S. A Compositional Approach to Causality. The Fourth International Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation (SARA2000), Austin, Texas, 2000.
- KSL-00-05
- Fikes, R. Providing Defaults in the Frames Portion of First-Order Logic Knowledge Bases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 2000.
- KSL-00-06
- McGuinness, D. L. Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ontology Environments. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptual Structures Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues, Darmstadt, Germany, August, 2000.
- KSL-00-07
- Neller, T. W. Simulation-Based Search for Hybrid System Control and Analysis. 2000.
- KSL-00-08
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; Rice, J.; & Wilder, S. An Environment for Merging and Testing Large Ontologies. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2000), Breckenridge, Colorado, April, 2000.
- KSL-00-09
- McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; Rice, J.; & Wilder, S. The Chimaera Ontology Environment. Proceedings of the The Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2000), July 30-August 3, 2000.
- KSL-00-10
- Hendler, J. & McGuinness, D.L. The DARPA Agent Markup Language. IEEE Intelligent Systems Vol. 15 No. 6, November/December, 2000.
- KSL-99-01
- McIlraith, S. A.; Biswas, G.; Clancy, D.; & Gupta, V. Towards Diagnosing Hybrid Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1999.
- KSL-99-02
- Mosterman, P. J. & Biswas, G. Diagnosis of Continuous Valued Systems in Transient Operating Regions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1999.
- KSL-99-03
- Mosterman, P. J. & Biswas, G. Building Hybrid Observers for Complex Dynamic Systems Using Model Abstractions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1999.
- KSL-99-04
- Mosterman, P. J. & Biswas, G. Deriving Discontinuous State Changes
for Reduced Order Systems and the effect on Compositionality. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-05
- Manders, E. J.; Mosterman, P. J.; & Biswas, G. Signal to Symbol Transformation Techniques for Robust Diagnosis in TRANSCEND. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-06
- Mosterman, P. J. & Biswas, G. A Comprehensive Methodology for Building Hybrid Models of Physcial Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-07
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontologies for Electronic Commerce. Proceedings of the AAAI '99 Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce Workshop, Orlando, Florida, July, 1999.
- KSL-99-08
- McGuinness, D. L. Ontology-enhanced Search for Primary Care Medical Literature. Prodeedings of the International Medical Informatics Association Working Group 6 - Medical Concept Representation and Natural Language Processing Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, December, 1999.
- KSL-99-09
- Howley, B.; Cutkosky, M.; & Biswas, G. Composing and Sharing Dynmaic Models in an Agent-Based Concurrent Engineering Environment. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-10
- Ozawa, M.; Biswas, G.; & Zhu, L. Task Distribution and Lumped Parameter Modeling in Multi-Disciplinary Product Development. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-11
- Sun, Y. & Fikes, R. Creating Open, Sharable XML DTDs for Knowledge Representation And Bringing Enhanced Semantics to XML. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1999.
- KSL-99-12
- Brachman, R. J.; Borgida, A.; McGuinness, D.L.; & Patel-Schneider, P. F. "Reducing" CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality. Artificial Intelligence 114 (1-2), October, 1999.
- KSL-99-13
- Baader, F.; Borgida, A.; Kuesters, R.; & McGuinness, D.L. Matching in Description Logics. Journal of Logic and Computation -- Special Issue on Description Logics. Volume 9, number 3, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-14
- Franconi, E.; Giacomo, G. d.; Horrocks, I.; McGuinness, D.L.; Nutt, W.; Patel-Schneider, P.; & Welty, C. Report on the 1998 International Workshop on Description Logics DL'98. Journal of Logic and Computation - Special Issue on Description Logics, Volume 9, number 3, Link�ping, Sweden, June, 1999.
- KSL-99-15
- Borgida, A.; Franconi, E.; Horrocks, I.; McGuinness, D.L.; & Patel-Schneider, P. Explaining ALC subsumption. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics - DL-99, Link�ping, Sweden, July, 1999.
- KSL-99-16
- MacGregor, R. & McGuinness, D. L. DARPA's High Performance Knowledge Base (HPKB) Program. Proceedings for the International Workshop on Description Logics - DL - 99, Link�ping, Sweden, July, 1999.
- KSL-99-17
- Fikes, R. & Rice, J. The Stanford KSL Knowledge Base Merging Critical Component Experiment. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1999.
- KSL-98-01
- Isbister, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Social Implications of Using Synthetic Characters: An Examination of a Role-Specific Intelligent Agent. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-02
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Abstract Plans to Guide Behavior. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-03
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-04
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Learning of Compositional Hierarchies for the modeling of context effects. Knowledge systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-05
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Categorical Boltzmann Machines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-06
- Chaudhri, V. K.; Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; Karp, P. D.; & Rice, J. P. Open Knowledge Base Connectivity 2.0. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-07
- Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting with Animate Characters: Puppets, Bartenders, and Auto Salespersons. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-08
- V. Chaudhri, A. F., R. Fikes, P. Karp, J. Rice. OKBC: A Programmatic Foundation for Knowledge Base Interoperability. Proceedings of AAAI-98, Madison, Wisconsin, February, 1998.
- KSL-98-11
- Huard, R. Character Mastery with the Improvisational Puppets Program. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1998.
- KSL-98-12
- Neller, T. W. Heuristic Optimization and Dynamical System Safety
Verification. Center for Continuing Education, Univ of Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 1997.
- KSL-98-13
- Neller, T. W. Information-Based Optimization Approaches to Dynamical System Safety Verification. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1998.
- KSL-98-14
- Loeser, T.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Fikes, R. Safety Verification Proofs for Physical Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1998.
- KSL-98-15
- Rice, J. Writing an OKBC Application--A Case Study. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1998.
- KSL-98-16
- Frank, G.; Farquhar, A.; & Fikes, R. Building a Large Knowledge Base from a Structured Source: The CIA World Fact Book. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1998.
- KSL-98-17
- Iwasaki, Y.; Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; & Rice, J. A Web-based Compositional Modeling System for Sharing of Physical Knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann, Nagoya, Japan, 1997.
- KSL-98-18
- Choueiry, B. Y.; McIlraith, S. A.; Iwasaki, Y.; Loeser, T.; Neller, T.; Engelmore, R.; & Fikes, R. Thoughts Towards a Practical Theory of Reformulation for Reasoning about Physical Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1998.
- KSL-98-19
- McIlraith, S. A. Logic-Based Abductive Inference. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1998.
- KSL-98-20
- McIlraith, S. A. Towards Exploiting Generic Procedures in Model-Based Computing. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1998.
- KSL-98-21
- McIlraith, S. A. Explanatory Diagnosis: Conjecturing actions to explain observations. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1998.
- KSL-98-22
- McIlraith, S.; Biswas, G.; Fromherz, M.; Howe, J.; Fikes, R.; Bobrow, D.; Cutkosky, M.; Engelmore, R.; & Neller, T. Model-Enabled Control of Hybrid Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1998.
- KSL-98-23
- Choueiry, B. Y. & Noubir, G. A Disjunctive Decomposition Scheme for Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems Using Complete No-Good Sets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1998.
- KSL-98-24
- Choueiry, B. Y. & Noubir, G. On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1998.
- KSL-98-25
- McGuinness, D. L. & Wright, J. Conceptual Modeling for Configuration: A Description Logic-based Approach. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing Journal - Special Issue on Configuration, 1998.
- KSL-98-26
- McGuinness, D.; Patel-Schnedier, P.; Resnick, L. A.; Isbell, C.; Parker, M.; & Welty, C. A Description Logic Based Configurator for the Web. SIGART Bulletin, 9(2), Fall, 1998.
- KSL-98-27
- Darr, T.; Fox, M.; & McGuinness, D.L. Special Configuration Issue of the Artificial
Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing Journal. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing Journal, 1998.
- KSL-98-28
- McGuinness, D. L. & Wright, J. An Industrial Strength Description Logic-based Configurator Platform. IEEE Intelligent Systems. Vol 13, No. 4, July/August, 1998.
- KSL-98-29
- J. Rice, A. F. OKBC, A Rich API on the Cheap. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, April, 1998.
- KSL-98-30
- Rice, J. Writing an OKBC Application - A Case Study. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, April, 1998.
- KSL-97-01
- Farquhar, A. & Buvac, S. Putting Context Logic into Practice. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1997.
- KSL-97-02
- Fikes, R. & Farquhar, A. Large-Scale Repositories of Highly Expressive Reusable Knowledge. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1997.
- KSL-97-03
- Fikes, R.; Farquhar, A.; & Rice, J. Tools for Assembling Modular Ontologies in Ontolingua. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1997.
- KSL-97-04
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Guided Exploration of Virtual Worlds. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1997.
- KSL-97-05
- Chaudhri, V.; Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; Karp, P.; & Rice, J. The Generic Frame Protocol 2.0. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1997.
- KSL-97-06
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting with Personality-Rich Characters. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1997.
- KSL-97-07
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Social-Psychological Model for Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1997.
- KSL-97-08
- Maldonado, H.; Picard, A.; Doyle, P.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Tigrito: A Multi-Mode Interactive Improvisational Agent. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-97-09
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Agents in Annotated Worlds. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-97-10
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Improvisational Synthetic Actors with Flexible Personalities. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-97-11
- S. Paley, J. L., P. Karp. A Generic Knowledge-base Browser and Editor. Proceedings of IAAI - 97, Menlo Park, CA, February, 1997.
- KSL-96-01
- Shahar, Y. Dynamic Induction of Temporal Interpretation Contexts. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-02
- Shahar, Y. Knowledge-Based Temporal Interpolation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-03
- Shiffman, S.; Rubin, G. D.; & Napel, S. Semiautomated editing of computed tomography angiography for visualization of vasculature. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-04
- Shiffman, S. & Shortliffe, E. H. Biomedical Imaging and the Evolution of Medical Informatics. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-05
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Story-Making with Improvisational Puppets and Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-06
- Musen, M.; Tu, S.; Das, A.; & Shahar, Y. A Component-Based Approach to Automation of Protocol-Directed Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1996, 1996.
- KSL-96-07
- Fensel, D.; Eriksson, H.; Musen, M. A.; & Studer, R. Conceptual and Formal Specifications of Reusable Problem-Solving Methods: A
Case Study. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-08
- Ketting, C. H.; Austin-Seymour, M. M.; Kalet, I. J.; Jacky, J. P.; Kromhout-Schiro, S. E.; Hummel, S. M.; Unger, J. M.; & Fagan, L. M. Evaluation of an Expert System Producing Geometric Solids as Output. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-09
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Improvisational Puppets, Actors, and Avatars. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-10
- Ohno-Machado, L. & Musen, M. A. Sequential versus standard neural networks for temporal pattern recognition: An example using the domain of coronary heart disease. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-11
- Ohno-Machado, L. & Musen, M. A. Modular Neural Networks for Medical Prognosis: Quantifying the Benefits of Combining Neural Networks for Survival Prediction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-12
- Shahar, Y. & Molina, M. Knowledge-Based Spatiotemporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-13
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Gent, R. v.; & Huber, D. Acting in Character. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-14
- Miksch, S.; Cheng, K.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Patient Advocate: Cooperative Agents to Support Patient-Centered Needs and Demands. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-15
- Shahar, Y.; Miksch, S.; & Johnson, P. An Intention-Based Language for Sharing Clinical Guidelines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-16
- T. Gruber, S. V., J. Rice. Model-Based Virtual Document Generation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, May, 1996.
- KSL-96-17
- Huard, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Children's Collaborative Playcrafting. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1996.
- KSL-96-18
- Fikes, R.; Farquhar, A.; & Pratt, W. Information Brokers: Gathering Information from Heterogeneous Information Sources. Eckerd College, Key West, Florida, 1996.
- KSL-96-19
- Miksch, S.; Chang, K.; & Hayes-Roth, B. An Intelligent Assistant for Patient Health Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-20
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Intelligent Guide for Virtual Environments. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-21
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Personality in Synthetic Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-22
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Motivated Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-23
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Gent, R. v.; & Huber, D. Directing Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-24
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Story-Making with Improvisational Puppets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-25
- Larsson, J. E.; Hayes-Roth, B.; & Gaba, D. Guardian: Final Evaluation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1996.
- KSL-96-26
- Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; & Rice, J. The Ontolingua Server: A Tool for Collaborative Ontology Construction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1996.
- KSL-96-27
- Huard, R. D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Children's Play with Improvisational Puppets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1996.
- KSL-96-28
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Personality in Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1996.
- KSL-95-01
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Adaptable Motivational Profiles for Autonomous Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-02
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Action-Based Hierarchies for Real-Time Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-02
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Action-Based Hierarchies for Real-Time Diagnosis. 1996.
- KSL-95-03
- Murdock, L. Model-Matching and Individuation for Model-Based Diagnosis. Ph.D Thesis, Stanford University, 1995.
- KSL-95-04
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Sincoff, E. Directed Improvisation by Computer Characters. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-05
- Unruh, A. Using Automatic Abstraction for Problem-Solving and Learning. Ph.D Thesis, Stanford University, 1995.
- KSL-95-06
- Shahar, Y. & Purcell, G. The Context-Sensitive Pattern-Matching Task. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1995.
- KSL-95-07
- Larsson, J. E. Hyperfast Algorithms for Model-Based Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-08
- Larsson, J. E. A Toolbox for Fast Model-Based Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-09
- Larsson, J. E. Model-Based Diagnosis of the Human Body. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-10
- Gomez-Perez, A. Criteria to Verify Knowledge Sharing Technology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-11
- Altman, R. B.; Weiser, B.; & Noller, H. F. Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Modeling Large Complexes: Application to the Central Domain of 16S Ribosomal RNA. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, California, 1995.
- KSL-95-12
- Farquhar, A.; Dappert, A.; Fikes, R.; & Pratt, W. Integrating Information Sources Using Context Logic. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-13
- Fikes, R.; Engelmore, R.; Farquhar, A.; & Pratt, W. Network-based Information Brokers. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-14
- Shortliffe, E. H. Computers in Support of Clinical Decision Making. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-15
- Piernot, P. P.; Felciano, R. M.; Stancel, R.; Marsh, J.; & Yvon, M. Designing the PenPal: Blending Hardware and Software in a User-Interface for Children. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-16
- Felciano, R. M.; Harris, M.; Rindfleisch, T.; Strain, J.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Using Paper Prototypes as Interface Design Tools for Building Clinical Information Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-17
- Altman, R. B. & Gerstein, M. Finding an average core structure: Application to the globins. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-18
- Altman, R. B. A Probabilistic Approach to Determining Biological Structure: Integrating Uncertain Data Sources. 1995.
