
Heuristic Programming Project, October 1982 - September 1985, Final Report

Reference: Engelmore, R. S. & Cornelius, C. W. Heuristic Programming Project, October 1982 - September 1985, Final Report. February, 1986.

Abstract: This report summarizes the research performed at Stanford University under ARPA Order No. 3423, Contract N00039-83-C-0136. The overall purpose of the contract was basic and applied to research into the science and engineering of knowledge-based systems. This work focused on five important and interrelated problems in building and using Knowledge-based Systems: 1. Basic Research in Knowledge-based Systems Design and Implementation 2. Intelligent Agents and tools for interacting with complex systems, planning, and cooperative problem solving. 3. The Blackboard Model and integration of knowledge from different sources 4. Advanced Knowledge-based System Architectures for high performance parallel processing hardware and software 5. Knowledge-based VSLI tools for design and testing of integrated circuits All of the research described in this report was performed within the Knowledge Systems Laboratory (KSL), formerly known as the Heuristic Programming Project (HPP). Professors Edward Feigenbaum and Bruce Buchanan were the Principal Investigators of the contract, and Mr. Thomas C. Rindfleisch is the Director of the KSL. Much of the research in this contract was performed on high performance LISP workstations, many of them purchased under this contract. A DEC VAX 11/780 facility purchased under a previous contract from ARPA with the HPP (contract # MDA903-80-C-0107) was used to support basic research into heuristic methods as well as the VLSI Theory work. Additional research was performed using the facilities of the NIH-sponsored SUMEX-AIM computer system (a Digital Equipment Corporation 2060). Sections 3 through 7 of this report summarize the KSL research under this contract. Publications resulting from this work contain the details of results and methodology, and are listed at the end of each section. Section 8 describes the computing environment of the KSL, the equipment purchases made under this contract, and the systems research and development that support the computing resources of the KSL.

Notes: 16 pages.

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