Hayes-Roth, B.
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[Reports by Author]
[Reports by KSL Number]
[Reports by Year]
- KSL-98-01
- Isbister, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Social Implications of Using Synthetic Characters: An Examination of a Role-Specific Intelligent Agent. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-02
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Abstract Plans to Guide Behavior. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-03
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-04
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Learning of Compositional Hierarchies for the modeling of context effects. Knowledge systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-05
- Pfleger, K. & Hayes-Roth, B. Categorical Boltzmann Machines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-98-07
- Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting with Animate Characters: Puppets, Bartenders, and Auto Salespersons. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1998.
- KSL-97-04
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Guided Exploration of Virtual Worlds. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1997.
- KSL-97-06
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting with Personality-Rich Characters. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1997.
- KSL-97-07
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Social-Psychological Model for Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1997.
- KSL-97-08
- Maldonado, H.; Picard, A.; Doyle, P.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Tigrito: A Multi-Mode Interactive Improvisational Agent. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-97-09
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Agents in Annotated Worlds. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-97-10
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Improvisational Synthetic Actors with Flexible Personalities. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1997.
- KSL-96-05
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Story-Making with Improvisational Puppets and Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1996.
- KSL-96-09
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Improvisational Puppets, Actors, and Avatars. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1996.
- KSL-96-13
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Gent, R. v.; & Huber, D. Acting in Character. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-14
- Miksch, S.; Cheng, K.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Patient Advocate: Cooperative Agents to Support Patient-Centered Needs and Demands. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1996.
- KSL-96-17
- Huard, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Children's Collaborative Playcrafting. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1996.
- KSL-96-19
- Miksch, S.; Chang, K.; & Hayes-Roth, B. An Intelligent Assistant for Patient Health Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-20
- Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Intelligent Guide for Virtual Environments. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-21
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Personality in Synthetic Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-22
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Motivated Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-23
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Gent, R. v.; & Huber, D. Directing Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-24
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Gent, R. v. Story-Making with Improvisational Puppets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1996.
- KSL-96-25
- Larsson, J. E.; Hayes-Roth, B.; & Gaba, D. Guardian: Final Evaluation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, August, 1996.
- KSL-96-27
- Huard, R. D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Children's Play with Improvisational Puppets. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1996.
- KSL-96-28
- Rousseau, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Personality in Synthetic Actors. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1996.
- KSL-95-01
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Adaptable Motivational Profiles for Autonomous Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-02
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Action-Based Hierarchies for Real-Time Diagnosis. 1996.
- KSL-95-02
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Action-Based Hierarchies for Real-Time Diagnosis. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-04
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Sincoff, E. Directed Improvisation by Computer Characters. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1995.
- KSL-95-32
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Finding Analogues for Innovative Design. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-35
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Pfleger, K.; Morignot, P.; & Lalanda, P. Plans and Behavior in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1995.
- KSL-95-50
- Hayes-Roth, B. Agents on Stage: Advancing the State of the Art of AI. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1995.
- KSL-95-75
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Goal Generation and Revision for Planning Agents in Unpredictable Environments. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, October, 1995.
- KSL-94-11
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Pfleger, K.; Lalanda, P.; Morignot, P.; & Balabanovic, M. A Domain-Specific Software Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. 1994.
- KSL-94-19
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Retrieving Semantically Distant Analogies with Knowledge-Directed Spreading Activation. Seattle, Washington, 1994.
- KSL-94-20
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Larsson, J. E. A Domain-Specific Software Architecture for a Class of Intelligent Patient Monitoring Agents. 1994.
- KSL-94-27
- Lalanda, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Deadline Management in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-39
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Uckun, S.; Larsson, J. E.; Drakopoulos, J.; Gaba, D.; Barr, J.; & Chien, J. Guardian: An Experimental System for Intelligent ICU Monitoring. Washington D.C., 1994.
