IJCAI '93 Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Information Interchange

Catherine Peyralbe <peyralbe@capsogeti.fr>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 93 14:48:36 +0200
From: Catherine Peyralbe <peyralbe@capsogeti.fr>
Message-id: <9304011248.AA08683@gizmo>
To: ontolingua@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Subject: IJCAI '93 Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Information Interchange


       IJCAI'93 Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Information Interchange

                   August 28th, 1993 - Chambery, FR


  Connecting Knowledge Based Systems (KBSs) with conventional
  software or with other KBSs poses problems of knowledge 
  sharing and information interchange.
  Possible solutions of knowledge representation problems are the  
  subject of intense discussions in the American AI Community and in 
  Europe through European Community ESPRIT funded research projects,
  academic research, and the newly formed EuroKnowledge initiative. 

  This one-day Workshop during IJCAI'93 will confront the
  different approaches on Knowledge Sharing and Information
  Interchange and promote communication between researchers.

  The following subtopics are of interest for the Workshop 
  (others can be considered):
    * a common language for knowledge interchange (scope, semantics,
    * translation/mapping from a formalism to the common language,
    * generic ontologies,
    * use of a single knowledge representation formalism for the
      development of all KBSs,
    * reuse of existing KBs (methodological issues, standards).
    * potential of a standard query language/communication protocol.


   The maximum number of attendees is 35. The language is English.
   For each subtopic, several position statements will be made. 
   Follow up discussions are then planned. The aim of this workshop is
   to promote  an open exchange of ideas rather than a formal
   speaker/audience format. 
   A round table will be organized to conclude the day.
   The Contact Person will assure the organization of minutes taking
   and production of the synthesis of the Workshop.
   Several overviews will be added to this report: 
     * the DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort,
     * the EuroKnowledge initiative,
     * the IMKA effort.


   People wishing to present a communication (about 15 minutes) at the 
   workshop should submit a short position paper (about 1700 words). 
   Other persons wishing to attend the workshop should submit a short
   presentation paper (about 500 words) describing why their
   contribution to the workshop would be of interest (i.e. the
   research they have been conducting in the domain or in a related

   Three copies (hard copy, Latex on e-mail or fax) have to be sent
   to the contact person. Papers must include: author's name(s),
   affiliation, main field of specialization, complete postal address, 
   phone and fax number, and e-mail.  


   position paper, intention of participation:  April 23 
   Notifications:                               May 3
   Final copies of position papers:             July 2

Practical information:

   According to the IJCAI'93 organization, each workshop attendee must 
   have registered for the main conference. The fee of the workshop are
   an additional 300 FF (about 55 $) 

Organization Committee:

   Giuseppe Attardi, University of Pisa, Italy
   Tim Finin, University of Maryland, USA
   Mike Genesereth, Stanford University, USA
   Douglas B. Lenat, MCC, USA
   Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Blanes Center of Advanced Studies, Spain
   Don McKay, Paramax Systems Corporation, USA
   Bob Neches, USC/ISI, USA
   Catherine Peyralbe, Cap Gemini Innovation (chair), France

Contact Person:

   Catherine Peyralbe 
   86-90 rue Thiers, 
   92513 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex 
   Tel: +33 49 10 52 71
   Fax: +33 49 10 06 15 
   E-mail: peyralbe@capsogeti.fr 

For further information please contact the Contact Person at the above