RE: CLIPS/C++ -> Ontolingua translation
Ramesh Patil <ramesh@ISI.EDU> (Ramesh S. Patil)
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 08:57:39 -0700
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To: rice@HPP.Stanford.EDU
From: Ramesh Patil <ramesh@ISI.EDU> (Ramesh S. Patil)
Subject: RE: CLIPS/C++ -> Ontolingua translation
Cc: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
>Benjamin D. Branch <> writes:
>>>I'm trying to download translators and I am having problems. I looking
>>>for clips to ontolingua translator and c++ to ontolingua translator
>No translators, that we are aware of, translate from any representation
>_into_ Ontolingua, the translations work the other way. Therefore,
>the short answer to your question is that you're out of luck. Having
>said this, there may be something for you in the long answer:......
>...... <rest of the message deleted>
There is a translator from LOOM to Ontolingua as well as to KIF. There is
also a translator from KRSS to Ontolingua that I have developed. If you
are interested in it I can provide it to you.
- Ramesh
Ramesh S. Patil
USC Information Sciences Institute, Phone: (310) 822-1511 Ext. 642
4676 Admiralty Way, Fax: (310) 823-6714
Marina del Rey,
CA 90292,