- KSL-95-18
- Altman, R. B. A Probabilistic Approach to Determining Biological Structure: Integrating Uncertain Data Sources. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-19
- Chen, R.; Fink, D.; & Altman, R. B. Computing the Structure of Large Complexes: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to Modeling the 16S Ribosomal RNA. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science Group, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-20
- J. Rice, A. F., P. Piernot, T. Gruber. Using the Web Instead of a Window System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Vancouver, Canada, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-21
- Greenleaf, W. J. & Tovar, M. A. Augmenting Reality in Rehabilitation Medicine. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-22
- Harris, M. Z.; Felciano, R. M.; Strain, J. J.; Rindfleisch, T. C.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Saxberg, B. E. H. RightRX: Decision Support for the Optimization of Prescribing Practice. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-23
- Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Clinical Domains. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.
- KSL-95-24
- Norman, J. Building the Computer-Based Patient Record. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-25
- Altman, R. B. & Gerstein, M. B. Average Core Structures and Variability Measures for Protein Families: Application to the Immunoglobulins. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-25
- Gerstein, M. B. & Altman, R. B. Average Core Structures and Variability Measures for Protein Families: Application to the Immunoglobulins. 1995.
- KSL-95-26
- Altman, R. B.; Hughes, C.; & Gerstein, M. B. Methods for Displaying Macromolecular Structural Uncertainty: Application to the Globins. 1995.
- KSL-95-26
- Altman, R. B.; Hughes, C.; & Gerstein, M. B. Methods for Displaying Macromolecular Structural Uncertainty: Application to the Globins. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-27
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Informatics Training at Stanford University School of Medicine. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-28
- Musen, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; Das, A. K.; & Shahar, Y. A Component-Based Architecture for Automation of Protocol-Directed Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1995.
- KSL-95-29
- Shahar, Y. A Framework for Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-31
- Bagley, S. C.; Wei, L.; Cheng, C.; & Altman, R. B. Characterizing oriented protein structural sites using biochemical properties. Cambridge, England, 1995.
- KSL-95-31
- Bagley, S. C.; Wei, L.; Cheng, C.; & Altman, R. B. Characterizing oriented protein structural sites using biochemical properties. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-32
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Finding Analogues for Innovative Design. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-35
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Pfleger, K.; Morignot, P.; & Lalanda, P. Plans and Behavior in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-36
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Informatics Meets Medical Education. 1995.
- KSL-95-37
- Rutledge, G. W. Dynamic Selection of Models. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1995.
- KSL-95-38
- Lei, J. v. d. & Musen, M. A. The Separation of Reviewing Knowledge from Medical Knowledge. April, 1995.
- KSL-95-39
- Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Plan Recognition and Revision in Protocol-Based Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-40
- Ohno-Machado, L. & Musen, M. A. A Comparison of Two Computer-Based Prognostic Systems for AIDS. New Orleans, LA, 1995.
- KSL-95-40
- Ohno-Machado, L. & Musen, M. A. A Comparison of Two Computer-Based Prognostic Systems for AIDS. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-41
- Gennari, J. H.; Oliver, D. E.; Pratt, W.; Rice, J.; & Musen, M. A. A Web-Based Architecture for a Medical Vocabulary Server. 1995.
- KSL-95-41
- Gennari, J. H.; Oliver, D. E.; & Musen, M. A. An HTTP-Based Architecture for Interaction with a Vocabulary Server. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-42
- Shortliffe, E. H. The changing nature of telecommunications and the information infrastructure for health care. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 1995.
- KSL-95-43
- Shortliffe, E. H. When Decision Support Doesn't Support. 1995.
- KSL-95-44
- Sim, I. & Rennels, G. A Trial Bank Model for the Publication of Clinical Trials. New Orleans, LA, 1995.
- KSL-95-44
- Sim, I. & Rennels, G. A Trial Bank Model for the Publication of Clinical Trials. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-45
- Detmer, W. M. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Model of Clinical Query Management that Supports Integration of Biomedical Information Over the World Wide Web. New Orleans, LA, 1995.
- KSL-95-45
- Detmer, W. M. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Model of Clinical Query Management that Supports Integration of Biomedical Information Over the World Wide Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-46
- Musen, M. A.; Gennari, J. H.; & Wong, W. W. A Rational Reconstruction of INTERNIST-I using PROTEGE-II. New Orleans, LA, 1995.
- KSL-95-46
- Musen, M. A.; Gennari, J. H.; & Wong, W. W. A Rational Reconstruction of INTERNIST-I using PROTEGE-II. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.
- KSL-95-48
- Purcell, G. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. Contextual Models of Clinical Publications for Enhancing Retrieval from Full-Text Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-49
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. B. A Formal Evaluation of the TransFER Model for Bridging Heterogeneous Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-50
- Hayes-Roth, B. Agents on Stage: Advancing the State of the Art of AI. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-54
- Larsson, J. E. Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis of the Human Body. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, July, 1995.
- KSL-95-55
- Larsson, J. E. The MFM/Guardian Operations Manual. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, July, 1995.
- KSL-95-56
- Sanders, G. D.; Harris, R. A.; Hlatky, M. A.; & Owens, D. K. Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death: a Probabilistic Model for Decision Support. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-58
- Miller, E. T.; Wieckert, K. E.; Fagan, L. M.; & Musen, M. A. The Development of a Controlled Medical Terminology: Identification, Collaboration, and Customization. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-60
- Sim, I. & Rennels, G. Developing A Clinical Trials Ontology: Comments on Domain Modeling and Ontology Reuse. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, June, 1995.
- KSL-95-61
- Das, A. K. & Musen, M. A. A Comparison of the Temporal Expressiveness of Three Database Query Methods. New Orleans, LA, 1995.
- KSL-95-61
- Das, A. K. & Musen, M. A. A Comparison of the Temporal Expressiveness of Three Database Query Methods. Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Medical Computer Science, June, 1995.
- KSL-95-62
- Srinivas, S. Modeling Techniques and Algorithms for Probabilistic Model-Based Diagnosis and Repair. Ph.D., Stanford University, 1995.
- KSL-95-63
- Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; Pratt, W.; & Rice, J. Collaborative Ontology Construction for Information Integration. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, August, 1995.
- KSL-95-64
- Altman, R. B. & Koza, J. A Programming Course in Bioinformatics for Computer and Information Science Students. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, August, 1995.
- KSL-95-65
- Poon, A. D.; Fagan, L. M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. The PEN-Ivory Project: Exploring User-Interface Design for the Selection of Items from Large Controlled Vocabularies of Medicine. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, August, 1995.
- KSL-95-66
- Rosenal, T. W.; Forsythe, D. E.; Musen, M. A.; & Seiver, A. Support for Information Management in Critical Care: A new approach to identify needs. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-67
- Chen, C. C.; Singh, J. P.; Poland, W. B.; & Altman, R. B. Parallel Protein Structure Determination from Uncertain Data. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-68
- Altman, R. B.; Chen, C. C.; Poland, W. B.; & Singh, J. P. Probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction with Non-Gaussian Noise. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-70
- Brownston, L. BBK Manual. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-71
- Gerstein, M. B. & Altman, R. B. Using a measure of structural variation to define a core for the globins. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-72
- Middleton, B.; Detmer, W. M.; & Musen, M. A. Diagnostic Decision Support. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-73
- Dagum, P.; Karp, R.; Luby, M.; & Ross, S. An Optimal Algorithm for Monte Carlo Estimation (Extended Abstract). Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.
- KSL-95-74
- Dagum, P. & Galper, A. Time-series prediction using belief network models. 1995.
- KSL-95-75
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Goal Generation and Revision for Planning Agents in Unpredictable Environments. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1995.
- KSL-95-76
- Levy, A. Y.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Fikes, R. Automated Model Selection for Simulation Based on Relevance Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1995.
- KSL-95-77
- Pradhan, M.; Henrion, M.; Provan, G.; Favero, B. D.; & Huang, K. The Sensitivity of Belief Networks to Imprecise Probabilities: An Experimental Investigation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1995.
- KSL-95-78
- Huang, C. & Darwiche, A. Probabilistic Inference in Causal Networks: A Procedural Guide. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1995.
- KSL-95-79
- Shahar, Y. Dynamic Temporal Interpretation Contexts for Temporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Section on Medical Informatics, December, 1995.
- KSL-95-80
- Gruber, T.; Vemuri, S.; & Rice, J. Virtual documents that explain How Things Work: Dynamically generated
question-answering documents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1995.
- KSL-94-02
- Campbell, K. E.; Das, A. K.; & Musen, M. A. A Logical Foundation for Representation of Clinical Data. 1994.
- KSL-94-03
- Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Clinical-Management Tasks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-04
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; & Seiver, A. Automating ARDS Management: A Dynamical Systems Approach. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-06
- Altman, R. B.; Hughes, C.; & Jardetzky, O. Compositional Characteristic of Disordered Regions in Proteins. February, 1994.
- KSL-94-07
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. Bridging the Representational Heterogeneity of Clinical Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-08
- Sujansky, W. An Extended Relational Algebra for Bridging Representational Heterogeneity among Relational Databases. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-09
- Vescovi, M.; Farquhar, A.; & Iwasaki, Y. Numerical Interval Simulation: Bounding Behaviors of Non-Monotonic Systems. 1994.
- KSL-94-10
- Iwasaki, Y.; Vescovi, M.; & Fikes, R. A Causal Functional Representation Language with Behavior-Based Semantics. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-11
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Pfleger, K.; Lalanda, P.; Morignot, P.; & Balabanovic, M. A Domain-Specific Software Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. 1994.
- KSL-94-12
- Aben, M.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. A. Temporal Abstraction Mechanisms as KADS Inferences. t, 1994.
- KSL-94-13
- Srinivas, S. A Probabilistic ATMS. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-14
- Srinivas, S. A Probabilistic Approach to Hierarchical Model-Based Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-15
- Srinivas, S. Building Diagnostic Models from Functional Schematics. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-16
- Falkenhainer, B.; Farquhar, A.; Bobrow, D.; Fikes, R.; Forbus, K.; Gruber, T.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Kuipers, B. CML: A Compositional Modeling Language. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1994.
- KSL-94-17
- Egar, J. W. Construction of Normative Decision Models Using Abstract Graph Grammars. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-18
- Gruber, T. R. & Olsen, G. R. An ontology for engineering mathematics. Morgan Kaufmann, Gustav Stresemann Institut, Bonn, Germany, 1994.
- KSL-94-19
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Retrieving Semantically Distant Analogies with Knowledge-Directed Spreading Activation. Seattle, Washington, 1994.
- KSL-94-20
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Larsson, J. E. A Domain-Specific Software Architecture for a Class of Intelligent Patient Monitoring Agents. 1994.
- KSL-94-21
- Washington, R. Abstraction Planning in Real Time. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-22
- Tu, S. W.; Eriksson, H.; Gennari, J.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. A. Ontology-Based Configuration of Problem-Solving Methods and Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools: Application of PROT�G�-II to Protocol-Based Decision Support. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, December, 1994.
- KSL-94-23
- Morignot, P. Embedded Planning. Chicago, IL, 1994.
- KSL-94-24
- Peligry, Y. P. An Illustration of the SHADE Concepts: The Unit and Dimension Agent. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1994.
- KSL-94-25
- Bhansali, S. & Kramer, G. A. Planning from First Principles for Geometric Constraint Satisfaction. Seattle, WA, 1994.
- KSL-94-26
- Musen, M. A.; Wieckert, K. E.; Miller, E. T.; Campbell, K. E.; & Fagan, L. M. Development of a Controlled Medical Terminology: Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Representation. April, 1994.
- KSL-94-27
- Lalanda, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Deadline Management in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-28
- Fridsma, D. B.; Ford, P.; & Altman, R. A Survey of Patient Access to Electronic Mail: Attitudes, Barriers, and Opportunities. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-29
- Ohno-Machado, L. Identification of Low Frequency Patterns in Backpropagation Neural Networks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-30
- Poon, A. D. & Fagan, L. M. PEN-Ivory: The Design and Evaluation of a Pen-Based Computer System for Structured Data Entry. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-31
- Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; Kraemer, F. B.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction for Diabetic Monitoring. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-32
- Detmer, W. M. & Friedman, C. P. Academic Physicians' Assessment of the Effects of Computers on Health Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-33
- Oliver, D. E. & Altman, R. B. Extraction of SNOMED Concepts from Medical Record Texts. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-34
- Sanders, G. D.; Owens, D. K.; Padian, N.; Cardinalli, A. B.; Sullivan, A. N.; & Nease, R. F. A Computer-Based Interview to Identify HIV Risk Behaviors and to Assess Patient Preferences for HIV-Related Health States. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-35
- Altman, R. B. & Tombropoulos, R. Probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction: Application to Radiosurgery. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Scienced, 1994.
- KSL-94-36
- Pradhan, M.; Provan, G.; & Henrion, M. Experimental Analysis of Large Belief Networks for Medical Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-37
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. Towards a Standard Query Model for Sharing Decision-Support Applications. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-38
- Detmer, W. M.; Shiffman, S.; Wyatt, J. C.; Friedman, C. P.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: II. An Evaluation Using a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. 1994.
- KSL-94-39
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Uckun, S.; Larsson, J. E.; Drakopoulos, J.; Gaba, D.; Barr, J.; & Chien, J. Guardian: An Experimental System for Intelligent ICU Monitoring. Washington D.C., 1994.
- KSL-94-40
- Drakopoulos, J. A. Probabilities, Possibilities, and Fuzzy Sets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-41
- Drakopoulos, J. A. Sigmoidal Theory. 1994.
