AAAI96 V&V Workshop - CFP (James G. Schmolze)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 16:29:26 -0500
From: (James G. Schmolze)
Message-id: <>
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU,
Subject: AAAI96 V&V Workshop - CFP
AAAI-96 Workshop on Validation & Verification of
Knowledge Based Systems & Subsystems
To be held at the Thirteenth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence
August 4-8, 1996 Portland, Oregon
Both AAAI and IJCAI have hosted lively workshops on validation and
verification (V&V) of knowledge based (KB) systems for several years.
The workshop is of interest today because, as more KB methods are developed
and as more KB systems are deployed, the issues of V&V loom ever larger. For
safety critical systems in particular, this issue is paramount, leading
decision-makers to forego KB technology if it cannot meet the rigors of V&V.
V&V is not just "doing one's homework"; it is essential if KB systems are to
be successfully used in critical applications.
Moreover, there is much exciting activity in this area. These workshops have
been extremely helpful in keeping this community connected and productive,
and also in stimulating new connections between both researchers and
This workshop continues the tradition of previous ones with a focus on the
following topics:
1. V&V methods for KB subsystems that are components of larger systems that
may not be KB overall.
Nowadays, many systems using the KB approach are no longer
prototypes, but instead are complex, deployed systems. There
is a clear need to investigate V&V of these systems, whether
they are KB systems themselves, or conventional systems supported
by KB subsystems. Thus, one aim of this workshop is to address
V&V issues of KB systems embedded in conventional systems.
2. New and exciting V&V methods for KB systems/subsystems.
We are always interested in learning about and discussing
breakthrough techniques and methods.
3. Development of verifiable KB systems/subsystems; i.e., how can we develop
KB systems/subsystems such that V&V is facilitated?
It is extremely difficult to perform V&V on KB systems for
which V&V was never considered. Thus, methods for developing KB
software that is more easily verified and validated are essential to
the successful deployment of KB systems in critical applications.
4. V&V of KB systems/subsystems in safety critical systems.
The issue of assuring the quality of KBSs is becoming an
increasingly important challenge as KB components are more
and more often embedded within safety critical systems.
Therefore, this specific topic is intended to bridge the gap
between V&V of KB systems and safety critical systems,
attempting to explore the notions of dependability and safety
in the context of KB systems.
Papers on these and also on more traditional V&V subjects such as testing,
tool development, correctness verification, knowledge modelling, formal
methods, etc., as well as reports on existing systems, are encouraged.
For more information, see
The workshop will be one day, consisting of presentations, one or two panels,
and (possibly) a poster session and system demonstrations. Attendence is
limited to 50 people.
Those interested in presenting should submit a paper (up to 10 pages) or
abstract (up to 2 pages) describing novel research and/or results. Those
interested in participation only should describe their interest in the area
and/or industrial experience (up to 2 pages).
Email submissions are encouraged: please use plain text, LaTeX or PostScript.
Fax submissions are acceptable. For hard copy submissions, six copies should
be provided. Surface mail and email addresses, and phone and fax numbers
should be included for all contributing authors.
Submit to either of the co-chairs:
Anca I. Vermesan Jim Schmolze
Det Norske Veritas Research Dept. of Electrical Eng. & Computer Science
1322 Hovik, Norway 161 College Avenue
Phone: 47 67 578363 Tufts University
Fax: 47 67 577520 Medford, MA 02155 USA
Email: Phone: 617/627-3681
Fax: 617/627-3220
If you have a system that you would like to demonstrate, please contact Jim
* Submission deadline: March 18, 1996
* Notification date: April 15, 1996
* Final date for camera-ready copies to organizers: May 13, 1996
Anca I. Vermesan, Det Norske Veritas Research,
Jim Schmolze, Tufts University,
Committee Members
Rose Gamble, University of Tulsa,
Chris Landauer, The Aerospace Corporation,
Wayne Snyder, Boston University,
Jan Vanthienen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,