Ontolingua Mail by subject
Messages from Tue, 13 Nov 90 13:58:55 PST to Sun, 7 Jul 1996 19:22:08 -0500 (CDT)
- ontolingua distribution list established Tom Gruber
- Answers to "where do the sources and documentation live" Daneel Pang
- ontolingua extension Tom Gruber
- Daneel Pang's Ontolingua paper Tom Gruber
- MCC's functional interface language Tom Gruber
- code for syntactic extension of OL to slot-values notation Tom Gruber
- simplified way to specify definitions in ontolingua Tom Gruber
- sneak preview of improved syntax Tom Gruber
- changes to ontolingua (syntax, generic functions, etc.) Tom Gruber
- ontolingua lives Tom Gruber
- what's new in ontolingua 3? Tom Gruber
- BNF for Ontolingua Tom Gruber
- example ontology for bibliographies Tom Gruber
- defining an abstract class Toshiyuki HAMA
- [phayes@herodotus.cs.uiuc.edu: Re: Non-declarative Constructors?] Tom Gruber
- new release of ontolingua Tom Gruber
- FTP address for ontolingua, ontologies, and papers Tom Gruber
- problems installing ONTOLINGUA... Fano Ramparany
- krss Inge Nordb|
- physical device ontology Inge Nordb|
- Representation & acquisition Ole Jakob Mengshoel
- Problems translating to loom kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- what is translated by ontolingua? Tom Gruber
- including theories Gertjan van Heijst
- not including theories Gertjan van Heijst
- IJCAI '93 Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Information Interchange Catherine Peyralbe
- Grasper-CL Peter Karp
- Problems with ontolingua Martin Schouwenburg
- installing ontolingua Martin Schouwenburg
- Error while loading Ontolingua Martin Schouwenburg
- CFP on KB&KS Conf. Riichiro MIZOGUCHI
- beta release of new Ontolingua Tom Gruber
- installation v. 3.2.0 Frank van Raalte
- KIF and packages Tom Gruber
- Re: KIF and packages macgregor@ISI.EDU
- Ontolingua and the FrameOntology kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- ontolingua theory inclusion Tom Gruber
- "Graphical" Ontolingua? Fano Ramparany
- Subscription Ivan Rodriguez
- ontolingua and C++ Inge Nordb|
- C++ KIF Parser olsen@cs.stanford.edu
- ontolingua 3.1.2 on cmulisp 17 Nirad Sharma
- CLOS translation Ronny Timmermans
- make that ontol3.3.1b, cmucl17c, loom2.1 Nirad Sharma
- announcing the Knowledge Sharing library on the WWWeb Tom Gruber
- Support to develop Ontologies Ivan Rodriguez
- Symbolic Sets and Sequences kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- bug or feature ? Gertjan van Heijst
- Ontolingua/Kif experiences Mike Uschold
- Ontolingua to SQL Ivan
- new ontolingua documentation and software Tom Gruber
- Generic Frame Protocol Tom Gruber
- Graph-management system Peter Karp
- Ontologies in LOOM Cheng Hian GOH
- Grasper Peter Karp
- New patches for 4.0.alpha release James Rice
- multiple inheritance in ontolingua Ronny
- tip for interfacing ontolingua to graphers Tom Gruber
- Shape and spatial relations ontology available? Wouter Jansweijer
- information about ontolingua rochdi@isis.u-strasbg.fr
- Re: information about ontolingua Tom Gruber
- Q&A on relations as sets, quotation, mapping over set elements Tom Gruber
- Install problem ontolingua 4.0 Frank van Raalte
- [no subject] Marv Rosenberg
- Q&A mapping over set elements Paul van der Vet
- ECAI workshop on parts and wholes Nicola Guarino
- pun in ontolingua KB Benjamin J. Kuipers
- subscribe Bill Brayman
- [no subject] Serge de Maisonneuve
- translation of :documentation to loom kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- Redundancy Paul van der Vet
- Ontolingua -> LOOM Paul van der Vet
- Call for Papers KB&KS'95 Paul van der Vet
- CFP: Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents, at CIKM-94 12/2/94 Timothy Finin
- New (Alpha) Ontolingua release James Rice