- KSL-94-41
- Drakopoulos, J. A. Sigmoidal Theory. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-42
- Drakopoulos, J. A. & Hayes-Roth, B. tFPR: A Fuzzy and Structural Pattern Recognition System of Multi-Variate Time Dependent Patterns based on Sigmoidal Functions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-43
- Felciano, R. M. & Dev, P. Multimedia Clinical Simulation based on Patient Records: Authoring, User Interface, Pedagogy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-44
- Das, A. K.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. A Temporal-Abstraction Mediator for Protocol-Based Decision-Support Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-45
- Shiffman, S.; Detmer, W. M.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: I. Techniques to Accommodate for Misrecognized Input. 1994.
- KSL-94-46
- Wolverton, M. Retrieving Semantically Distant Analogies. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-47
- Pradhan, M.; Provan, G.; Middleton, B.; & Henrion, M. Knowledge Engineering for Large Belief Networks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, June, 1994.
- KSL-94-49
- Uckun, S. Instantiating and Monitoring Skeletal Treatment Plans. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1994.
- KSL-94-50
- Uckun, S. Guardian Knowledge Acquisition Manual. Working Paper, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1994.
- KSL-94-51
- Puerta, A. R.; Eriksson, H.; Gennari, J.; & Musen, M. A. Model-Based Generation of User Interfaces. Seattle WA, 1994.
- KSL-94-52
- Rutledge, G. W. VentSim: A simulator of cardiopulmonary physiology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1994.
- KSL-94-54
- Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; Kraemer, F. B.; Basso, L. V.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Diabetes Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, July, 1994.
- KSL-94-55
- Ohno-Machado, L.; Walker, M. G.; & Musen, M. A. Hierarchical Neural Networks for Survival Analysis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, July, 1994.
- KSL-94-56
- Kuilboer, M. CALIPER: Temporal Reasoning for the Monitoring of Children's Growth. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, July, 1994.
- KSL-94-57
- Dagum, P. & Luby, M. On the Approximation of Probabilistic Inference. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1994.
- KSL-94-58
- Pratt, W. & Sim, I. Physician's Information Customizer (PIC): Using a Shareable User Model to Filter the Medical Literature. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, August, 1994.
- KSL-94-59
- Buvac, S. & Fikes, R. A Declarative Formalization of Knowledge Translation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1994.
- KSL-94-60
- Musen, M. A.; Gennari, J. H.; Eriksson, H.; Tu, S. W.; & Puerta, A. R. PROTEGE II: Computer Support For Development Of Intelligent Systems From Libraries Of Components. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1994.
- KSL-94-60
- Musen, M. A.; Gennari, J. H.; Eriksson, H.; Tu, S. W.; & Puerta, A. R. PROTEGE II: Computer Support For Development Of Intelligent Systems From Libraries Of Components. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 1995.
- KSL-94-61
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Sincoff, E.; Brownston, L.; Huard, R.; & Lent, B. Directed Improvisation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1994.
- KSL-94-62
- Mohammed, J. L. Combining Experiential and Theoretical Knowledge in the Domain of Semiconductor Manufacturing. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-63
- Latombe, J.-C. & Hayes-Roth, B. Dynamic Adaptation of Individual Perception-Action Control Plans in a Heterogeneous Team of Intelligent Mobile Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1994.
- KSL-94-64
- Shahar, Y. A Knowledge-Based Method for Temporal Abstraction of Clinical Data. Ph.D. Thesis, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1994.
- KSL-94-65
- Gomez-Perez, A. Some Ideas and Examples to Evaluate Ontologies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1994.
- KSL-94-66
- Hemler, P. F.; Napel, S.; Sumanaweera, T. S.; Pichumani, R.; Elsen, P. A. v. d.; Martin, D.; Drace, J.; Perkash, I.; & Adler, J. R. Registration Error Quantification of a Surface-Based Multimodality Image Fusion System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, October, 1994.
- KSL-94-67
- Eriksson, H.; Puerta, A. R.; Gennari, J. H.; Rothenfluh, T. E.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Custom-Tailored Development Tools for Knowledge-Based Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1994.
- KSL-94-68
- Shortliffe, E. H. Clinical Information Systems In the Era of Managed Care. Sea Island, GA, 1993.
- KSL-94-69
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Gent, R. v. Multiagent Collaboration in Directed Improvisation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, San Francisco CA, 1995.
- KSL-94-70
- Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Plan Recognition and Revision in Support of Guideline-Based Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, Stanford CA, 1994.
- KSL-94-71
- Gennari, J. H.; Altman, R. B.; & Musen, M. A. Reuse with Protege-II: From Elevators to Ribosomes. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.
- KSL-94-72
- Bagley, S. C. & Altman, R. B. Characterizing the Microenvironment Surrounding Protein Sites. November, 1994.
- KSL-94-73
- Gomez-Perez, A. From Knowledge Based Systems to Knowledge Sharing Technology: Evaluation and Assessment. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 12-2-94, 1994.
- KSL-94-74
- Piernot, P. P. & Yvon, M. P. Incremental Command Tree Construction for Hierarchical Histories. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1994.
- KSL-94-76
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Why Does An Agent Act? Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1994.
- KSL-93-01
- Dagum, P. & Galper, A. Additive Belief-Network Models. Washington, D.C, 1993.
- KSL-93-02
- Shahar, Y.; Aben, M.; & Musen, M. A. A Framework for Acquiring Temporal-Abstraction Knowledge. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1993.
- KSL-93-03
- Levy, A. Y. & Sagiv, Y. Queries Independent of Updates. 1993.
- KSL-93-04
- Gruber, T. R. Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing. Padova, Italy, 1992.
- KSL-93-05
- Levy, A. Y. & Sagiv, Y. Exploiting Irrelevance-reasoning to Guide Problem Solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1993.
- KSL-93-06
- Gautier, P. O. & Gruber, T. R. Generating Explanations of Device Behavior Using Compositional Modeling and Causal Ordering. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-07
- Levy, A. Y. & Sagiv, Y. Controlling Inference Using the Query Tree. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1993.
- KSL-93-08
- Henry, S. B.; Lenert, L.; Middleton, B.; & Partridge, R. Linking Process and Outcome with an Integrated Clinical Information System. San Diego, CA, 1993.
- KSL-93-08
- Henry, S. B.; Lenert, L.; Middleton, B.; & Partridge, R. Linking Process and Outcome with an Integrated Clinical Information System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1993.
- KSL-93-09
- Uckun, S. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Control Architecture for Intelligent Mobile Robots. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1993.
- KSL-93-10
- Dabija, V. G. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Framework for Deciding When to Plan to React. 1993.
- KSL-93-11
- Iwasaki, Y. & Levy, A. Y. Automated Model Selection for Simulation. 1993.
- KSL-93-12
- Altman, R. A Probabilistic Algorithm for Calculating Structure: Borrowing from Simulated Annealing. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-13
- Galper, A. & Brutlag, D. L. Computational Simulations of Biological Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1993.
- KSL-93-14
- Egar, J. W. & Musen, M. A. Graph-Grammar Assistance for Automated Generation of Influence Diagrams. November, 1994.
- KSL-93-15
- Levy, A. Y.; Mumick, I. S.; Sagiv, Y.; & Shmueli, O. Equivalence, Query-reachability and Satisfiability in Datalog Extensions. 1993.
- KSL-93-16
- Altman, R. B. Probabilistic Structure Calculations: A Three-Dimensional tRNA Structure from Sequence Correlation Data. Bethesda, MD, 1993.
- KSL-93-17
- Hayes-Roth, B. A Satisficing Cycle for Real-Time Reasoning in Intelligent Agents. 1993.
- KSL-93-18
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Collinot, A. Strategic Control of Reactive Behavior in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1993.
- KSL-93-19
- Hayes-Roth, B. An Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. 1995.
- KSL-93-20
- Dagum, P. & Galper, A. Sleep Apnea Forecasting with Dynamic Network Models. Washington, D.C, 1993.
- KSL-93-21
- Cutkosky, M. R.; Engelmore, R. S.; Fikes, R. E.; Genesereth, M. R.; Gruber, T. R.; Mark, W. S.; Tenenbaum, J. M.; & Weber, J. C. PACT: An Experiment in Integrating Concurrent Engineering Systems. 1993.
- KSL-93-22
- Neches, R.; Fikes, R.; Finin, T.; Gruber, T. R.; Patil, R.; Senator, T.; & Swartout, W. R. Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing. 1993.
- KSL-93-23
- Patil, R. S.; Fikes, R. E.; Patel-Schneider, P. F.; Mckay, D.; Finin, T.; Gruber, T. R.; & Neches, R. The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report. Morgan Kaufmann, Cambridge, MA, 1992.
- KSL-93-24
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Comparison of Action-Based Hierarchies and Decision Trees for Real-Time Performance. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Washington DC, 1993.
- KSL-93-25
- Egar, J. Properties Maintained by a Graph Grammar for Medical Decisions. Working Paper, KSL, March, 1993.
- KSL-93-26
- Nakano, G. & Bhansali, S. A Knowledge-Based Approach for Consistency Checking Mechanism in Software Design. 1993.
- KSL-93-27
- Nakano, G. & Bhansali, S. Flexible Control Mechanism in a Consistency Maintenance System. 1993.
- KSL-93-28
- Carlson, R. W.; Tu, S. W.; Lane, N. M.; Lai, T. L.; Kemper, C. A.; Musen, M. A.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Potential Accrual of Patients to Prospective Clinical Trials. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1993.
- KSL-93-29
- Campbell, K. E.; Wieckert, K.; Fagan, L. M.; & Musen, M. A Computer-Based Tool for Generation of Progress Notes. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-30
- Egar, J. W. & Musen, M. A. Automated Modeling of Medical Decisions. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-31
- Ohno-Machado, L.; Parra, E.; Henry, S. B.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. AIDS2: A Decision-Support Tool for Decreasing Physicians' Uncertainty Regarding Patient Eligibility for HIV Treatment Protocols. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-32
- Uckun, S. Intelligent Systems in Patient Monitoring and Therapy Management. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1993.
- KSL-93-33
- Altman, R. B. & Brinkley, J. Probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction with Structural Models: Application to Organ Modeling by Radial Contours. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-34
- Rutledge, G. Dynamic Selection of Models for a Ventilator-Management Advisor. Washington, D.C, 1993.
- KSL-93-35
- Bhansali, S. Architecture-driven Reuse of Code in KASE. San Francisco, 1993.
- KSL-93-36
- Tombropoulos, R.; Shiffman, S.; & Davidson, C. A Decision Aid for Diagnosis of Liver Lesions on MRI. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-37
- Das, A. K. & Musen, M. A. A Temporal Query System for Protocol-Directed Decision Support. 1993.
- KSL-93-37
- Das, A. K. & Musen, M. A. A Temporal Query System for Protocol-Directed Decision Support. 1994.
- KSL-93-38
- Vescovi, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Fikes, R.; & Chandrasekaran, B. CFRL: A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineering Devices. 1993.
- KSL-93-39
- Iwasaki, Y.; Fikes, R.; Vescovi, M.; & Chandrasekaran, B. How Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device Design. 1993.
- KSL-93-40
- Kuilboer, M. M.; Shahar, Y.; Wilson, D. M.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge Reuse: Temporal Abstraction Mechanisms for the Assessment of Children's Growth. 1993.
- KSL-93-41
- Tang, P. C.; Fafchamps, D.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Traditional Hospital Records as a Source of Clinical Data in the Outpatient Setting. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.
- KSL-93-42
- Egar, J. W. & Musen, M. A. Graph-Grammar Assistance for Automated Generation of Influence Diagrams. 1994.
- KSL-93-43
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Lalanda, P.; Morignot, P.; Pfleger, K.; & Balabanovic, M. Plans and Behavior in Intelligent Agents. 1993.
- KSL-93-44
- Das, A. K. A Unisorted Algebra for Historical Relations with Interval-Stamped Tuples. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1993.
- KSL-93-45
- Gilbertson, D. G. Representation of the QMR Knowledge Base Using SNOMED-III and Conceptual Graphs. Master's Practicum, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June 1993, 1993.
- KSL-93-46
- Gennari, J. A Brief Guide to MAITRE and MODEL: An Ontology Editor and a Frame-Based Knowledge Representation Language. Working Paper, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1993.
- KSL-93-47
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; Horvitz, E.; & Seiver, A. Uncertain Reasoning and Forecasting. 1993.
- KSL-93-48
- Hailperin, M. Load Balancing Using Time Series Analysis for Soft Real Time Systems with Statiscally Periodic Loads. Ph.D, Stanford University, 1993.
- KSL-93-49
- Murray, W. R. A User Guide to Language Frameworks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1993.
- KSL-93-50
- Eriksson, H. Specification and Generation of Custom-Tailored Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1993.
- KSL-93-51
- Musen, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; Eriksson, H.; Gennari, J. H.; & Puerta, A. R. PROTEGE-II: An Environment for Reusable Problem-Solving Methods and Domain Ontologies. Chambery, Savoie, France, 1993.
- KSL-93-52
- Shortliffe, E. H. Health Care Professional Workstations: Where Are We Now?...Where Should We Be Tomorrow. 1994.
- KSL-93-54
- Pradhan, M. & Dev, P. Conceptual Change and Computer-Assisted Instruction. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-55
- Goldstein, M. K.; Michelson, D.; Clarke, A. E.; & Lenert, L. A. A Multimedia Preference-Assessment Tool for Functional Outcomes. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-56
- Eriksson, H.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools from Domain Ontologies. 1994.
- KSL-93-57
- Gennari, J. H.; Tu, S. W.; Rothenfluh, T. E.; & Musen, M. A. Mapping Domains to Methods in Support of Reuse. Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Medical Computer Science Group, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1993.
- KSL-93-57
- Gennari, J. H.; Tu, S. W.; Rothenfluh, T. E.; & Musen, M. A. Mapping Domains to Methods in Support of Reuse. 1994.
- KSL-93-58
- Levy, A. Y. Irrelevance Reasoning in Knowledge Based Systems. Ph.D., Stanford University, 1993.
- KSL-93-59
- Ohno-Machado, L. Prognostic Classification for AIDS Patients in Brazil. 1993.
- KSL-93-60
- Bhansali, S. Software Synthesis using Generic Architectures. 1994.
- KSL-93-61
- Wyatt, J. C.; Detmer, W. M.; & Fagan, L. M. Design and Evaluation of Multimedia Stimuli to Evoke Clinical Concepts. Washington D.C., 1993.
