
Compiling Special-Purpose Rules from General-Purpose Device Modeling

Reference: Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Special-Purpose Rules from General-Purpose Device Modeling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.

Abstract: The current generation of expert systems is fueled by special-purpose, task- specific associational rules developed with the aid of domain experts. In many cases, the expert has distilled or compiled these so-called "shallow" rules from "deeper" models of the application domain that have not been captured in the knowledge engineering process. Because the underlying models are missing, the encoded shallow rules are unsupported and brittle. This paper describes a technique called rule compilation that addresses this problem by automating the process of deriving special-purpose rules from underlying domain models. The process of rule compilation is illustrated with two simple examples. In the first, a structure/behavior model of a simple engineered device is compiled into a set of fault localization rules for troubleshooting. In the second, the same underlying device model is compiled into a set of abstract redesign plans.

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