Ontolingua and the FrameOntology
Message-id: <9307280940.AA03919@ki6.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1993 11:39:30 +0100
To: ontolingua@ksl.stanford.edu
From: kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
X-Sender: gerd@
Subject: Ontolingua and the FrameOntology
i have just started reading about Ontolingua and am doing some initial
test with the system. Having just read KSl-92-71 and the user manual there
are some things I wonder about.
On page 5 of KSL-92-71 there is a statement saying that "the set of idioms
that OL can recognize and translate is defined in an ontology called the
frame ontology" and on page 14: "By no coincidence these are the constructs
that are supported with special-purpose syntax and code in object-centered
representation systems". Therefore I got the impression that the frame
ontology should translate without warnings into the target systems. So I
wondered that there are some warnings during the translation to LOOM.
Which impact does they have, especially on theories like the physical
quantities using frame ontology? Can I still use them or remain a lot of
KIF sentences untranslated, therefore only partially describing the
semantics of the entities?
Reading the user manual I fell across the sentence on page 31: "The frame
ontology is a special ontolingua theory. It may be specialized on
implementation types. For instance, there is a Epikit and a LOOM version of
the frame ontology". Do this special versions still exist, and how do they
differ from the translations of frame-ontology.lisp into the target
systems? Are they part of the distribution or do I have to get them?
Having just started a project in the field of diagnosis of
electromechanical devices, I wonder if there are any ontologies in this
field. I stumbled across the summer ontology project, are the ontologies
derived there public?
As KR system i am actually considering LOOM and Classic 2.1. Is there a
translator to Classic available or how difficult would it be to implement
it. Considering the relative restricted language of Classic how much of a
Ontolingua ontology could be translated, compared to LOOM?
I hope that I'm bothering you not to much with this beginner's questions
Thank you
Gerd Kamp email: kamp@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
University of Hamburg phone: +49 40 4123-6536
Bodenstedtstr. 16
22765 Hamburg (Germany)