
VentPlan: An Architecture for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Computation

Reference: Rutledge, G.; Thomsen, G.; Beinlich, I.; Farr, B.; Kahn, M.; Sheiner, L.; & Fagan, L. VentPlan: An Architecture for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Computation. 1989.

Abstract: We present a planning architecture that integrates five techniques: (1) representation of state information in a belief network with quantitative and qualitative propositions, (2) representation of a complex dynamic system (patient) as a state-space dynamic model, (3) incremental updating of parameter estimates in a probabilistic framework, (4) optimization of control variables for planning, and (5) assessment of a multiattribute value function based on decision theory. VentPlan implements this architecture to provide therapy plan recommendations for patients in an intensive care unit.

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