- new release of ontolingua Tom Gruber
- new release of ontology library Tom Gruber
- Manual to Ontolingua Mike Gassmann
- Browsing Ontologies Mike Gassmann
- passing the helm Tom Gruber
- CfP (final) Very Large Knowledge Bases Paul van der Vet
- Open accounts Hung-Shiun Chen
- Ontolingua tests Mike Uschold
- Hotgraphy request Leo Pietro
- Building Ontologies Mike Uschold
- Method for building Ontologies Mike Uschold
- WRONG ADDRESS Mike Uschold
- A new www-node on KBSs, ESs, ES in Design and Planning Leo Pietro
- bike-theory kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- Some questions (and a new ontology) Andre Valente
- regulations@cs.stanford.edu Michael R. Genesereth
- FW: 1995 Description Logics Workshop rneches
- Medical ontologies? Eliana Coelho
- KIF to/from Prolog Mike Uschold
- Synthetic Dimensionality Bruce Schuman
- Re: Kif to Prolog translator Mike Uschold
- Ontolingua under CMU Common Lisp? Jeff Kenyon
- Installation with cmu common lisp Francois Paradis
- error building ontolingua Luc YRIARTE
- WWW files not found on server` Mike Uschold
- email address changed Ronny Timmermans
- register Ronny Timmermans
- Network-based Ontology Editor (Beta Release AVAILABLE) Adam Farquhar
- [no subject] Luc YRIARTE
- Ontology editor - non-user survey James Rice
- ...only fools and Rices... James Rice
- Ontology editor (non) user survey. Results James Rice
- [no subject] Luc YRIARTE
- 1-bug 2-translator Luc YRIARTE
- Ontology for Constraint Satisfaction Problem HeeCheol Jeon
- Re: Declare before use constraint in ontology editor. James Rice
- [no subject] Alan Wai-Yin Tsoi
- [no subject] Alan Wai-Yin Tsoi
- [no subject] Alan Wai-Yin Tsoi
- unsubscribe Umann Gabor
- unsubscribe me Sergey Panskih
- IEEE Frame Standard Mike Uschold
- Ontolingua to prolog translation Adam Farquhar
- [no subject] Benjamin D. Branch
- Forwarded mail.... Benjamin D. Branch
- Ontolingua vis a vis Cyc CCHERPAS
- UK Open U. offers 33 'New Tech' Jobs Enrico Motta
- COMMON SENSE 96 Sasa Buvac
- CALL FOR PAPERS Alberto Broggi
- DOS version of ontolingua James M. Peters
- loading ontolingua into akcl Brian_#Nolan_at_AMS-BellSouth@mail.amsinc.com
- Ontolingua on Sun Common Lisp (by Lucid) Steffen Schulze-Kremer
- Bulding a Knowledge-Level 3D Shape Ontology Joaquin.A.Delgado
- Problems with Onntolingua, on-line KSL Services Joaquin.A.Delgado
- Role Classes -- e.g. Resource, Teacher Mike Uschold
- Individual vs Individual-Thing Mike Uschold
- Enterprise Ontology now available Mike Uschold
- CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange Sy Ali
- Enterprise Ontology Pre-Release Mike Uschold
- CIKM Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, Call for Papers Timothy Finin
- Agents Conference, November 95, London, England ted
- [no subject] ted
- [no subject] ted
- CFP Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design Call for Papers Timothy Finin
- CIKM-95 Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents. Papers due 9/22 Timothy Finin
- 2nd CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange Sy Ali
- Ontolingua as a Frame Base Robert Parks
- Deadline Extended: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange Sy Ali
- Ontology server in Spain. James Rice
- Loom to KIF? Dr. John Bateman
- CfP ECAI96 Workshop Ontological Engineering Paul van der Vet
- CFP: Detecting and Preventing Miscommunication Dr. Susan McRoy
- AAAI96 V&V Workshop - CFP James G. Schmolze
- CFP: Detecting and Preventing Miscommunication (Due Mar 18) Dr. Susan McRoy
- subscribe me Sergey Panskih
- CLASSIC Nancy Scala
- Extended deadline Lucja Iwanska
- CLIPS "sentences" to KIF? Amy Unruh
- CFP ETCE-97 Susan Haller
Last message date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 19:22:08 -0500 (CDT)