CALL FOR PAPERS (Alberto Broggi)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 95 21:33:10 +0200
From: (Alberto Broggi)
Message-id: <9506011933.AA06895@CE.UniPR.IT>
Dear colleague:
This message was sent to some different mailing-lists: should you receive
multiple copies of this call-for-papers, please accept my apologies.
If you are interested in it, consider submitting papers as well as
redistributing it and, if you maintain a list of call-for-papers, also
advertising it. Other info may be accessed in: http://WWW.CE.UniPR.IT/rti
Best regards, Alberto Broggi
Academic Press
Special Issue on
Special-Purpose Architectures for Real-Time Imaging
Nowadays, a number of different problems are solved through image processing
techniques (e.g. industrial inspection, robot guidance, unmanned vehicles,...,
to cite only a few examples). The problem of processing images in real-time
has been generally addressed and solved through the use of high-performance
computer systems, developed ad-hoc to meet the specific requirements of the
applications. Serial or parallel architectures have been enhanced through the
addition of various bus systems, interprocessor communication networks, and
other features explicitly designed to face the hard constraints imposed by
real-time processing, such as I/O (data acquisition and output), data
communications among processors (in multi-processor systems),...
A number of different special-purpose architectures for image analysis have
been proposed and developed, but seldom the presentation focuses on the
discussion of both the hard real-time requirements (applications) and the
hardware solutions which have been chosen (computer architectures).
The TOPICS of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
* Design of application-specific VLSI architectures;
* Performance analysis and comparison among different architectural solutions;
* Hardware mapping of parallel algorithms;
* VLSI architectures for HDTV and image compression;
* Hardware support for multimedia systems;
* Vision-based real-time robot and vehicle navigation;
* Massively parallel architectures for low-level vision;
* Hardware neural solutions;
* Experience on highly demanding vision applications.
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers with a strong emphasis on
the match between the application requirements and the chosen architectural
solutions, detailing the ad-hoc hardware enhancements. Papers should describe
systems which have been designed for a specific target application or which
have proved to be particularly suited for a given task.
* Authors should send 5 copies of their full paper (about 15 double-spaced
pages) to Alberto Broggi (whose address is indicated below).
* The closing date for submission is December 10th, 1995.
* Publication is tentatively expected to take place in mid 1996.
Accepted manuscripts will need to comply with all author guidelines of Journal
of Real-Time Imaging, available upon request from the guest editors or from
Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione Dip. di Elettronica
Viale delle Scienze Corso Duca degli Abruzzi
University of Parma Polytechnic of Turin
I-43100 Parma, Italy I-10129 Turin, Italy
Phone: +39-521-905707 Phone: +39-11-5644081
Fax: +39-521-905723 Fax: +39-11-5644099
E-Mail: broggi@CE.UniPR.IT E-Mail: gregor@PoliTO.IT
An up-to-date electronic version of this call for papers and related
information can be obtained via anonymous FTP from the host CE.UniPR.IT in
the directory /rti or via World Wide Web at: http://WWW.CE.UniPR.IT/rti.