

Reference: Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N. P.; & Byrd, G. T. LAMINA: CARE APPLICATIONS INTERFACE. November 1987, 1987.

Abstract: LAMINA provides extensions to Lisp for studying expressed concurrency in functional programming, object oriented, and shared variable styles of computation. The implementation of the support for all three computational styles is based on the common notion of a stream, a datatype which can be used to express pipelined operations by representing the promise of a (potentially infinite) sequence of values. A pipelined algorithm to provide the sorted order of sequences of set elements is presented in the functional, object oriented, and shared variable programming styles for comparison. In addition to demonstrating that a common set of primitives based on the notion of a stream is adequate for support of all three styles mentioned, LAMINA illustrates the means by which software pipelines may be managed and the means by which dynamic structure creation, relocation, and reclamation may be localized in a multiprocessor system. Algorithms and applications written in LAMINA may be run on the SIMPLE/CARE simulation system in order to study their execution on alternative multiprocessor architectures. This has been done for two "expert system" applications and linear speedups over the range from one to eighty processors have been measured using LAMINA.

Notes: 30 pages.

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