- KSL-94-42
- Drakopoulos, J. A. & Hayes-Roth, B. tFPR: A Fuzzy and Structural Pattern Recognition System of Multi-Variate Time Dependent Patterns based on Sigmoidal Functions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1994.
- KSL-94-61
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Sincoff, E.; Brownston, L.; Huard, R.; & Lent, B. Directed Improvisation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1994.
- KSL-94-63
- Latombe, J.-C. & Hayes-Roth, B. Dynamic Adaptation of Individual Perception-Action Control Plans in a Heterogeneous Team of Intelligent Mobile Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1994.
- KSL-94-69
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Gent, R. v. Multiagent Collaboration in Directed Improvisation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, San Francisco CA, 1995.
- KSL-94-76
- Morignot, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. Why Does An Agent Act? Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1994.
- KSL-93-09
- Uckun, S. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Control Architecture for Intelligent Mobile Robots. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1993.
- KSL-93-10
- Dabija, V. G. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Framework for Deciding When to Plan to React. 1993.
- KSL-93-17
- Hayes-Roth, B. A Satisficing Cycle for Real-Time Reasoning in Intelligent Agents. 1993.
- KSL-93-18
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Brownston, L.; & Collinot, A. Strategic Control of Reactive Behavior in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, February, 1993.
- KSL-93-19
- Hayes-Roth, B. An Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. 1995.
- KSL-93-24
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. A Comparison of Action-Based Hierarchies and Decision Trees for Real-Time Performance. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Washington DC, 1993.
- KSL-93-43
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Lalanda, P.; Morignot, P.; Pfleger, K.; & Balabanovic, M. Plans and Behavior in Intelligent Agents. 1993.
- KSL-92-04
- Ash, D.; Gold, G.; Seiver, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Guaranteeing Real-Time Response with Limited Resources. 1992.
- KSL-92-05
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Action-Based Fault Hierarchies for Real-Time Response. 1992.
- KSL-92-32
- Hayes-Roth, B. Opportunistic Control of Action in Intelligent Agents. 1992.
- KSL-92-33
- Hayes-Roth, F.; Erman, L. D.; Terry, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Distributed Intelligent Control and Management: Concepts, Methods and Tools for Developing DICAM Applications. 1992.
- KSL-92-48
- Hayes-Roth, B. On Building Integrated Cognitive Agents: A Review of Allen Newell's Unified Theories of Cognition. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.
- KSL-92-68
- Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent Control. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.
- KSL-92-80
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Practical Real-Time Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1992.
- KSL-91-08
- Hayes-Roth, B. & Collinot, A. Scalability of Real-Time Reasoning in Intelligent Agents. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Janury, 1991.
- KSL-91-31
- Wolverton, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Proposal: Performing Invention with Analogies to "Far-Flung" Concepts. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, May, 1991.
- KSL-91-35
- Murdock, L. & Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent Monitoring and Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. December, 1991.
- KSL-91-42
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Ash, D.; Hewett, R.; Collinot, A.; Vina, A.; & Seiver, A. Guardian: A Prototype Intelligent Agent for Intensive-Care Monitoring. 1992.
- KSL-91-43
- Vina, A.; Ash, D.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Engineering Reactive Agents for Real-Time Control. Avignon, France, 1991.
- KSL-91-57
- Vina, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Knowledge-Based Real Time Control: The Use of Abstraction to Satisfy Deadlines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1991.
- KSL-90-03
- Gans, A.; Confrey, T.; Harvey, J.; & Hayes-Roth, B. How WATCH Works: Documentation for the WATCH, NEWWATCH, and METAWATCH Programs. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-14
- Washington, R.; Boureau, L.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Knowledge for Real-Time Input Data Management. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-15
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Abstraction Planning in Real-Time. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-16
- Ash, D. & Hayes-Roth, B. Temporal Representations in Blackboard Architectures. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-17
- Collinot, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Real-Time Control of Reasoning: Experiments with Two Control Models. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-18
- Tommelein, I.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Levitt, R.; & Confrey, T. Comparing and Contrasting an Expert System and an AI System for Space Planning. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-39
- Ash, D.; Vina, A.; Seiver, A.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Action-oriented diagnosis under real-time constraints. Palo Alto, CA, 1990.