- KSL-93-62
- Puerta, A. R.; Eriksson, H.; Gennari, J. H.; & Musen, M. A. Beyond Data Models for Automated User Interface Generation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, The University of Glasgow, 1993.
- KSL-93-63
- Mohammed, J. & Losleben, P. Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Semiconductor Modeling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1993.
- KSL-93-64
- Puerta, A. R.; Neches, R.; Eriksson, H.; Szekely, P.; Luo, P.; & Musen, M. A. Toward Ontology-Based Frameworks for Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1994.
- KSL-93-65
- Rothenfluh, T. E.; Gennari, J. H.; Eriksson, H.; Puerta, A. R.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Reusable Ontologies, Knowledge-Acquisition Tools, and Performance Systems: PROTEGE-II Solutions to Sisyphus-2. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1994.
- KSL-93-66
- Levy, A. Y.; Fikes, R. E.; & Sagiv, Y. Speeding Up Inferences in Large Knowledge Bases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1993.
- KSL-93-67
- Van Baalen, J. & Fikes, R. E. The Role of Reversible Grammars in Translating Between Representation Languages. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1993.
- KSL-93-68
- Ohno-Machado, L. & Musen, M. A. Hierarchical Neural Networks for Partial Diagnosis in Medicine. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Section on Medical Informatics, 1993.
- KSL-93-69
- Ash, D. Diagnosis using Action-Based Hierarchies for Optimal Real-Time Performance. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1993.
- KSL-93-70
- Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. The Representation and Manipulation of Temporal Data for Clinical Decision-Support Systems: A Database Challenge. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1993.
- KSL-93-71
- Dabija, V. G. Deciding Whether to Plan to React. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1993.
- KSL-92-01
- Walker, M. G. Probability Estimation for Classification Trees. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1992.
- KSL-92-02
- Bhansali, S. & Harandi, M. T. Synthesis of UNIX Programs using Derivational Analogy. 1992.
- KSL-92-03
- Guindon, R. Requirements and Design of Design Vision, an Object-Oriented Graphical Interface to an Intelligent Software Design Assistant. 1992.
- KSL-92-04
- Ash, D.; Gold, G.; Seiver, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Guaranteeing Real-Time Response with Limited Resources. 1992.
- KSL-92-05
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Action-Based Fault Hierarchies for Real-Time Response. 1992.
- KSL-92-06
- Bhansali, S. & Garg, P. Process Programming by Hindsight. 1992.
- KSL-92-07
- Shahar, Y.; Tu, S.; & Musen, M. Using Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms for Patient Monitoring. AAAI, Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-08
- Musen, M. A.; Carlson, R. W.; Fagan, L. M.; & Deresinski, S. C. T-HELPER: Automated Support for Community-Based Clinical Research. Washington, D.C., 1991.
- KSL-92-09
- Johnson, K.; Poon, A.; Shiffman, S.; Lin, R.; & Fagan, L. Q-Med: A Spoken-Language System to Conduct Medical Interviews. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1992.
- KSL-92-11
- Rutledge, G. W.; Thomsen, G. E.; Farr, B. R.; Tovar, M. A.; Polaschek, J. X.; Beinlich, I. A.; Sheiner, L. B.; & Fagan, L. M. The Design and Implementation of a Ventilator-Management Advisor. 1993.
- KSL-92-12
- Iwasaki, Y.; Tessler, S.; & Law, K. Diagrammatic Reasoning in Problem Solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1991.
- KSL-92-13
- Campbell, K. E. & Musen, M. A. Representation of Clinical Data Using SNOMED III and Conceptual Graphs. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-14
- Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-15
- Egar, J. & Musen, M. A. Graph-Grammar Productions for the Modeling of Medical Dilemmas. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-16
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. An Evaluation of Explanations of Probabilistic Inference. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-16
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. An Evaluation of Explanations of Probabilistic Inference. 1993.
- KSL-92-17
- Millis, D. & Shortliffe, E. Integration of Case-Based and Model-Based Approaches for Reasoning about Legal Aspects of Medical Practice. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-18
- Shiffman, S.; Lane, C. D.; Johnson, K.; & Fagan, L. M. The Integration of a Continuous-Speech-Recognition System with the QMR Diagnostic Program. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-19
- Shwe, M.; Sujansky, W.; & Middleton, B. Reuse of Knowledge Represented in the Arden Syntax. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-20
- Poon, A.; Johnson, K.; & Fagan, L. M. Augmented Transition Networks as a Representation for Knowledge-Based History-Taking System. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-22
- Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Das, A. K.; & Musen, M. A. A Problem-Solving Architecture for Managing Temporal Data and Their Abstractions. AAAI, San Jose, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-23
- Johnson, K.; Poon, A.; Shiffman, S.; Lin, R.; & Fagan, L. M. A History-Taking System that Uses Continuous Speech Recognition. Washington D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-24
- Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; Purcell, G. P.; & Musen, M. A. An Extended SQL for Temporal Data Management in Clinical Decision-Support Systems. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-25
- Heckerman, D. E. & Nathwani, B. An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Pathfinder. 1992.
- KSL-92-26
- Levy, A. & Sagiv, Y. Constraints and Redundancy in Datalog. 1992.
- KSL-92-28
- Eriksson, H. & Musen, M. A. Conceptual Models for Automatic Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. March, 1993.
- KSL-92-29
- Nayak, P. P. Order of Magnitude Reasoning Using Logarithms. 1992.
- KSL-92-30
- Puerta, A. R.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Modeling Tasks with Mechanisms. 1992.
- KSL-92-30
- Puerta, A. R.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Modeling Tasks with Mechanisms. 1992.
- KSL-92-31
- Nayak, P. P. Causal Approximations. 1992.
- KSL-92-32
- Hayes-Roth, B. Opportunistic Control of Action in Intelligent Agents. 1992.
- KSL-92-33
- Hayes-Roth, F.; Erman, L. D.; Terry, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Distributed Intelligent Control and Management: Concepts, Methods and Tools for Developing DICAM Applications. 1992.
- KSL-92-34
- Golding, A. R. Pronouncing Names by a Combination of Rule-Based and Case-Based Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1991.
- KSL-92-35
- Purcell, G. & Mar, D. SCOUT: Information Retrieval from Full-Text Medical Literature. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-36
- Linster, M. & Musen, M. A. Use of KADS to Create a Conceptual Model of the ONCOCIN Task. 1992.
- KSL-92-37
- Egar, J. W. Graph-Grammar Assistance for Knowledge Acquisition. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.
- KSL-92-38
- Bhansali, S. & Nii, H. P. Software Design by Reusing Architectures. 1992.
- KSL-92-39
- Tu, S.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. Protocol-Based Therapy Management for Graft-Versus-Host Disease. AAAI, Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-40
- Walther, E.; Eriksson, H.; & Musen, M. A. Plug-and-Play: Construction of Task-Specific Expert-System Shells Using Sharable Context Ontologies. AAAI, San Jose, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-41
- Feigenbaum, E. A Personal View of Expert Systems: Looking Back and Looking Ahead. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.
- KSL-92-42
- Egar, J. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Graph-Grammar Assistance for Modeling of Decisions. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1992.
- KSL-92-43
- Eriksson, H.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods. 1992.
- KSL-92-43
- Eriksson, H.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.
- KSL-92-45
- Levy, A. Y. Irrelevance in Problem-Solving. Asilomar, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-46
- Levy, A.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Motoda, H. Acquiring (Ir)relevance Knowledge for Problem solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.
- KSL-92-47
- Levy, A. Y.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Motoda, H. Relevance Reasoning to Guide Compositional Modeling. Seoul, Korea, 1992.
- KSL-92-48
- Hayes-Roth, B. On Building Integrated Cognitive Agents: A Review of Allen Newell's Unified Theories of Cognition. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.
- KSL-92-49
- Borgida, A. Towards the Systematic Development of Terminological Reasoners: CLASP reconstructed. 1992.
- KSL-92-50
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. J. Reformulating Inference Problems through Selective Conditioning. Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-51
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; & Horvitz, E. J. Dynamic Network Models for Forecasting. Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-52
- Henry, S. B.; Schreiner, J. G.; Borchelt, D.; & Musen, M. A. A Needs Analysis for Computer-Based Telephone Triage in a Community AIDS Clinic. 1992.
- KSL-92-53
- Sujansky, W. & Shwe, M. The SQLX System: Generating Explanations for Clinical Rules Encoded in SQL. 1992.
- KSL-92-54
- Bonnet, J.-C. Towards a Formal Representation of Device Functionality. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1992.
- KSL-92-55
- Horvitz, E. J. Automated Reasoning for Biology and Medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
- KSL-92-57
- Gruber, T. R. Model Formulation as a Problem Solving Task: Computer-assisted Engineering Modeling. 1992.
- KSL-92-58
- Musen, M. A. An Overview of Knowledge Acquisition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
- KSL-92-59
- Gruber, T. R. & Russell, D. M. Generative design rationale: Beyond the record and replay paradigm. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994.
- KSL-92-60
- Jimison, H. B.; Fagan, L. M.; Shachter, R. D.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Patient-Specific Explanation in Models of Chronic Disease. 1992.
- KSL-92-61
- Puerta, A. R.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. The New World of Mechanisms. Seville, Spain, 1992.
- KSL-92-62
- Heckerman, D. E. & Nathwani, B. N. Toward Normative Expert Systems: Part II. Probability-Based Representations for Efficient Knowledge Acquisition and Inference. 1992.
- KSL-92-63
- Iwasaki, Y. & Chandrasekaran, B. Design Verification Through Function- and Behavior-Oriented Representations. Kluwer Academic, Pittsburgh, 1992.
- KSL-92-64
- Gruber, T. & Russell, D. M. Derivation and Use of Design Rationale Information as Expressed by Designers. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1992.
- KSL-92-65
- Puerta, A. R. The Study of Models of Intelligent Interfaces. Orlando, Florida, 1993.
- KSL-92-66
- Heckerman, D. E.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Toward Normative Expert Systems: Part I The Pathfinder Project. 1992.
- KSL-92-68
- Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent Control. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.
- KSL-92-69
- Nayak, P. Automated Modeling of Physical Systems. Ph.D dissertation, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1992.
- KSL-92-70
- Eriksson, H.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. User-Interface Design Based on Data Models for Application Programs. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.
- KSL-92-71
- Gruber, T. R. A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications. 1993.
- KSL-92-73
- Maegawa, H. ConClass: A Framework for Real-Time Distributed Knowledge-Based Processing. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1992.
- KSL-92-75
- Rutledge, G. & Shachter, R. A Method for the Dynamic Selection of Models Under Time Constraints. Springer-Verlag, 1994.
- KSL-92-76
- Shortliffe, E. H. The Adolescence of AI in Medicine: Will the Field Come of Age in the '90's? November, 1992.
- KSL-92-78
- Tu, S. W.; Kemper, C. A.; Lane, N. M.; Carlson, R. W.; & Musen, M. A. A Methodology for Determining Patients' Eligibility for Clinical Trials. November, 1992.
- KSL-92-79
- Washington, R. Back to the Future: Forward Versus Backward Search for Real-Time Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1992.
- KSL-92-80
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Practical Real-Time Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1992.
- KSL-92-81
- Puerta, A. R.; Eriksson, H.; Egar, J. W.; & Musen, M. A. Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools from Reusable Domain Ontologies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1992.
- KSL-92-82
- Shortliffe, E. H. Doctors, Patients, and Computers: Will Information Technology Dehumanize Health-Care Delivery? 1992.
- KSL-92-83
- Sujansky, W.; Zingmond, D.; Toshiyuki, M.; & Barsalou, T. PENGUIN: An Intelligent System for Modeling and Sharing Declarative Knowledge Stored in Relational Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1992.
- KSL-92-84
- Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. RESUME: A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring. September, 1993.
- KSL-92-85
- Gruber, T. R. & Gautier, P. Machine-generated Explanations of Engineering Models: A compositional modeling approach. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Chamb�ry, France, 1993.
- KSL-92-86
- Genesereth, M. R. & Fikes, R. E. Knowledge Interchange Format, Version 3.0 Reference Manual. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1992.
- KSL-91-01
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Simulation of Cache Coherence Protocols on an Instrumented Simulator. 1991.
- KSL-91-02
- Cooper, G. F. & Herskovits, E. A Bayesian Method for the Induction of Probabilistic Networks from Data. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1991.
- KSL-91-04
- Klein, D. A.; Weber, M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. A Framework for Refining Multiattribute Value Functions in Computer-Based Decision Aids. 1991.
- KSL-91-05
- Musen, M. A. Problem-Solving Models for Generation of Task-Specific Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1993.
- KSL-91-06
- Lam, C.-C. Principal-Investigator-in-a-Box: The Executive. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1991.
- KSL-91-07
- Rice, J. P.; Nii, H. P.; & Feigenbaum, E. A. Expert Systems on Miltiprocessor Architectures: A Summary of Results, Observatinos and Lessons Learned. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1991.
- KSL-91-08
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Collinot, A. Scalability of Real-Time Reasoning in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Janury, 1991.
- KSL-91-09
- Geoffrey W. Rutledge, M. D. Dynamic Selection of Models Under Time Constraints. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1991.
- KSL-91-10
- Gruber, T. R. The Role of Common Ontology in Achieving Sharable, Reusable Knowledge Base. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1991.
- KSL-91-11
- Hewett, R. Ice User Manual. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1991.
- KSL-91-12
- Hewett, R. Model Aggregation on Model-Based Approach using Prime Models - A Preliminary Report. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1991.
- KSL-91-13
- Hewett, R. Transferability of Model-Based Reasoning Using Prime Models in a Reactor Core Cooling Diagnostic System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1991.
- KSL-91-14
- Linster, M. & Musen, M. A. Use of the KADS Knowledge-Acquisition Method to Model the ONCOCIN task of Cancer-Chemotherapy Administration. 1991.
- KSL-91-15
- Heckerman, D.; Horvitz, E.; & Middleton, B. An Approximate Nonmyopic Computation for Value of Information. University of California, Los Angeles, 1991.
- KSL-91-16
- Nayak, P. P.; Joskowicz, L.; & Addanki, S. Automated Model Selection using Context-Dependent Behaviors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1991.
- KSL-91-17
- Gruber, T. R. Interactive Acquisition of Justifications: Learning "Why" by Being Told "What.". August, 1991.
