Hewett, M.

Hewett, M.

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Hayes-Roth, B.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; Hewett, M.; & Seiver, A. Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control. KSL, January, 1989.

Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; & Garvey, A. ACCORD: A Framework for a Class of Design Tasks. March, 1988.

Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. Real-Time I/O in Knowledge-Based Systems. November, 1988.

Hayes-Roth, B.; Hewett, M.; Washington, R.; Hewett, R.; & Seiver, A. Distributing Intelligence Within an Individual. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

Hewett, M. & Hayes-Roth, B. The BB1 Architecture: A Software Engineering View. February, 1987.

Hayes-Roth, B.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Garvey, A.; & Hewett, M. A Modular and Layered Environment for Reasoning about Action. 1987.

Hayes-Roth, B.; Buchanan, B.; Lichtarge, O.; Hewett, M.; Altman, R.; Brinkley, J.; Cornelius, C.; Duncan, B.; & Jardetzky, O. PROTEAN: Deriving protein structure from constraints. 1986.

Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Interlisp Version. 1986.

Garvey, A.; Hewett, M.; Johnson Jr., M. V.; Schulman, R.; & Hayes-Roth, B. BB1 User Manual - Common Lisp Version. 1986.

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