simplified way to specify definitions in ontolingua
Tom Gruber <>
Full-Name: Tom Gruber
Message-id: <2872399687-1043847@KSL-Mac-69>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 91 00:48:07 PST
From: Tom Gruber <>
Subject: simplified way to specify definitions in ontolingua
One of the problems with the :DEFINITION and :PRIMITIVE-DEFINITION
keywords is that they are disjoint with :SECOND-ORDER, :SLOT-VALUES,
etc. This is a problem since some of the things you will naturally
say about a class or relation in second-order statements may be part
of its definition. For example, it was implicitly assumed that
specifying a SUPERCLASS meant that it was part of the definition.
Moreover, as I use this language to define real ontologies and
translate into epikit and cycl, I find that the :PRIMITIVE-DEFINITION
business is a noisy intrusion that only makes sense for LOOM.
Furthermore, LOOM can't do much with primitive-definitions (unlike
definitions), and without exception every term I have defined has been
primitive. Therefore, I propose the following extension to the
syntax, leaving the current :DEFINITION and :PRIMITIVE-DEFINITION in
place for compatability (for now).
:DEF takes a sentence, possibly a conjunction, that contains
the definition of the term. This is the 'primitive' definition.
The keyword :IFF-DEF is for non-primitive definitions.
The sentence (or sentences, if a conjunction) the is the :DEF
can be either predicates using the free variables listed in the
argument list of the define-x form (the instance variables) or
second-order predicates taking the name of the relation or
class as an argument. Some examples:
(define-class module (?module)
"A module is an object that encapsulates a set of state variables
and constraints on their values with respect to time (or other state).
It is the most abstract 'object' in a lumped-parameter model,
including what might be thought of as components, connections, and entire systems."
:def (and (model-object module)
(domain-of module module-state-variables)
(domain-of module module-constraints))
;;; Note that the above is different than just asserting that the
;;; domain of module-state-variables subsumes module.
;;; It says that the fact that module "can have the slot" is
;;; intrinsic to its being a module. You would not normally use
;;; domain-of as a normal constraint (i.e., in the :IMPLIES sentence)
;;; because it is automatically asserted as the inverse of domain.
(define-class module (?module)
"A module is a model-object that encapsulates a set of state
variables and behavior constraints using them."
:def (and (model-object module)
(domain-of module module-state-variables)
(domain-of module module-constraints))
;;;DOMAIN-OF (aka #%canHaveSlots) is the inverse of DOMAIN, which is a
;;;second-order relation over binary relations (slots, roles, attributes)
;;;specifying the class to which the relation can apply.
(define-class parameter (?p)
"a property of the modelled world that 'has a value'."
:def (and (model-object module)
(domain-of p-value)))
;;; note you can still specify domain and range of a relation using
;;; either the second order relations DOMAIN and RANGE or by
;;; constraining the free variables.
(define-relation p-value (?parameter ?quantity)
"p-value is short for parameter value. It is defined as a function
>From parameters to quantities."
:def (and (parameter ?parameter)
(physical-quantity ?quantity)
(single-valued p-value)))
(define-class state-variable (?variable)
"A state variable is a parameter whose value is determined by a
function from states to quantities. State variables are used to
describe behavior: that is, some quantity of interest to model that
may change during simulation or is dependent on some other quantities,
as expressed in algebraic constraints. A state variable may be
associated with a model element (e.g., module, port, connection)
State variables are reified as objects, rather than left implicit as
a term denoting a value function, because they are 'parts' of a
'model'; systems that help construct models will reason about state
variables as entities in the domain of discourse."
:def (parameter ?variable)
(define-function sv-fluent (?variable ?function)
"Since the 'value' of a state variable depends on state, the value
of a state variable is not specified with a direct relation from
variable to value. Instead, each variable is associated with a
reified function, called a fluent, that represents the mapping from
states to values. This relation, SV-FLUENT, maps variables to
their fluents."
:def (and (state-variable ?variable)
(fluent ?function)))