- KSL-91-18
- Lei, J. v. d. & Musen, M. A. A Model for Critiquing Based on Automated Medical Records. 1991.
- KSL-91-19
- Shahar, Y.; Tu, S.; & Musen, M. Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms in Management of Clinical Protocols. Washington, DC, 1991.
- KSL-91-20
- Farr, B. & Shachter, R. Representation of Preferences in Decision-Support Systems. Washington, D.C, 1991.
- KSL-91-20
- Farr, B. R. & Shachter, R. D. Representation of Preferences in Decision-Support Systems. 1992, 1992.
- KSL-91-21
- Fruchter, R.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Law, K. H. Generating Qualitative Models for Structural Engineering Analysis and Design. Washington, D.C., 1991.
- KSL-91-22
- Tu, S.; Shahar, Y.; Dawes, J.; Winkles, J.; Puerta, A.; & Musen, M. A Problem-Solving Model for Episodic Skeletal-Plan Refinement. 1991.
- KSL-91-23
- Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge Acquisition for Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms. 1992.
- KSL-91-24
- Puerta, A.; Egar, J.; Tu, S.; & Musen, M. A Multiple-Method Knowledge-Acquisition Shell for the Automatic Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. 1992.
- KSL-91-25
- Tovar, M. A.; Rutledge, G. W.; Lenert, L. A.; & Fagan, L. M. The Design of a User Interface for Ventilator-Management Advisor. Washington D.C., 1991.
- KSL-91-26
- Golding, A. R. & Rosenbloom, P. S. A Comparison of Anapron with Seven Other Name-Pronounciation Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1991.
- KSL-91-27
- Lin, R.; Lenert, L.; Middleton, B.; & Shiffman, S. A Free-Text Processing System to Capture Physical Findings: Canonical Phrase Identification System (CAPIs). Washington, D.C., 1991.
- KSL-91-28
- Nii, H. P.; Aiello, N.; Bhansali, S.; Guindon, R.; & Peyton, L. Knowledge Assisted Software Engineering (KASE): An Introduction and Status-June 1991. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1991.
- KSL-91-29
- Klein, D. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Framework for Explaining Decision-Theoretic Advice. 1991.
- KSL-91-31
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Proposal: Performing Invention with Analogies to "Far-Flung" Concepts. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1991.
- KSL-91-32
- Nayak, P. P. Validating Approximate Equilibrium Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1991.
- KSL-91-33
- Horvitz, E. & Rutledge, G. Time-Dependent Utility and Action Under Uncertainty. Morgan Kaufman, Los Angeles, 1991.
- KSL-91-34
- Levy, A. Exploiting (Ir)relevance to Guide Problem-solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1991.
- KSL-91-35
- Murdock, L. & Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent Monitoring and Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. December, 1991.
- KSL-91-36
- Klein, D. A.; Weber, M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Computer-Based Explanation of Multiattribute Decisions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1991.
- KSL-91-37
- Rutledge, G.; Thomsen, G.; Farr, B.; Tovar, M.; Sheiner, L.; & Fagan, L. M. VentPlan: A Ventilator-Management Advisor. 1991.
- KSL-91-39
- Suermondt, H. J. Explanation of Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief Networks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1991.
- KSL-91-40
- Farr, B. Assessment of Preferences through Simulated Decision Scenarios. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1991.
- KSL-91-41
- Shortliffe, E. H. AI Meets Decision Science: Emerging Synergies for Decision Support. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991.
- KSL-91-42
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Ash, D.; Hewett, R.; Collinot, A.; Vina, A.; & Seiver, A. Guardian: A Prototype Intelligent Agent for Intensive-Care Monitoring. 1992.
- KSL-91-43
- Vina, A.; Ash, D.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Engineering Reactive Agents for Real-Time Control. Avignon, France, 1991.
- KSL-91-44
- Heckerman, D. F.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. The Pathfinder Project: Update 1991. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1991.
- KSL-91-45
- Middleton, B.; Kovack, J.; & Tovar, M. Cost-Effectiveness of a Medical Decision-Support System: A Pilot Study. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1991.
- KSL-91-46
- Dagum, P. & Chavez, R. M. Approximating Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief Networks. 1991.
- KSL-91-47
- Gruber, T. R.; Baudin, C.; Boose, J.; & Weber, J. Design Rationale Capture as Knowledge Acquisition: Tradeoffs in the Design of Interactive Tools in Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1991.
- KSL-91-49
- Dagum, P.; Shachter, R.; & Fagan, L. Modeling time in belief networks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1991.
- KSL-91-50
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Informatics and Clinical Decision Making: The Science and the Pragmatics. 1991.
- KSL-91-51
- Gruber, T. In Search of Common Knowledge about How Things Work: A case Study in Collaborative Representation Design. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1991.
- KSL-91-52
- Schwartz, T. An Approach to Generating Explanations in a Device Modeling System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1991.
- KSL-91-53
- Dagum, P. & Luby, M. Approximating Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief Networks is NP-Hard. April, 1993.
- KSL-91-54
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. A Bayesian Analysis of Randomized Approximation Procedures. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1991.
- KSL-91-55
- Shortliffe, E. H.; Tang, P. C.; & Detmer, D. E. Patient Records and Computers. 1991.
- KSL-91-56
- Heckerman, D. E. & Shortliffe, E. H. From Certainty Factors to Belief Networks. 1992.
- KSL-91-57
- Vina, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Knowledge-Based Real Time Control: The Use of Abstraction to Satisfy Deadlines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1991.
- KSL-91-58
- Bonnet, J.-C. Functional Representations: a Support for Enriched Reasoning Capabilities. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1991.
- KSL-91-59
- Egar, J. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Diagrammatic Acquisition of Medical Information for Clinical Trials. Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland, 1992.
- KSL-91-60
- Campbell, K. E. & Musen, M. A. Creation of a Systematic Domain for Medical Care: The need for a Comprehensive Patient-Description Vocabulary. Amsterdam: North-Holland, Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland, 1992.
- KSL-91-61
- Musen, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; & Shahar, Y. A Problem-Solving Model for Protocol-Based Care: From e-ONCOCIN to EON. Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland, 1992.
- KSL-91-62
- Puerta, A. R.; Egar, J. W.; & Musen, M. A. Automated Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools with Mecano. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, MCS, 1992.
- KSL-91-63
- Kahn, M. G.; Fagan, L. M.; & Sheiner, L. B. Combining Physiologic Models and Symbolic Methods to Interpret Time-Varying Patient Data. 1991.
- KSL-91-64
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; & Horvitz, E. Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning: Dynamic Network Models for Forecasting. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1991.
- KSL-91-65
- Musen, M. A. Dimensions of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse. 1992.
- KSL-91-66
- Gruber, T. R. Ontolingua: A Mechanism to Support Portable Ontologies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1992.
- KSL-91-67
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. A Bayesian Analysis of Simulation Algorithms for Inference in Belief Networks. 1993.
- KSL-91-68
- Kahn, M. G.; Tu, S.; & Fagan, L. M. TQuery: A Context-Sensitive Temporal Query Language. 1991.
- KSL-91-69
- Iwasaki, Y. & Low, C. M. Model Generation and Simulation of Device Behavior with Continuous and Discrete Changes. 1991.
- KSL-91-70
- Fikes, R.; Gruber, T. R.; Iwasaki, Y.; Levy, A.; & Nayak, P. How Things Work Project Overview. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1991.
- KSL-91-71
- Fikes, R.; Cutkosky, M.; Gruber, T. R.; & Van Baalen, J. Knowledge Sharing Technology Project Overview. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1991.
- KSL-91-73
- Bhansali, S. & Nii, P. KASE: An Integrated Environment for Software Design. 1992.
- KSL-91-74
- Guha, R. V. Contexts: A Formalization and Some Applications. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1991.
- KSL-91-75
- Drakopoulos, J. FPR: A Fuzzy Pattern Recognizer Based on Sigmoidals. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1991.
- KSL-91-76
- Lehmann, H. A Bayesian Computer-Based Approach to the Physician's Use of the Clinical Research Literature. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1991.
- KSL-91-77
- Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. A Historical Relational Data Model for Managing Temporal Data. San Diego, CA, 1992.
- KSL-91-78
- Gruber, T. R.; Tenenbaum, J. M.; & Weber, J. C. Toward a knowledge medium for collaborative product development. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1992.
- KSL-91-79
- Feigenbaum, E. A. Expert Systems: Principles and Practice. 1992.
- KSL-91-80
- Fruchter, R.; Law, K. H.; & Iwasaki, Y. An Approach for Qualitative Structural Analysis. 1993.
- KSL-90-01
- Klein, D. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Decision Theory in Heuristic Process Control Systems. Research Report, IBM, January 1, 1990.
- KSL-90-02
- Walker, M. G. & Wiederhold, G. Acquisition and Validation of Knowledge from Data. 1990.
- KSL-90-03
- Gans, A.; Confrey, T.; Harvey, J.; & Hayes-Roth, B. How WATCH Works: Documentation for the WATCH, NEWWATCH, and METAWATCH Programs. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-04
- Klein, D. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. Explaining Decision-Theoretic Choices. Ottawa, Canada, 1990.
- KSL-90-05
- Cooper, G. F. Bayesian Belief-Network Inference Using Recursive Decomposition. KSL, July, 1992.
- KSL-90-06
- Chin, H. Automated Diagnosis in Medicine. 1990.
- KSL-90-07
- Jimison, H. B. Generating Explanations of Decision Models Based on an Augmented Representation of Uncertainty. 1990.
- KSL-90-08
- Heckerman, D.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Toward Normative Expert Systems: The Pathfinder Project. KSL, February, 1990.
- KSL-90-09
- Shwe, M.; Middleton, B.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. Probabilistic Diagnosis Using a Reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR Knowledge Base I. The Probabilistic Model and Inference Algorithms. 1991.
- KSL-90-10
- Lehmann, H. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. THOMAS: Building Bayesian Statistical Expert Systems to Aid in Clinical Decision Making. Washington D.C., 1990.
- KSL-90-10
- Lehmann, H. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. THOMAS: Building Bayesian Statistical Expert Systems to Aid in Clinical Decision Making. 1991.
- KSL-90-11
- Shwe, M.; Middleton, B.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. A Probabilistic Reformulation of the Quick Medical Reference System. 1990.
- KSL-90-12
- Barsalou, T.; Sujansky, W.; & Wiederhold, G. Expert Data Systems in Biomedicine: The PENGUIN Project. 1990.
- KSL-90-13
- Barsalou, T.; Chavez, R. M.; & Wiederhold, G. Representing Probabilistic Knowledge in Relational Databases. 1990.
- KSL-90-14
- Washington, R.; Boureau, L.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Knowledge for Real-Time Input Data Management. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-15
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Abstraction Planning in Real-Time. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-16
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Temporal Representations in Blackboard Architectures. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-17
- Collinot, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Real-Time Control of Reasoning: Experiments with Two Control Models. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-18
- Tommelein, I.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Levitt, R.; & Confrey, T. Comparing and Contrasting an Expert System and an AI System for Space Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-19
- Klein, D. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. Interactive Diagnosis and Repair of Decision-Theoretic Models. 1991.
- KSL-90-20
- Klein, A. D.; Lehmann, H. P.; & Shortliffe, E. H. A Value-Theoretic Expert System for Evaluating Randomized Clinical Trials. Washington DC, 1990.
- KSL-90-21
- Cooper, G. & Herskovits, E. Determination of the Entropy of a Belief Network is NP-Hard. KSL, June, 1991.
- KSL-90-22
- Herskovits, E. & Cooper, G. Kutato: An Entropy-Driven System for Construction of Probabilistic Expert Systems from Databases. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-23
- Shwe, M. & Cooper, G. An Empirical Analysis of Likelihood-Weighting Simulation on a Large, Multiply-Connected Belief Network. 1991.
- KSL-90-25
- Klein, D. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Decision Theory to Forecast New Products. Milano, Italy, 1990.
- KSL-90-26
- Horvitz, E. J. & Breese, J. S. Ideal Partition of Resources for Metareasoning. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-27
- Breese, J. S. & Horvitz, E. J. Principles of Problem Reformulation Under Uncertainty. KSL, September, 1990.
- KSL-90-28
- Breese, J. S. & Horvitz, E. J. Ideal Reformulation of Belief Networks. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1990.
- KSL-90-29
- Barsalou, T.; Keller, A. M.; & Wiederhold, G. Relational Updates Through View Objects. 1990.
- KSL-90-30
- Heckerman, D. Probabilistic Similarity Networks. KSL, June, 1990.
- KSL-90-31
- Heckerman, D. Similarity Networks for the Construction of Multiple-Fault Belief Networks. 1990.
- KSL-90-32
- Geiger, D. & Heckerman, D. Separable and Transitive Graphoids. 1990.
- KSL-90-33
- Gruber, T. R. Model-based Explanation of Design Rationale. Boston, MA, 1990.
- KSL-90-34
- Cooper, G. The Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Inference Using Bayesian Belief Networks. 1990.
- KSL-90-36
- Chavez, R. M. & Cooper, G. F. A Randomized Approximation Algorithm for Logic Sampling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1990.
- KSL-90-37
- Galper, A. R.; Rennels, G. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Patil, R. S. Medicine, AI in. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.
- KSL-90-38
- Walker, M. G. Automated Recognition of Brain Anatomy and Pathology in MRI and CT Images. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1990.
- KSL-90-39
- Ash, D.; Vina, A.; Seiver, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Action-oriented diagnosis under real-time constraints. Palo Alto, CA, 1990.
- KSL-90-40
- Hewett, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Representing and reasoning about physical systems using prime models. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
- KSL-90-41
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Cache Coherence for Large Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1989.
- KSL-90-42
- Barsalou, T.; Sujansky, W.; Herezenberg, L.; & Wiederhold, G. Management of Complex Immunogenetics Information Using an Enhanced Relational Model. 1991.
- KSL-90-43
- Bennett, A. FormIKA: A Form-Based User Interface Management System for Knowledge Acquisition. KSL, June, 1990.
- KSL-90-44
- Sujansky, W.; Barsalou, T.; & Wiederhold, G. Structural Semantics and Complex Objects for the Coupling of Relational Databases and Knowledge-Based Systems. KSL, July, 1990.
