
From Knowledge Based Systems to Knowledge Sharing Technology: Evaluation and Assessment

Reference: Gomez-Perez, A. From Knowledge Based Systems to Knowledge Sharing Technology: Evaluation and Assessment. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 12-2-94, 1994.

Abstract: There is no set of general guidelines to evaluate KST, specific ideas to evaluate user-independent ontologies in their own whole life cycle, whether their definitions are reused by KBS or they are shared among software agents. Instead of starting from the beginning, this paper discusses similarities and differences between knowledge bases and ontologies. The idea is to learn from Knowledge Base Systems' evaluation and assessment by picking up some successful ideas and adapting them to the domain of the ontologies. We also learn from its mistakes by avoiding them. The paper also describes how different agents that use ontologies with different aims have different concerns in the evaluation and assessment processes. Definitions of the terms: evaluation, verification, validation and assessment in the knowledge sharing domain are also given.

Notes: This work is support by the "Ministeri de Educacion y Ciencia" in Spain.

Full paper available as ps.

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