
Conceptual Change and Computer-Assisted Instruction

Reference: Pradhan, M. & Dev, P. Conceptual Change and Computer-Assisted Instruction. Washington D.C., 1993.

Abstract: We conducted a study to determine whether a computer-assisted instruction program in neuroanatomy helped first-year medical students to form biomedical concepts, and to correct their misconceptions. Using question naires and interviews, we elicited concepts and misconceptions held by the students, in the domain of cranial nerve anatomy. The computer program exposed the students to the information they required to answer the scenario-based questions. Our study found that the students' number and types of misconceptions did not decrease after use of the computer-assisted instruction program. Our findings suggest that designers of computer-assisted instruction programs should determine the common misconceptions that student hold, and should target the programs to correct these misconceptions.

Notes: August 1993.

Full paper available as ps.

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