CfP (final) Very Large Knowledge Bases (Paul van der Vet)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 10:55:19 +0100
From: (Paul van der Vet)
Message-id: <>
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Subject: CfP (final) Very Large Knowledge Bases

                            KB & KS '95

        Second International Conference on Building and Sharing of
                   Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases

                          April 10-13, 1995

                        University of Twente
                          The Netherlands


Following the success of KB&KS'93, the First International Conference
on Building and Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases, in Tokyo,
Japan, a second conference with the same charter will be held at the
much acclaimed campus of the University of Twente, Enschede, the

This is a summary announcement. The electronic version of the general
information brochure will be updated regularly. See below, under
"Further information", for ways to access the information.


The programme of KB&KS'95 will consist of submitted paper
presentations (see below for the Call for Papers) and three
presentations by invited speakers. The invited speakers are:

Dr. Douglas B. LENAT (MCC)
Dr. Lenat is the initiator and project leader of the CYC project, a
very large-scale effort to develop a comprehensive knowledge base of
common sense knowledge. The project will end in mid 1995.

Dr. Francois RECHENMANN (INRIA Rhone-Alpes and IMAG/LIFIA)
Dr. Rechenmann is a world authority on using knowledge-based systems
in biology. In particular, he and his group have developed tools and
techniques to integrate knowledge from various laboratories in the
context of the Human Genome Project.

Dr. Toshio YOKOI (EDR, tentative)
Dr. Yokoi heads the Electronic Dictionary Research project, which aims
at building a very large machine-usable bilingual dictionary
English-Japanese, based on a hierarchically structured set of concepts.

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

Like the first conference, the Second International Conference on
Building and Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases solicits
papers relevant to the subject. Papers reporting experimental work are
particularly invited. The charter of the conference is exemplified by:

- Knowledge representation systems for large knowledge bases
  o Computational complexity (both theoretical and empirical) in
    relation to scaling
  o Standardisation; sharing and reuse

- Contents of large knowledge bases
  o Knowledge acquisition for large knowledge bases
  o Reuse of resources
  o Standardisation; sharing and reuse; ontologies

- Applications of large knowledge bases, with particular emphasis on
  scientific and engineering applications. There will be a special
  track on large knowledge bases for materials science.

Authors are invited to submit a paper with a maximum size of 20 A4
pages as either a flat ASCII file or a self-contained standard
PostScript file by email to:

Upon acceptance, authors will be required to deliver their final paper
using a special LaTeX style file that will be made available in due
time. If you have difficulties in complying with these standards,
please contact the organisers (address can be found below, under
"Further information").

December 1, 1994 - Deadline for paper submissions
January 10, 1995 - Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors
March 1, 1995 - Deadline for final paper
April 10, 1995 - Start of conference


Nicolaas J.I. Mars (University of Twente), chair; Jean-Paul Barthes,
Ronald J. Brachman, Su-Shing Chen, Jose Cuena, Thomas R. Gruber,
Nicola Guarino, James A. Hendler, Otto Kuehn, Jean-Pierre Laurent,
Douglas B. Lenat, Robert Meersman, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Robert Neches,
Toyoaki Nishida, Louis F. Pau, Francois Rechenmann, Reind van de Riet,
Oliviero Stock, Hans Voss, Toshio Yokoi.

                         FURTHER INFORMATION

The information will be updated regularly. It can be obtained in
several ways.

(1) WWW
The URL of the dedicated WWW site is

(2) FTP
A flat ASCII file with most information can be obtained by anonymous
ftp from

in file /pub/doc/kbks95/info.text

(3) Email
Sending an email to

will return a flat ASCII autoreply (no matter what the subject line
and contents are) containing the same information as is given at that
time in the ftp-file.

Other useful email addresses are:

for any questions not covered by the present information, and

for paper submissions and (later) final papers.

PLEASE NOTE that all sender names of incoming email will be logged. We
may use these addresses for mailings concerning KB&KS'95 but will not
use them for any other purpose.

Nicolaas J.I. Mars
Paul E. van der Vet

Knowledge-Based Systems Group
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone +31 53 89 36 90
Fax   +31 53 33 96 05