Install problem ontolingua 4.0 (Frank van Raalte)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 14:03:52 +0200
From: (Frank van Raalte)
Message-id: <>
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Install problem ontolingua 4.0
We have a problem installing Ontolingua v4.0 on our system,
and hope you can help us. We run Sun Common Lisp 4.0 on
a Sun Sparcstation 1 with SunOS4.1.1; The error message
will be included at the end.
Thanks in advance,
+- Frank van Raalte ---------------+- email: ------------+
+- Department of Computer Science -+- P.O. Box 217 -----+- The Netherlands ----+
+- University of Twente -----------+- 7500 AE Enschede -+- tel: +31 53 893718 -+
> (load "defsystem")
;;; Loading source file "defsystem.lisp"
;;; You are using the compiler in development mode (compilation-speed = 3)
;;; If you want faster code at the expense of longer compile time,
;;; you should use the production mode of the compiler, which can be obtained
;;; by evaluating (proclaim '(optimize (compilation-speed 0)))
;;; Generation of full safety checking code is enabled (safety = 3)
;;; Optimization of tail calls is disabled (speed = 2)
;;; Reading source file "kernel/defpackage.lisp"
;;; Writing binary file "kernel/defpackage.sbin"
;;; Loading binary file "kernel/defpackage.sbin"
;;; Reading source file "kernel/packages.lisp"
>>Error: Package "EK" not found
Required arg 0 (STREAM): #<Stream OSI-BUFFERED-STREAM "/KbsWare/Kif-4/kernel/packages.lisp" C1E9BE>
Required arg 1 (EOF-ERROR-P): NIL
Required arg 2 (EOF-VALUE): #<Stream OSI-BUFFERED-STREAM "/KbsWare/Kif-4/kernel/packages.lisp" C1E9BE>
Required arg 3 (RECURSIVE-P): NIL
:C 0: Use the default package instead
1: Try compiling #P"/KbsWare/Kif-4/kernel/packages" again
:A 2: Abort to Lisp Top Level