error building ontolingua

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X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Subject: error building ontolingua
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:37:04 +0100
From: Luc YRIARTE <>


	Here at LIRMM we have problems building ontolingua, probably because our 
common lisp is not a recent version. Here is the system dialog :


;;; Sun Common Lisp, Development Environment 4.0.1, 6 July 1990
;;; Sun-4 Version for SunOS 4.0.x and sunOS 4.1 
;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
;;;            by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,  All Rights Reserved
;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
;;;            by Lucid, Inc., All Rights Reserved
;;; This software product contains confidential and trade secret
;;; information belonging to Sun Microsystems, Inc.  It may not be copied
;;; for any reason other than for archival and backup purposes.
;;; Sun, Sun-4, and Sun Common Lisp are trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc.

> (load "defsystem")
;;; Loading source file "defsystem.lisp"
;;; You are using the compiler in development mode (compilation-speed = 3)
;;; If you want faster code at the expense of longer compile time,
;;; you should use the production mode of the compiler, which can be obtained
;;; by evaluating (proclaim '(optimize (compilation-speed 0)))
;;; Generation of full safety checking code is enabled (safety = 3)
;;; Optimization of tail calls is disabled (speed = 2)
;;; Reading source file "kernel/defpackage.lisp"
;;; Writing binary file "kernel/defpackage.sbin"
;;; Loading binary file "kernel/defpackage.sbin"
;;; Reading source file "kernel/packages.lisp"
;;; Writing binary file "kernel/packages.sbin"
;;; Loading binary file "kernel/packages.sbin"
;;; Reading source file "kernel/destructuring-bind.lisp"
;;; Writing binary file "kernel/destructuring-bind.sbin"
;;; Loading binary file "kernel/destructuring-bind.sbin"
;;; Reading source file "kernel/defs.lisp"
>>Error: Package "PRETTY-PRINTER" not found

   Required arg 0 (STREAM): #<Stream OSI-BUFFERED-STREAM 
"/h-arc2/yriarte/plate-forme/ontologie/Ontolingua/kernel/defs.lisp" 16A687E>
   Required arg 1 (EOF-ERROR-P): NIL
   Required arg 2 (EOF-VALUE): #<Stream OSI-BUFFERED-STREAM 
"/h-arc2/yriarte/plate-forme/ontologie/Ontolingua/kernel/defs.lisp" 16A687E>
   Required arg 3 (RECURSIVE-P): NIL
:C  0: Use the default package instead
    1: Try compiling #P"/h-arc2/yriarte/plate-forme/ontologie/Ontolingua/kernel
/defs" again
:A  2: Abort to Lisp Top Level

-> :C 0
Use the default package instead
;;; Warning: LUCID-COMMON-LISP::*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* is bound locally, and 
is not special
;;; Warning: Variable LUCID-COMMON-LISP::*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* is bound but 
not referenced
;;; Writing binary file "kernel/defs.sbin"
;;; Warning: The following functions are not known to be defined:
;;;          LUCID-COMMON-LISP::COPY-PPRINT-DISPATCH was referenced by
;;;             top level forms
;;;          CONSES-WITH-CARS was referenced by top level forms
;;;          THEORY-NAME was referenced by
;;;          BUILT-IN-THEORIES was referenced by
;;;          ARG-SPEC was referenced by COLLECT-DOCUMENTED-SYMBOLS
;;; Loading binary file "kernel/defs.sbin"

Clearing input from *debug-io*
>>Error: The function LUCID-COMMON-LISP::COPY-PPRINT-DISPATCH is undefined

    1: Try loading #P"/h-arc2/yriarte/plate-forme/ontologie/Ontolingua/kernel/d
efs" again
:A  2: Abort to Lisp Top Level



	It seems that we are missing a  "PRETTY-PRINTER" package. Have any idea how 
we can build ontolingua without it ?

Thanks in advance, Luc.

	|        Luc YRIARTE           |                              |
	|                              |                              |
	|  Espace Technique ARC	3.152  |			      |
	|  L.I.R.M.M.                  | email :     |
	|  161, rue ADA                | tel   : (33) 67 41 85 83     |
	|  34392 Montpellier cedex 5   | fax   : (33) 67 41 85 00     |
	|  France                      | | 