Iwasaki, Y.

Iwasaki, Y.

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Loeser, T.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Fikes, R. Safety Verification Proofs for Physical Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1998.

Iwasaki, Y.; Farquhar, A.; Fikes, R.; & Rice, J. A Web-based Compositional Modeling System for Sharing of Physical Knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann, Nagoya, Japan, 1997.

Choueiry, B. Y.; McIlraith, S. A.; Iwasaki, Y.; Loeser, T.; Neller, T.; Engelmore, R.; & Fikes, R. Thoughts Towards a Practical Theory of Reformulation for Reasoning about Physical Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1998.

Levy, A. Y.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Fikes, R. Automated Model Selection for Simulation Based on Relevance Reasoning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1995.

Vescovi, M.; Farquhar, A.; & Iwasaki, Y. Numerical Interval Simulation: Bounding Behaviors of Non-Monotonic Systems. 1994.

Iwasaki, Y.; Vescovi, M.; & Fikes, R. A Causal Functional Representation Language with Behavior-Based Semantics. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1994.

Falkenhainer, B.; Farquhar, A.; Bobrow, D.; Fikes, R.; Forbus, K.; Gruber, T.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Kuipers, B. CML: A Compositional Modeling Language. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1994.

Iwasaki, Y. & Levy, A. Y. Automated Model Selection for Simulation. 1993.

Vescovi, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Fikes, R.; & Chandrasekaran, B. CFRL: A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineering Devices. 1993.

Iwasaki, Y.; Fikes, R.; Vescovi, M.; & Chandrasekaran, B. How Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device Design. 1993.

Iwasaki, Y.; Tessler, S.; & Law, K. Diagrammatic Reasoning in Problem Solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1991.

Levy, A.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Motoda, H. Acquiring (Ir)relevance Knowledge for Problem solving. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.

Levy, A. Y.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Motoda, H. Relevance Reasoning to Guide Compositional Modeling. Seoul, Korea, 1992.

Iwasaki, Y. & Chandrasekaran, B. Design Verification Through Function- and Behavior-Oriented Representations. Kluwer Academic, Pittsburgh, 1992.

Fruchter, R.; Iwasaki, Y.; & Law, K. H. Generating Qualitative Models for Structural Engineering Analysis and Design. Washington, D.C., 1991.

Iwasaki, Y. & Low, C. M. Model Generation and Simulation of Device Behavior with Continuous and Discrete Changes. 1991.

Fikes, R.; Gruber, T. R.; Iwasaki, Y.; Levy, A.; & Nayak, P. How Things Work Project Overview. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1991.

Fruchter, R.; Law, K. H.; & Iwasaki, Y. An Approach for Qualitative Structural Analysis. 1993.

Gruber, T. & Iwasaki, Y. How Things Work: Knowledge-Based Modeling of Physical Devices. KSL, August, 1990.

Iwasaki, Y. Reasoning with Multiple Abstraction Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.

Iwasaki, Y. & Doshi, K. Equation Model Generation: Where do Equations Come From? Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.

Iwasaki, Y. An Integrated Scheme for Using First-Principle Physical Knowledge-Based Simulation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.

Iwasaki, Y. On the Relationship Between Model Abstraction and Causality. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.

Simon, H. A.; Kalagnanam, J.; & Iwasaki, Y. The Mathematical Bases for Qualitative Reasoning. KSL, August, 1990.

Iwasaki, Y. Two Model Abstraction Techniques Based on Temporal Grain Size: Aggregation and Mixed Models. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1990.

Low, C. M. & Iwasaki, Y. Device Modelling Environment: An Interactive Environment for Modelling Device Behaviour. 1992.

Feigenbaum, E.; Engelmore, R.; Gruber, T. R.; & Iwasaki, Y. Large Knowledge Bases for Engineering: The How Things Work Project of the Knowledge Systems Laboratory. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1990.

Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Special-Purpose Rules from General-Purpose Device Modeling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.

Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Diagnosis Rules and Redesign Plans from a Structure/Behavior Device Model: The Details. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.

Iwasaki, Y. Model Abstraction in Qualitative Reasoning. KSL, November, 1989.

Iwasaki, Y. Causality and Model Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1989.

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