- KSL-90-45
- Gruber, T. R. & Russell, D. M. Design Knowledge and Design Rationale: A Framework for Representation, Capture, and Use. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, July 27, 1990.
- KSL-90-46
- Herskovits, E. A Hybrid Classifier for Automated Radiologic Diagnosis: Preliminary Results and Clinical Applications. 1990.
- KSL-90-47
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. A Combination of Exact Algorithms for Inference on Bayesian Belief Networks. 1991.
- KSL-90-47
- Suermondt, H. J.; Cooper, G. F.; & Heckerman, D. A Combination of Cutset Conditioning with Clique-Tree Propagation in the Pathfinder System. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992.
- KSL-90-49
- Rutledge, G. W.; Andersen, S. K.; Polaschek, J. X.; & Fagan, L. M. A Belief Network Model for Interpretation of ICU Data. 1990.
- KSL-90-50
- Polaschek, J. X.; Lenert, L. A.; & Garber, A. M. A Computer Program for Statistically Based Decision Analysis. Washington, D.C., 1990.
- KSL-90-51
- Gruber, T. & Iwasaki, Y. How Things Work: Knowledge-Based Modeling of Physical Devices. KSL, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-52
- Iwasaki, Y. Reasoning with Multiple Abstraction Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-53
- Gruber, T. The Role of Standard Knowledge Representation for Sharing Knowledge-Based Technology. KSL, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-54
- Millis, D. H. PSY/JD: An Advisory System for Legal Aspects of Decision Making in the Psychiatric Emergency Room. Washington D. C., 1990.
- KSL-90-55
- Sherman, E. H. Evaluation of User Interfaces. KSL, December, 1990.
- KSL-90-56
- Sherman, E. H. A User-Adaptable Interface to Predict Users' Needs. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,, 1990.
- KSL-90-57
- Iwasaki, Y. & Doshi, K. Equation Model Generation: Where do Equations Come From? Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-58
- Iwasaki, Y. An Integrated Scheme for Using First-Principle Physical Knowledge-Based Simulation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-59
- Iwasaki, Y. On the Relationship Between Model Abstraction and Causality. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-60
- Simon, H. A.; Kalagnanam, J.; & Iwasaki, Y. The Mathematical Bases for Qualitative Reasoning. KSL, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-61
- Boy, G. & Gruber, T. R. Intelligent Assistant Systems: Support for Integrated Human-Machine Systems. 1990.
- KSL-90-62
- Gruber, T. The Development of Large, Shared Knowledge-Bases: Collaborative Activities at Stanford. KSL, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-63
- Iwasaki, Y. Two Model Abstraction Techniques Based on Temporal Grain Size: Aggregation and Mixed Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-64
- Engelmore, R. S. & Tenenbaum, J. M. Toward the Engineer's Associate: A National Computational Infrastructure for Engineering. KSL, August, 1990.
- KSL-90-65
- Nayak, P. P.; Addanki, S.; & Joskowicz, L. Modeling with Context Dependent Behaviors. 1990.
- KSL-90-66
- Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Simple/Care: An Instrumented Simulator for Multiprocessor Architectures. KSL, September, 1990.
- KSL-90-67
- Wulfman, C. E.; Rua, M.; Lane, C. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. Graphical Access to Medical Expert Systems: V. Integration with Continuous-Speech Recognition. March, 1993.
- KSL-90-68
- Middleton, B.; Shwe, M.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. Probabilistic Diagnosis Using a Reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR Knowledge Base II. Evaluation of Diagnostic Performance. 1991.
- KSL-90-69
- Isaacs, E.; Wulfman, C. E.; Rohn, J. A.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. Graphical Access to Medical Expert Systems: IV. Experiments to Determine the Role of Spoken Input. April, 1993.
- KSL-90-70
- Shiffman, S.; Wu, A.; Poon, A.; Lane, C.; Middleton, B.; Miller, R.; Masarie, F.; Cooper, G.; Shortliffe, E.; & Fagan, L. Building a Speech Interface to a Medical Diagnostic System. 1991.
- KSL-90-71
- Brutlag, D. L.; Galper, A. R.; & Millis, D. H. Knowledge-based Simulation of DNA Metabolism: Prediction of Enzyme Action. 1991, 1991.
- KSL-90-71
- Galper, A. R.; Millis, D. H.; & Brutlag, D. L. Knowledge-Based Simulation of DNA Metabolism: Prediction of Action and Envisionment of Pathways. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1990.
- KSL-90-72
- Galper, A. R.; Millis, D. H.; & Brutlag, D. L. Knowledge-Based Simulation on DNA Metabolism: Prediction of Action and Envisionment of Pathways. 1990.
- KSL-90-73
- Lin, R.; Galper, A.; & Schachter, R. Abductive Inference Using Probabilistic Networks: Randomized Search Techniques. KSL, November, 1990.
- KSL-90-74
- Galper, A. R. & Brutlag, D. L. Parallel Similarity Search and Alignment with the Dynamic Programming Method. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1990.
- KSL-90-76
- Horvitz, E. Computation and Action Under Bounded Resources. Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1990.
- KSL-90-77
- Low, C. M. & Iwasaki, Y. Device Modelling Environment: An Interactive Environment for Modelling Device Behaviour. 1992.
- KSL-90-78
- Barsalou, T. View Objects for Relational Databases. KSL, June, 1990.
- KSL-90-80
- Jimison, H. A Representation for Gaining Insight into Clinical Decision Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1990.
- KSL-90-81
- Horvitz, E. Computation and Action Under Bounded Resource. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1990.
- KSL-90-82
- Saraiya, N. P. & Rice, J. P. The LAMINA Programming Model: A Worked Example. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1991.
- KSL-90-83
- Feigenbaum, E.; Engelmore, R.; Gruber, T. R.; & Iwasaki, Y. Large Knowledge Bases for Engineering: The How Things Work Project of the Knowledge Systems Laboratory. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1990.
- KSL-90-84
- Gruber, T.; Pang, D.; & Rice, J. Ontolingua: A language to Support Shared Ontologies. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1990.
- KSL-89-01
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; & Cooper, G. F. Reflection and Action Under Scarce Resources: Theoretical Principles and Empirical Study. 1989.
- KSL-89-02
- Acuff, R. A. Performance of Two Common Lisp Programs on Several Systems. KSL, January, 1989.
- KSL-89-03
- Barsalou, T.; Chavez, R. M.; & Wiederhold, G. Hypertext Interfaces for Decision-Support Systems: A Case Study. 1989.
- KSL-89-03
- Barsalou, T.; Chavez, R. M.; & Weiderhold, G. Hypertext Interfaces for Decision-Support Systems: A Case Study. 1989.
- KSL-89-04
- Rutledge, G.; Thomsen, G.; Beinlich, I.; Farr, B.; Kahn, M.; Sheiner, L.; & Fagan, L. VentPlan: An Architecture for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Computation. 1989.
- KSL-89-05
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; Hewett, M.; & Seiver, A. Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control. KSL, January, 1989.
- KSL-89-06
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Input Data Management in Real-Time AI Systems. KSL, May, 1989.
- KSL-89-07
- Musen, M. A. Languages for Knowledge Acquisition: Building and Extending Models. Stanford, 1989.
- KSL-89-08
- Rice, J. & Aiello, N. See How They Run... The Architecture and Performance of Two Concurrent Blackboard Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-09
- Musen, M. A. Widening the Knowledge-Acquisition Bottleneck: Automated Tools for Building and Extending Clinical Methods. 1989.
- KSL-89-10
- Karp, P. D. An Analysis of the Distinction Between Deep and Shallow Expert Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-11
- Karp, P. D. Hypothesis Formation as Design. 1989.
- KSL-89-12
- Gruber, T. Automated Knowledge Acquisition for Strategic Knowledge. KSL, May, 1989.
- KSL-89-13
- Lehmann, H. P. Book Review Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: A Review in the Context of Recent Workshops. 1990.
- KSL-89-14
- Chavez, M. R. Hypermedia and Randomized Algorithms for Medical Expert Systems. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-15
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. Support for Fine-Grained Message Passing in Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1989.
- KSL-89-16
- Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Design and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Report Integration System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1989.
- KSL-89-17
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. Probabilistic Inference in Multiply Connected Brief Networks Using Loop Cutsets. 1989.
- KSL-89-18
- Barsalou, T. & Wiederhold, G. A Cooperative Hypertext Interface to Relational Databases. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-19
- Rucker, D. W. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Methodology for Implementing Clinical Algorithms Using Expert System an Database Tools. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-20
- Farr, B. R. Decision-Theoretic Evaluation of Therapy Plans. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-21
- Reed, J. Building Decision Models that Modify Decision Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-23
- Suermondt, H. J. & Amylon, M. D. Probabilistic Prediction of the Outcome of Bone-Marrow Transplantation. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-24
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; Ng, K. C.; & Nathwani, B. N. Heuristic Abstraction in the Decision-Theoretic Pathfinder System. Washington D. C., 1989.
- KSL-89-25
- Heckerman, D. E.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Update on the Pathfinder Project. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-26
- Musen, M. A. Automated Support for Building and Extending Expert Models. 1989.
- KSL-89-27
- Nayak, P. An Overview of Causal Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-28
- Musen, M. A. & Lei, J. v. d. Knowledge Engineering for Clinical Consultation Programs: Modeling the Application Area. March, 1989.
- KSL-89-30
- Horvitz, E. J. Some Fundamental Problems and Opportunities From the Standpoint of Rational Agency. KSL, October, 1990.
- KSL-89-31
- Chavez, M. R. & Cooper, G. F. An Empirical Evaluation of a Randomized Algorithm for Probabilistic Inference. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, 1989.
- KSL-89-33
- Buchanan, B. G. & Shortliffe, E. H. Advances in Expert Systems (A White Paper and Commentary). Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1989.
- KSL-89-34
- Kahn, M. G.; Sheiner, L. M.; & Lewis, B. Model-Based Interpretation of Time-Varying Medical Data. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-35
- Herskovits, E. & Cooper, G. F. Algorithms for Bayesian Belief-Network Precomputation. 1991.
- KSL-89-36
- Heckerman, D. A Tractable Inference Algorithm for Diagnosing Multiple Diseases. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, North Holland, 1989.
- KSL-89-37
- Rice, J. The Design and Implementation of Poligon, a High-Performance, Concurrent Blackboard System Shell. KSL, November, 1989.
- KSL-89-38
- Rohn, J. ONCOCIN User's Manual. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1989.
- KSL-89-39
- Barsalou, T. & Brutlag, D. Toward Linear Run-Time: A Review of Sequence-Alignment Algorithms. KSL, April, 1989.
- KSL-89-41
- Lehmann, H. P. A Decision-Theoretic Model for Using Scientific Data. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1989.
- KSL-89-41
- Lehmann, H. P. A Decision-Theoretic Model for Using Scientific Data. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, 1990.
- KSL-89-42
- Horvitz, E. J.; Suermondt, H. J.; & Cooper, G. F. Bounded Conditioning: Flexible Inference for Decisions Under Scarce Resources. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, WIndsor, ON, 1989.
- KSL-89-44
- Gans, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. NEWWATCH: Learning Interrupted Strategies by Observing Actions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1990.
- KSL-89-45
- Confrey, T. & Hayes-Roth, B. Knowledge Based Strategy Generalization. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-89-46
- Langlotz, C. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. The Critiquing Approach to Automated Advice and Explanation: Rationale and Examples. Ellis Horwood, London, 1989.
- KSL-89-47
- Herskovits, E. & Walker, M. Computer-Aided Classification of Magnetic-Resonance Images. KSL, May, 1989.
- KSL-89-49
- Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Special-Purpose Rules from General-Purpose Device Modeling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-50
- Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Diagnosis Rules and Redesign Plans from a Structure/Behavior Device Model: The Details. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-51
- Muliawan, D. Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Knowledge-Based System. KSL, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-52
- Karp, P. D. Hypothesis Formation and Qualitative Reasoning in Molecular Biology. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-53
- Cheng, T.-P. Towards a Formalization of Partial Domain Theories, Landmark Value Selection and Incremental Learning for Inductive Learning Systems. KSL, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-54
- Fagan, L.; Wulfman, C.; Rua, M.; Isaacs, E.; Lane, C.; Rohn, J.; Webber, B.; & Shortliffe, E. The Practical Application of Continuous-Speech Recognition to the Task of Medical Recordkeeping. 1989.
- KSL-89-55
- Haymann-Haber, G. PI in a Box: The Design of an "Expert" Protocol Manager. KSL, July, 1989.
- KSL-89-56
- Nayak, P. Reasoning with Multiple Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-57
- Doshi, K. Equation Generation from Device Models. KSL, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-58
- Heckerman, D. E.; Breese, J. S.; & Horvitz, E. J. The Compilation of Decision Models. 1989.
- KSL-89-59
- Heckerman, D. & Jimison, H. A Bayesian Perspective in Confidence. 1989.
- KSL-89-60
- Barsalou, T. & Wiederhold, G. Knowledge-Directed Mediation Between Application Objects and Base Data. University of Keele, England, 1989.
- KSL-89-61
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. Initialization for the Method of Conditioning in Bayesian Belief Networks. 1989.
- KSL-89-62
- Jimison, H. B. A Representation of Uncertainty to Aid Insight into Decision Models. 1988.
- KSL-89-63
- Hayes-Roth, B. Architectural Foundations for Real-Time Performance in Intelligent Agents. 1990.
- KSL-89-67
- Heckerman, D. & Horvitz, E. J. Problem Formulation as the Reduction of a Decision Problem. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1990.
- KSL-89-68
- Maegawa, H. The Parallel Solution of Classification Problems. KSL, January, 1990.
- KSL-89-69
- Musen, M. A. The Strained Quality of Medical Data. 1989.
- KSL-89-70
- Thomsen, G. & Sheiner, L. SIMV: An application of Mathematical Modeling in Ventilator Management. 1989.
- KSL-89-71
- Buchanan, B. G. Research Directions in Knowledge-Based Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-72
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Design and Implementation of a Distributed Cache Coherence Protocol. KSL, April, 1990.
- KSL-89-73
- Nii, P. H. & Rice, J. Signal Understanding and Problem Solving: A Concurrent Approach to Soft Real-Time Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-74
- Walton, J. D. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Future View of the Physician's Workstation. 1989.
