Reference: Gilbertson, D. G. Representation of the QMR Knowledge Base Using SNOMED-III and Conceptual Graphs. Master's Practicum, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June 1993, 1993.
Abstract: The success of decision-support systems depend on their ability to share knowledge and information with clinical information systems. Decision-support systems must be incorporated into the daily routine of providing medical care without introducing redundancy and rework for the clinician. This level of integration will require standards that allow the exchange of information among clinical systems. In this paper, I evaluate SNOMED-III as a standard medical vocabulary and conceptual graphs as a standard knowledge-representation language. This evaluation is based on a study that represented 108 QMR terms using SNOMED-III and conceptual graphs. I also develop a methodology and a set of criteria for evaluating potential knowledge-representation standards. I conclude that the combination of SNOMED-III and conceptual graphs has the potential to become a standard for representing medical knowledge.