
Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control

Reference: Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; Hewett, M.; & Seiver, A. Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control. KSL, January, 1989.

Abstract: Intelligent monitoring and control involves observing and guiding the behavior of a physical system toward some objective, with real-time constraints on the utility of particular actions. Generic functional requirements for this task include: integration of perception, reasoning, and action; integration of multiple reasoning activities; reasoning about complex, time-varying systems; coordination of multiple response modes; dynamic allocation of limited computational resources. We illustrate these requirements in the domain of patient monitoring in a surgical intensive care unit (SICU). We propose a generic architecture, designed and implemented in layers: top-level system organization; reasoning skills and knowledge representation; first-principles knowledge of physical systems; domain knowledge. We illustrate the architecture in the "Guardian" system for SICU monitoring and describe Guardian's performance on an illustrative scenario. Finally, we discuss the generality and limitations of the proposed architecture.

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