- KSL-89-75
- Nii, H. P. A Proposed Research Initiative in Knowledge-Based CASE Tools: Biting the Silver Bullet. KSL, October, 1989.
- KSL-89-76
- Mohammed, J. L. Combining Experiential and Theoretical Knowledge at Multiple Levels of Granularity in the Domain of Semiconductor Fabrication Processes. KSL, November, 1989.
- KSL-89-77
- Langlotz, C. P. The Feasibility of Axiomatically-Based Expert Systems. 1989.
- KSL-89-78
- Rutledge, G.; Thomsen, G.; Beinlich, I.; Farr, B.; Sheiner, L.; & Fagan, L. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Computation in a Ventilator Therapy Planner. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-79
- Iwasaki, Y. Model Abstraction in Qualitative Reasoning. KSL, November, 1989.
- KSL-89-80
- Iwasaki, Y. Causality and Model Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1989.
- KSL-89-81
- Horvitz, E. J. Rational Metareasoning and Compilation for Optimizing Decisions under Bounded Resources. Milan, Italy, 1989.
- KSL-89-82
- Shortliffe, E. H. The Networked Physician: Practitioner of the Future. 1989.
- KSL-89-82
- Shortliffe, E. H. The Networked Physician: Practitioner of the Future. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
- KSL-89-83
- Thapar, M. & Delagi, B. Cache Coherence for Large Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1990.
- KSL-89-85
- Kahn, M. G.; Fagan, L. M.; & Tu, S. Extensions to the Time-Oriented Database Model to Support Temporal Reasoning in Medical Expert Systems. 1991.
- KSL-89-86
- Aiello, N. The CAGE System User Manual. KSL, December, 1989.
- KSL-89-87
- Gruber, T. The Use of Formally-Represented Engineering Knowledge to Support Human Communication and Memory. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-89-88
- Altman, R. Exclusion Methods for the Determination of Protein Structure from Experimental Data. Ph.D., Stanford University, 1989.
- KSL-89-89
- Langlotz, C. A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Heuristic Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-88-02
- Nii, H. P.; Aiello, N.; & Rice, J. Frameworks for Concurrent Problem Solving: A Report on Cage and Poligon. March 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-04
- Rice, J. P. Problems with Problem-Solving in Parallel: The Poligon System. January 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-06
- Musen, M. A. Generation of Model-Based Knowledge- Acquisition Tools for Clinical-Trial Advice Systems. 1988.
- KSL-88-09
- Buchanan, B. G. & Smith, R. G. Fundamentals of Expert Systems. Working Paper, March 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-10
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. A Performance Comparison of Shared Variables vs. Message Passing. February 1, 1988.
- KSL-88-11
- Keller, R. M. Operationality and Generality in Explanation-Based Learning: Separate dimensions or opposite endpoints? Stanford, CA, 1988.
- KSL-88-12
- Wulfman, C. E.; Isaacs, E. A.; Webber, B. L.; & Fagan, L. M. Integration Discontinuity: Interfacing Users and Systems. February 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-13
- Horvitz, E. J.; Breese, J. S.; & Henrion, M. Decision Theory in Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence. 1988.
- KSL-88-15
- Confrey, T. & Daube, F. GS2D: A 2D Geometry Systems. March 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-16
- Musen, M. A. Conceptual Models of Interactive Knowledge- Acquisition Tools. March 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-17
- Walton, J. & Shortliffe, E. H. Automated Design of a User Interface. November, 1989.
- KSL-88-18
- Karp, P. D. A Process-Oriented Model of Bacterial Gene Regulation. June 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-19
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; & Garvey, A. ACCORD: A Framework for a Class of Design Tasks. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-20
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, R.; & Seiver, A. Diagnostic Explanation using Models. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-21
- Garvey, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Empirical Analysis of Explicit vs. Implicit Control Architectures. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-22
- Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Real-Time I/O in Knowledge-Based Systems. November, 1988.
- KSL-88-23
- Schulman, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Plan-Based Construction of Strategic Explanations. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-24
- Brinkley, J. F. The Potential for Intelligent Three-Dimensional Ultrasound. 1988.
- KSL-88-25
- Byrd, G. Modeling a Bus-Based Multiprocessor Using the CARE Simultation System. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-26
- Musen, M. A. Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools from Clinical-Trial Models. Oslo, Norway, 1988.
- KSL-88-27
- Suermondt, H. J. & Cooper, G. F. Updating Probabilities in Multiply Connected Belief Networks. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-29
- Gelman, A.; Altman, S.; Pallakoff, M.; Doshi, K.; Manago, C.; Rindfleisch, T. C.; & Buchanan, B. G. FRM: An Intelligent Assistant for Financial Resource Management. Working Paper, April 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-30
- Cooper, G.; Horvitz, E.; & Heckerman, D. A Method for Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning. October, 1990.
- KSL-88-33
- Delagi, B. A. & Saraiya, N. P. Elint in Lamina, Application of a Object Language. 1988.
- KSL-88-34
- Zegher-Geets, I. d. IDEFIX: Intelligent Summarization of a Time-Oriented Medical Database. 1987.
- KSL-88-35
- Horvitz, E. J. Reasoning Under Varying and Uncertain Resource Constraints. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1986.
- KSL-88-36
- Horvitz, E. J. & Suermondt, J. Bounded Conditioning: A Flexible Probabilistic Inference Algorithm. October, 1990.
- KSL-88-37
- Peyton, L. A Transformational Approach to Software Redesign. May, 1988.
- KSL-88-38
- Heckerman, D. E. An Empirical Comparison of Three Inference Methods. 1990.
- KSL-88-39
- Zygmont, A. SOLACE: Systems Optimization Laboratory's Automated Computational Expertise. May, 1988.
- KSL-88-40
- Lehmann, H. P. Knowledge Acquisition for Probabilistic Expert Systems. 1988.
- KSL-88-41
- Noble, A. C. & Rogers, E. C. AIRTRAC Path Association: Development of a Knowledge-Based System for a Multiprocessor. June, 1988.
- KSL-88-42
- Noble, A. C. ELMA Programmers Guide. Working Paper, August, 1988.
- KSL-88-45
- Altman., S. M. Representing and Editing Constraints: A Case Study in Financial Resource Management. June 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-47
- Chavez, R. M. & Cooper, G. F. KNET: Integrating Hypertext and Normative Bayesian Modeling. 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-50
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; & Seiver, A. Distributing Intelligence Within an Individual. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
- KSL-88-52
- Sullivan, J. RL3: An Approach to Incremental Rule Learning. June, 1988.
- KSL-88-53
- Delagi, B.; Saraiya, N.; & Byrd, G. Care User Manual. 1990.
- KSL-88-57
- Keller, R. M. Learning Approximate Concept Descriptions. July 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-58
- Combs, D. M.; Tu, S. W.; Musen, M. A.; & Fagan, L. M. From Expert Models to Expert Systems: Translation of an Intermediate Knowledge Representation. August, 1988.
- KSL-88-59
- Musen, M. A. & Lei, J. V. d. Of Brittleness and Bottlenecks Challenges in the Creation of Pattern-Recognition and Expert-System Models. August, 1988.
- KSL-88-60
- Barsalou, T. An Object-Based Architecture for Biomedical Expert Database Systems. 1988.
- KSL-88-61
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Knowledge and Decision Making. September, 1988.
- KSL-88-62
- Hailperin, M. Load Balancing for Massively-Parallel Soft Real-Time Systems. August, 1988.
- KSL-88-63
- Langlotz, C. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. An Analysis of Categorical and Quantitative Methods for Planning under Uncertainty. 1988.
- KSL-88-64
- Hayes-Roth, B. Making Intelligent Systems Adaptive. September, 1988.
- KSL-88-66
- Nii, P.; Aiello, N.; & Rice, J. Experiments on Cage and Poligon: Measuring the Performance of Parallel Blackboard Systems. Pitman Publishing Ltd. & Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
- KSL-88-67
- Rucker, y. W.; Maron, D. J.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Temporal Representations of Clinical Algorithms Using Expert-System and Database Tools. February, 1988.
- KSL-88-69
- Rice, J. The Elint Application on Poligon: The Architecture and Performance of a Concurrent Blackboard System. December, 1988.
- KSL-88-70
- Shwe, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; & Fagan, L. M. Validating the Knowledge Base of a Therapy-Planning System. 1989.
- KSL-88-71
- Rice, J. The Advanced Architectures Project. March, 1989.
- KSL-88-72
- Chavez, R. M. & Cooper, G. F. A Randomized Approximation Algorithm for Probabilistic Inference on Bayesian Belief Networks. Working Paper, October, 1989.
- KSL-88-73
- Musen, M. A. Generation of Visual Languages for Development of Knowledge-Based Systems. Plenum, New York, 1989.
- KSL-88-74
- Kane, B. & Rucker, D. W. AI in Medicine. November, 1988.
- KSL-88-75
- Jimison, H. B. A Representation for Gaining Insight into Clinical Decision Models. November, 1988.
- KSL-88-76
- Lenert, L.; Sheiner, L.; & Blaschke, T. Improving Drug Dosing in Hospitalized Patients: Automated Modeling of Pharmacokinetcs for Individualization of Drug Dosing Regimens. 1988.
- KSL-88-77
- Chin, H. L. Case-Based Tutoring from a Medical Knowledge Base. 1988.
- KSL-88-80
- Aiello, N. Cage: The Performance of a Concurrent Blackboard Environment. December 1988, 1988.
- KSL-88-81
- Byrd, G. T.; Saraiya, N. P.; & Delagi, B. Multicast Communication in Multiprocessor Systems. 1989.
- KSL-88-82
- Shortliffe, E. H. Testing Reality: The Introduction of Decision- Support Technologies for Physicians. 1989.
- KSL-88-83
- Shortliffe, E. H. & Fagan, L. M. Research Training in Medical Informatics: The Stanford Experience. Victoria, B.C., 1989.
- KSL-88-84
- Beinlich, I. A.; Suermondt, H. J.; Chavez, R. M.; & Cooper, G. F. The ALARM Monitoring System: A Case Study with Two Probablistic Inference Techniques for Belief Networks. 1989.
- KSL-88-85
- Saraiya, N. P. A Shared Memory Lisp Package for CARE. January, 1989.
- KSL-88-86
- Miller, P. L. & Rennels, G. D. Prose Generation from Expert Systems. An Applied Computational Approach. Fall, 1988.
- KSL-87-01
- Wilkins, D. C.; Clancey, W. J.; & Buchanan, B. G. Knowledge Base Refinement Using Abstract Control Knowledge. January 1987, 1987.
- KSL-87-02
- Byrd, G. T.; Nakano, R.; & Delagi, B. A. A Point-to-Point Multicast Communications Protocol. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-03
- Buchanan, B. G. Artificial Intelligence As An Experimental Science. 1987.
- KSL-87-05
- Brinkley, J. F.; Buchanan, B. G.; Altman, R. B.; Duncan, B. S.; & Cornelius, C. W. A Heuristic Refinement Method for Spatial Constraint Satisfaction Problems. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-06
- Rennels, G. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; Stockdale, F. E.; & Miller, P. L. A Computational Model of Reasoning from the Clinical Literature. Spring, 1987.
- KSL-87-07
- Byrd, G. T. & Delagi, B. A. Considerations for Multiprocessor Topologies. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-08
- Schulman, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. ExAct: A Module for Explaining Actions. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-09
- Karp, P. D. & Friedland, P. Coordinating the Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge in Declarative Device Modeling. January 1988, 1988.
- KSL-87-10
- Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. The BB1 Architecture: A Software Engineering View. February, 1987.
- KSL-87-11
- Garvey, A.; Cornelius, C.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Computational Costs versus Benefits of Control Reasoning. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-12
- Clancey, W. J. The Knowledge Engineer as Student: Metacognitive bases for asking good questions. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987.
- KSL-87-16
- Horvitz, E. J. Inference under Varying Resource Limitations. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1987.
- KSL-87-17
- Langlotz, C. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. Logical and Decision-Theoretic Methods for Planning Under Uncertainty. Spring, 1989.
- KSL-87-18
- Zegher-Geets, I. d.; Freeman, A.; Walker, M.; Blum, B.; & Wiederhold, G. Computer-Aided Summarization of a Time-Oriented Medical Database. February, 1987.
- KSL-87-19
- Langlotz, C. P. & Shortliffe, E. H. The Relationship between Decision Theory and Default Reasoning. Working Paper, February 1987, 1987.
- KSL-87-20
- Kahn, M. G. Model-Based Interpretation of Time-Ordered Data. Working Paper, March, 1987.
- KSL-87-21
- Cooper, G. F. An Algorithm for Computing Propositions. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-22
- Chin, H. L. & Cooper, G. F. Stochastic Simulation of Casual Bayesian Models. North-Holland, 1988.
- KSL-87-23
- Barsalou, T. & Wiederhold, G. Applying a Semantic Model to an Immunology Database. Washington, D.C., 1988.
- KSL-87-24
- Chin, H. L. & Cooper, G. F. Knowledge-Based Patient Simulation. 1987.
- KSL-87-25
- Shortliffe, E. H. Computers in Support of Clinical Decision Making. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1987.
- KSL-87-26
- Greenes, R. A. & Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Informatics: An Emerging Discipline with Academic and Institutional Perspectives. February, 1989.
- KSL-87-27
- Cooper, G. F. Probabilistic Inference Using Belief Networks Is NP-Hard. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1987.
- KSL-87-28
- Horvitz, E. J. A Multiattribute Utility Approach to Inference Understandability and Explanation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1987.
- KSL-87-30
- Shortliffe, E. H. Computer Programs To Support Clinical Decision Making. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1987.
- KSL-87-31
- Hayes-Roth, B. A Multi-Processor Interrupt-Driven Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-32
- Clancey, W. J. Diagnosis, Teaching, and Learning: An Overview of GUIDON2 Research. April, 1987.
- KSL-87-33
- Rennels, G. D. & Shortliffe, E. H. Advanced Computing for Medicine. 1987.
