Problems with Onntolingua, on-line KSL Services
"Joaquin.A.Delgado" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 95 17:21:26 JST
From: "Joaquin.A.Delgado" <>
Message-id: <>
Subject: Problems with Onntolingua, on-line KSL Services
I've had serious problems when trying to define an axiom of
a unary relation over a class.
First, Ontoligua treats a unary relation over a class as a
sub-class of the former class, although the internal representation
is indeed a relation. This is semanticly OK, but it has brought me
troubles with Ontoligua's internal representations, while defining
it's axioms since Ontolingua won't let me.
It gives the following error:
You are attempting to redefine #%Ol-User::A@My-Ontology as an
ONTOLINGUA:ONTO-CLASS. It is currently already defined as an
ONTOLINGUA:ONTO-CLASS, but of a different concrete implementation type.
This redefinition cannot be performed. You should either delete
the existing definition, rename this definition, or shadow the
word ONTOLINGUA-USER::A in ontology ONTOLINGUA-USER::My-Ontology
Where A is a unary relation with class X as domain (Treated as
sub-class by Ontolingua) and I whish to define an axiom of A such
(=> (A ?X)
This does no happens when defining n-ary relations (other than unary)
and it also works when defining an axiom of a Class (a normal class
or sub-class).
If any one can help I'll be very much appreciated!
Joaquin Delgado e-mail:
ATR Research Labs, JAPAN