
The Practical Application of Continuous-Speech Recognition to the Task of Medical Recordkeeping

Reference: Fagan, L.; Wulfman, C.; Rua, M.; Isaacs, E.; Lane, C.; Rohn, J.; Webber, B.; & Shortliffe, E. The Practical Application of Continuous-Speech Recognition to the Task of Medical Recordkeeping. 1989.

Abstract: Recent advances in speech-recognition technology have for the first time given application developers large-vocabulary, continuous-speech recognizers to use in interfaces to their systems. In this paper we describe two ongoing projects: one to provide voice-entry of clinical data to a medical therapy- planning expert system called ONCOCIN, the other to produce a system for the spoken composition of medical notes. This work focuses on the ways in which graphical interfaces can be used to constrain users to a manageable set of utterances without interfering with their expressiveness.

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