- KSL-87-34
- Nakano, R. T. Experiments with a Knowledge- Based System on a Multiprocessor: Preliminary Airtrac-Lamina Qualitative Results. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-35
- Minami, M. Experiments with the Knowledge- Based System on a Multiprocessor: Preliminary Airtrac-Lamina Quantitative Results. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-36
- Selig, L. J. An Expert System Using Numerical Simulation and Optimization To Find Particle Beam Line Errors. May, 1987.
- KSL-87-37
- Round, A. D. QSOPS: A Workbench Environment For The Qualitative Simulation of Physical Processes. 1987.
- KSL-87-38
- Rodolitz, N. S. & Manage, G. Tutoring for Strategic Knowledge. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-39
- Rennels, G. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; Stockdale, F. E.; & Miller, P. L. Updating an expert knowledge base as medical knowledge evolves: Examples from oncology management. 1987.
- KSL-87-40
- Garvey, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Implementing Diverse Forms of Control Knowledge in Multiple Controls. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-41
- Barsalou, T. An Object-Based Interface to a Relational Database System. June 1987, 1987.
- KSL-87-43
- Okuno, H. G. & Gupta, A. Parallel Execution of OPS5 in QLISP. 1988.
- KSL-87-44
- Byrd, G. T.; Nakano, R.; & Delagi, B. A. A Dynamic, Cut-Through Communications Protocol with Multicast. August, 1987.
- KSL-87-45
- Heckerman, D. & Jimison, H. A Perspective on Confidence and Its Use in Focusing Attention during Knowledge Acquisition. 1987.
- KSL-87-46
- Wellman, M. P. & Heckerman, D. E. The Role of Calculi in Uncertain Reasoning. 1987.
- KSL-87-47
- Tommelein, I. D.; Levitt, R. E.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Expert Systems for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on Construction Sites. E.&F.N. Spon, London, 1987.
- KSL-87-48
- Cooper, G. F. Computer-Based Medical Diagnosis Using Belief Networks and Bounded Probabilities. 1988.
- KSL-87-49
- Frisse, M. E. & Wiederhold, G. Retrieving Information from Hypertext Systems. August, 1987.
- KSL-87-50
- Frisse, M. E. Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook: The Washington University Dynamic Medical Handbook Project. 1988.
- KSL-87-51
- Cooper, G. F. Expert Systems Based on Belief Networks - Current Research Directions. February, 1988.
- KSL-87-52
- Langlotz, C. P. Advice Generation in an Axiomatically-Based Expert System. Washington, DC, 1987.
- KSL-87-53
- Heckerman, D. & Horvitz, E. J. On the Expressiveness of Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty. 1987.
- KSL-87-54
- Lederberg, J. How DENDRAL Was Conceived and Born. National Library of Medicine, 1987.
- KSL-87-57
- Okuno, H.; Osato, N.; & Takeuchi, I. Firmware Approach to Fast Lisp Interpreter. ACM, 1987.
- KSL-87-58
- Clancey, W. J. Knowledge Engineering Methodology: An Annotated Bibliography of NEOMYCIN Research. Springer-Verlag, 1988.
- KSL-87-59
- McLaughlin, J. Utility-Directed Presentation of Simulation Results. December, 1987.
- KSL-87-60
- Keller, R. M. Defining Operationality for Explanation-Based Learning. 1987.
- KSL-87-61
- Nakano, R. & Minami, M. Experiments with a Knowledge-Based System on a Multiprocessor. October, 1987.
- KSL-87-62
- Brugge, J. A. & Buchanan, B. G. Evolution of a Knowledge- Based System for Determining Structural Components of Proteins. October, 1987.
- KSL-87-63
- Perreault, L. E. Automatic Test Case Generation by Modeling Patient States and Physician Actions. October, 1987.
- KSL-87-64
- Horvitz, E. J. Problem-Solving Design: Reasoning about Computational Value, Tradeoffs, and Resources. Mountain View, CA, 1987.
- KSL-87-65
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. Instrumented Architectural Simulation. November, 1987.
- KSL-87-66
- Shortliffe, E. H. & Hubbard, S. M. Information in Oncology. June, 1989.
- KSL-87-67
- Hayes-Roth, B. Dynamic Control Planning in Adaptive Intelligent Systems. November, 1987.
- KSL-87-70
- Tu, S. W.; Kahn, M. G.; Musen, M. A.; Ferguson, J. C.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. Episodic Skeletal-Plan Refinement Based on Temporal Data. 1989.
- KSL-87-73
- Barnhouse, S. Knowledge Base Tours: Introducing a Knowledge Based System to a Novice User. December 1987, 1987.
- KSL-86-01
- Musen, M. A.; Fagan, L. M.; Combs, D. M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Facilitating Knowledge Entry for an Oncology Therapy Advisor Using a Model of the Application Area. 1986.
- KSL-86-02
- Horvitz, E.; Heckerman, D.; Nathwani, B.; & Fagan, L. The Use of a Heuristic Problem-Solving Hierarchy to Facilitate the Explanation of Hypothesis-Directed Reasoning. 1986.
- KSL-86-03
- Langlotz, C. P.; Fagan, L. M.; Tu, S. W.; Sikic, B. I.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Combining Artificial Intelligence and Decision Analysis for Automated Therapy Planning Assistance. 1986.
- KSL-86-04
- Kahn, M. G.; Fagan, L. M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Context-Specific Interpretation of Patient Records for a Therapy Advice System. 1986.
- KSL-86-05
- Rennels, G. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; Stockdale, F. E.; & Miller, P. L. Reasoning from the Clinical Literature: The Roundsman System. 1986.
- KSL-86-06
- Downs, S. M.; Walker, M. G.; & Blum, R. L. Automated Summarization of On-Line Medical Records. 1986.
- KSL-86-07
- Walker, M. G. & Blum, R. L. Towards Automated Discovery from Clinical Databases: the RADIX Project. 1986.
- KSL-86-08
- Heckerman, D. & Miller, R. A. Towards a Better Understanding of the INTERNIST-1 Knowledge Base. 1986.
- KSL-86-09
- Cooper, G. F. A Diagnostic Method That Uses Casual Knowledge and Linear Programming in the Application of Bayes' Formula. 1986.
- KSL-86-10
- Rice, J. The Poligon User Manual. 1989.
- KSL-86-11
- Clancey, W. J. From Guidon to Neomycin and Heracles in Twenty Short Lessons. August, 1986.
- KSL-86-13
- Wiederhold, G.; L.Blum, R.; & Walker, M. An Integration of Knowledge and Data Representation. Springer Verlag, 1986.
- KSL-86-14
- Davies, B. CAREL: A Visible Distributed Lisp. March, 1986.
- KSL-86-15
- Clancey, W. J. Qualitative Student Models. 1986.
- KSL-86-16
- Heckerman, D. An Axiomatic Framework for Belief Updates. Working Paper, February, 1986.
- KSL-86-17
- Engelmore, R. S. & Cornelius, C. W. Heuristic Programming Project, October 1982 - September 1985, Final Report. February, 1986.
- KSL-86-18
- Nii, H. P. Blackboard Systems. 1986.
- KSL-86-19
- Rice, J. P. Poligon, A System for Parallel Problem Solving. Asilomar, 1986.
- KSL-86-20
- Delaney, J. R. Multi-System Report Integration Using Blackboards. 1986.
- KSL-86-22
- Schoen, E. The CAOS System. March, 1986.
- KSL-86-24
- Musen, M. A.; Fagan, L. M.; Combs, D. M.; & Shortliffe, E. H. Using a Domain Model to Drive An Interactive Knowledge Editing Tool. 1986.
- KSL-86-25
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; & Langlotz, C. P. A Framework for Comparing Alternative Formalisms for Plausible Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
- KSL-86-26
- Langlotz, C. P.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. Using Decision Theory to Justify Heuristics. 1986.
- KSL-86-27
- Clancey, W. J. The Science and Engineering of Qualitative Models. 1986.
- KSL-86-28
- Brinkley, J.; Cornelius, C.; Altman, R.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Lichtarge, O.; Duncan, B.; Buchanan, B.; & Jardetzky, O. Application of Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to the Determination of Protein Tertiary Structure. March, 1986.
- KSL-86-29
- Ginsberg, M. L. Multi-valued logics. 1986.
- KSL-86-30
- Wilkins, D. C. & Buchanan, B. G. On Debugging Rule Sets When Reasoning Under Uncertainty. 1986.
- KSL-86-31
- Aiello, N. User-Directed Control of Parallelism, The CAGE System. 1986.
- KSL-86-32
- Karp, P. D. & Wilkins, D. C. An Analysis of the Deep/Shallow Distinction for Expert Systems. 1986.
- KSL-86-33
- Heckerman, D. E. & Horvitz, E. J. The Myth of Modularity in Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty. 1986.
- KSL-86-34
- Clancey, W. J.; Richer, M.; Wilkins, D. C.; Barnhouse, S.; Kapsner, C.; Leserman, D.; Macias, J.; Merchant, A.; & Rodolitz, N. Guidon-Debug: The Student as Knowledge Engineer. April, 1986.
- KSL-86-35
- Walker, M. G. How Feasible is Automated Discovery? 1986.
- KSL-86-36
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. An Instrumented Architectural Simulation System. January, 1987.
- KSL-86-37
- Ginsberg, M. L. Possible Worlds Planning. 1986.
- KSL-86-38
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Garvey, A.; & Hewett, M. A Modular and Layered Environment for Reasoning about Action. 1987.
- KSL-86-39
- Shortliffe, E. H. Artificial Intelligence in Management Decisions: ONCOCIN. University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, 1985.
- KSL-86-40
- Lane, C. The Ozone Reference Manual. July 1986, 1986.
- KSL-86-41
- Nii, H. P. CAGE and POLIGON: Two Frameworks for Blackboard-based Concurrent Problem Solving. Asilomar, 1986.
- KSL-86-42
- Jardetzky, O.; Lane, A.; Lefevre, J.-F.; Lichtarge, O.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Altman, R.; & Buchanan, B. A New Method for the Determination of Protein Structures in Solution from NMR. Rome, Italy, 1986.
- KSL-86-43
- Shortliffe, E. H. Update on Oncocin: A Chemotherapy Advisor for Clinical Oncology. 1986.
- KSL-86-44
- Downs, S. M. A Program for Automated Summarization of On-Line Medical Records. 1986.
- KSL-86-45
- Tommelein, I. D.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Hayes-Roth, B.; & Levitt, R. E. SightPlan: An Expert System for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on a Construction Site. North Holland, 1987.
- KSL-86-46
- Rosenbloom, P. & Laird, J. Mapping Explanation-Based Generalization onto Soar. 1986.
- KSL-86-47
- Scales, D. J. Efficient Matching Algorithms for the SOAR/OPS5 Production System. June, 1986.
- KSL-86-48
- Clancey, W. J. Review of Winograd and Flores' "Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design. 1986.
- KSL-86-49
- Musen, M. A.; Combs, D. M.; Walton, J. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. OPAL: Toward the Computer-Aided Design of Oncology Advice Systems. 1986.
- KSL-86-50
- Shacter, R. D. & Heckerman, D. E. Thinking Backward for Knowledge Acquisition. Fall, 1986.
- KSL-86-51
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Buchanan, B.; Lichtarge, O.; Hewett, M.; Altman, R.; Brinkley, J.; Cornelius, C.; Duncan, B.; & Jardetzky, O. PROTEAN: Deriving protein structure from constraints. 1986.
- KSL-86-52
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Expert Systems: Knowledge Tools for Physicians. September, 1986.
- KSL-86-53
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Expert Systems Research at Stanford University. September, 1986.
- KSL-86-54
- Shortliffe, E. H. Medical Informatics: The Emergence of a Discipline. September, 1986.
- KSL-86-55
- Horvitz, E. Reasoning About Computational Tradeoffs In a World of Bounded Resources. November, 1986.
- KSL-86-55
- Horvitz, E. J. Reasoning About Beliefs and Actions Under Computational Resource Constraints. Seattle, Washington, 1987.
- KSL-86-56
- Saraiya, N. P. AIDE: A Distributed Environment for Design and Simulation. June, 1986.
- KSL-86-57
- Langlotz, C. P.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. A Methodology for Generating Computer-Based Explanations of Decision-Theoretic Advice. November 1988, 1988.
- KSL-86-58
- Clancey, W. J. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Tutorial Survey. Universite de L'Etat, Belgium, 1986.
- KSL-86-60
- Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Interlisp Version. 1986.
- KSL-86-61
- Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Common Lisp Version. 1986.
- KSL-86-62
- Wilkins, D. C.; Clancey, W. J.; & Buchanan, B. G. Using and Evaluating Differential Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring and Apprentice Learning Systems. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 1987.
- KSL-86-63
- Wilkins, D. C. Knowledge Base Debugging Using Apprenticeship Learning Techniques. October 1986, 1986.
- KSL-86-64
- Henager, D. E. Window-Driven Object-Oriented Calculator. March, 1986.
- KSL-86-65
- Ginsberg, M. L. & Smith, D. E. Reasoning About Action I: A Possible Worlds Approach. May, 1987.
- KSL-86-66
- Ginsberg, M. L. & Smith, D. E. Reasoning About Action II: The Qualification Problem. May, 1987.
- KSL-86-67
- Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N. P.; & Byrd, G. T. LAMINA: CARE APPLICATIONS INTERFACE. November 1987, 1987.
- KSL-86-68
- Smith, D. E. Controlling Backward Inference. March, 1987.
- KSL-86-69
- Brown, H.; Schoen, E.; & Delagi, B. An Experiment in Knowledge-Base Signal Understanding Using Parallel Architectures. Kluwer Publishers, 1986.
- KSL-86-70
- Laird, J. E.; Newell, A.; & Rosenbloom, P. S. Soar: An Architecture for General Intelligence. 1986.
- KSL-86-71
- Wilkins, D. C. Formulation of Cognitive Diagnosis as Heuristic Classification. Pittsburgh, 1987.
- KSL-86-74
- Rennels, G. D. A Computational Model of Reasoning from the Clinical Literature. Ph.D., Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1986.
- KSL-86-75
- Horvitz, E. J. Toward a Science of Expert Systems. 1986.
- KSL-86-76
- Johnson Jr., M. V. & Hayes-Roth, B. Integrating Diverse Reasoning Methods in the BB1 Blackboard Control Architecture. December, 1986.
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