
Problem-Solving Models for Generation of Task-Specific Knowledge-Acquisition Tools

Reference: Musen, M. A. Problem-Solving Models for Generation of Task-Specific Knowledge-Acquisition Tools. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1993.

Abstract: Much current work on knowledge acquisition for intelligent systems concentrates on the use of predifined models of problem-solving methods to define the roles in which domain knowledge is used to solve particular application tasks. Knowledge-acquisition tools that incorporate such models impose task-specific architectures on the knowledge bases that the tools are used to construct. PROTÉGÉ-I is a metalevel program that generates knowledge-acquisition tools tailored for classes of application tasks. PROTÉGÉ-I includes a model of problem solving via the method of episodic skeletal-plan refinement (ESPR). Knowledge engineers extend this model of problem solving with domain knowledge to define models of relevant application areas. Current research in our laboratory concerns a new architecture, PROTÉGÉ-II, in which knowledge engineers assemble the ESPR model using a library of smaller buidling blocks, called problem-solving mechanisms. In addition to providing flexibility in the definition of the control strategy for the expert systems that PROTÉGÉ-II ultimately generates, the new architecute allows knowledge engineers to represent static domain knowledge as explicit ontologies of concepts and relationships that may themselves be reusable.

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