Lane, C.

Lane, C.

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Detmer, W. M.; Shiffman, S.; Wyatt, J. C.; Friedman, C. P.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: II. An Evaluation Using a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. 1994.

Shiffman, S.; Detmer, W. M.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: I. Techniques to Accommodate for Misrecognized Input. 1994.

Shiffman, S.; Lane, C. D.; Johnson, K.; & Fagan, L. M. The Integration of a Continuous-Speech-Recognition System with the QMR Diagnostic Program. Washington, D.C., 1992.

Wulfman, C. E.; Rua, M.; Lane, C. D.; Shortliffe, E. H.; & Fagan, L. M. Graphical Access to Medical Expert Systems: V. Integration with Continuous-Speech Recognition. March, 1993.

Isaacs, E.; Wulfman, C. E.; Rohn, J. A.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. Graphical Access to Medical Expert Systems: IV. Experiments to Determine the Role of Spoken Input. April, 1993.

Shiffman, S.; Wu, A.; Poon, A.; Lane, C.; Middleton, B.; Miller, R.; Masarie, F.; Cooper, G.; Shortliffe, E.; & Fagan, L. Building a Speech Interface to a Medical Diagnostic System. 1991.

Fagan, L.; Wulfman, C.; Rua, M.; Isaacs, E.; Lane, C.; Rohn, J.; Webber, B.; & Shortliffe, E. The Practical Application of Continuous-Speech Recognition to the Task of Medical Recordkeeping. 1989.

Lane, C. The Ozone Reference Manual. July 1986, 1986.

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