- KSL-90-40
- Hewett, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Representing and reasoning about physical systems using prime models. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
- KSL-89-05
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; Hewett, M.; & Seiver, A. Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control. KSL, January, 1989.
- KSL-89-06
- Washington, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Input Data Management in Real-Time AI Systems. KSL, May, 1989.
- KSL-89-44
- Gans, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. NEWWATCH: Learning Interrupted Strategies by Observing Actions. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1990.
- KSL-89-45
- Confrey, T. & Hayes-Roth, B. Knowledge Based Strategy Generalization. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-89-63
- Hayes-Roth, B. Architectural Foundations for Real-Time Performance in Intelligent Agents. 1990.
- KSL-88-19
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; & Garvey, A. ACCORD: A Framework for a Class of Design Tasks. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-20
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, R.; & Seiver, A. Diagnostic Explanation using Models. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-21
- Garvey, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. An Empirical Analysis of Explicit vs. Implicit Control Architectures. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-22
- Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Real-Time I/O in Knowledge-Based Systems. November, 1988.
- KSL-88-23
- Schulman, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. Plan-Based Construction of Strategic Explanations. March, 1988.
- KSL-88-50
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; & Seiver, A. Distributing Intelligence Within an Individual. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
- KSL-88-64
- Hayes-Roth, B. Making Intelligent Systems Adaptive. September, 1988.
- KSL-87-08
- Schulman, R. & Hayes-Roth, B. ExAct: A Module for Explaining Actions. January, 1987.
- KSL-87-10
- Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. The BB1 Architecture: A Software Engineering View. February, 1987.
- KSL-87-11
- Garvey, A.; Cornelius, C.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Computational Costs versus Benefits of Control Reasoning. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-31
- Hayes-Roth, B. A Multi-Processor Interrupt-Driven Architecture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-40
- Garvey, A. & Hayes-Roth, B. Implementing Diverse Forms of Control Knowledge in Multiple Controls. June, 1987.
- KSL-87-47
- Tommelein, I. D.; Levitt, R. E.; & Hayes-Roth, B. Using Expert Systems for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on Construction Sites. E.&F.N. Spon, London, 1987.
- KSL-87-67
- Hayes-Roth, B. Dynamic Control Planning in Adaptive Intelligent Systems. November, 1987.
- KSL-86-28
- Brinkley, J.; Cornelius, C.; Altman, R.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Lichtarge, O.; Duncan, B.; Buchanan, B.; & Jardetzky, O. Application of Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to the Determination of Protein Tertiary Structure. March, 1986.
- KSL-86-38
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Garvey, A.; & Hewett, M. A Modular and Layered Environment for Reasoning about Action. 1987.
- KSL-86-42
- Jardetzky, O.; Lane, A.; Lefevre, J.-F.; Lichtarge, O.; Hayes-Roth, B.; Altman, R.; & Buchanan, B. A New Method for the Determination of Protein Structures in Solution from NMR. Rome, Italy, 1986.
- KSL-86-45
- Tommelein, I. D.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Hayes-Roth, B.; & Levitt, R. E. SightPlan: An Expert System for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on a Construction Site. North Holland, 1987.
- KSL-86-51
- Hayes-Roth, B.; Buchanan, B.; Lichtarge, O.; Hewett, M.; Altman, R.; Brinkley, J.; Cornelius, C.; Duncan, B.; & Jardetzky, O. PROTEAN: Deriving protein structure from constraints. 1986.
- KSL-86-60
- Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Interlisp Version. 1986.
- KSL-86-61
- Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Common Lisp Version. 1986.
- KSL-86-76
- Johnson Jr., M. V. & Hayes-Roth, B. Integrating Diverse Reasoning Methods in the BB1 Blackboard Control Architecture. December, 1986.
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