Reference: Miksch, S.; Cheng, K.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Patient Advocate: Cooperative Agents to Support Patient-Centered Needs and Demands. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1996.
Abstract: Knowledge-based monitoring and therapy planning systems were mainly built for the convenience of health care providers. They neglect the consumers of health care, namely, the patients. Our approach is concentrated on the individual patient's demands and needs. We are designing, building, and demonstrating cooperative agents to support patients' management of their own health-related behavior on a day-to-day basis at home. Clinical treatment protocols are represented in an intention-based temporal representation language to overcome the drawbacks of vague or ill-structured problem definitions (e.g., missing functional dependencies). These representations are used to guide the patient, to provide necessary explanations, and to observe and critique whether the patient obeys the instructions of the health-care provider. We will present a prototype which monitors and consults with women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Notes: Submitted to 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, October 26-30, 1996, Washington, DC.
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