
Diagnosis, Teaching, and Learning: An Overview of GUIDON2 Research

Reference: Clancey, W. J. Diagnosis, Teaching, and Learning: An Overview of GUIDON2 Research. April, 1987.

Abstract: We are developing a family of tutoring programs, collectively called GUIDON2, which enable a student to watch, explain, debug, and learn in apprenticeship the process of diagnosis. This research aims to develop cognitive models of human problem solving and learning in expert systems, and to use these models as a foundation for a teaching program. A theory of learning, based on the role of metaknowledge in detecting and coping with problem-solving failures, is being tested in a knowledge acquisition program, which will serve as a standard for evaluating and assisting a student. Two perspectives on the nature of knowledge engineering interact in the design of GUIDON2 instructional programs: We view knowledge engineering as a modeling methodology, and we view knowledge engineers as students, who use domain- general knowlege abut representations and prblem-solving procedures to critique and improve qualitative models. In GUIDON2, we are investigating whether we can teach students to play an active role in directing their own learning, by analogy with the methods for detecting and coping with failure used by a knowledge engineer.

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