
A Methodology for Implementing Clinical Algorithms Using Expert System an Database Tools

Reference: Rucker, D. W. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Methodology for Implementing Clinical Algorithms Using Expert System an Database Tools. Washington D.C., 1989.

Abstract: The HyperLipid Advisory System is a combination of an expert system and a database that uses an augmented transition network methodology for implementing clinical algorithms. These algorithms exist as tables from which the separate expert-system rule base sequentially extracts the steps in the algorithm. The rule base assumes that the algorithm has a binary branching structure and models episodes of clinical care, but otherwise makes no assumption regarding the specific clinical domain. HyperLipid uses the NIH Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel recommendations, which are in a binary branching format, as its source of medical knowledge. HyperLipid has a temporal representation mapping patient data into a database, so the clinical algorithms can range over multiple patient enounters. Use of a commercially available expert-system tool for such tasks allows algorithm implementation in standard personal-computing environments.

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