JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Reasoner
jtp Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. 
jtp.context Provides a basic configuration and interface for JTP. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.modelim Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. 
jtp.rs Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for ReasoningSteps. 
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of Reasoner in jtp

Subinterfaces of Reasoner in jtp
 interface Dispatcher
          A Dispatcher is a Reasoner that typically does not perform any reasoning itself, but rather redirects queries/assertions to its child reasoners.

Methods in jtp that return Reasoner
 Reasoner KnowledgeStore.getAskingReasoner()
          Returns an asking reasoner that can retrieve knowledge from the KnowledgeStore.
 Reasoner KnowledgeStore.getTellingReasoner()
          Returns a telling reasoner that can assert knowledge to the KnowledgeStore.
 Reasoner ReasoningException.getReasoner()
          Returns the reasoner that experienced the exception.

Methods in jtp with parameters of type Reasoner
protected  void ReasoningException.setReasoner(Reasoner reasoner)
          Sets the value for the reasoner that experienced the exception.
 boolean Dispatcher.addReasoner(Reasoner r)
          Add a reasoner directly to this dispatcher.
 boolean Dispatcher.removeReasoner(Reasoner r)
          Removes a reasoner directly from this dispatcher.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.classifier

Classes in jtp.classifier that implement Reasoner
 class ClassifierTellingReasoner
          A telling reasoner that processes triples with the properties rdfs:subClassOf, daml:subClassOf, daml:sameClassAs, daml:intersectionOf, daml:unionOf, and daml:disjointUnionOf.

Methods in jtp.classifier that return Reasoner
 Reasoner ClassifierTellingReasoner.getAskingReasoner()

Methods in jtp.classifier with parameters of type Reasoner
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner r)

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.context

Classes in jtp.context that implement Reasoner
 class IterativeDeepening
          An asking control reasoner that ensures that an iterative deepening search method is used to prove queries.

Methods in jtp.context that return Reasoner
 Reasoner IterativeDeepening.getTheoremProver()
          Returns the Theorem Prover.
 Reasoner BasicReasoningContext.getAskingReasoner()
          Returns the AskingControlReasoner.
 Reasoner BasicReasoningContext.getTellingReasoner()
          Returns the TellingControlReasoner.

Methods in jtp.context with parameters of type Reasoner
 void IterativeDeepening.setTheoremProver(Reasoner v)
          Sets the Theorem Prover which actually constructs proofs of queries and provides access to the AskingControlDispatcher and all of the child asking Reasoners of the system.
 void BasicReasoningContext.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          Sets the AskingControlReasoner.
 void BasicReasoningContext.setTellingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          Sets the TellingControlReasoner.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.demod

Classes in jtp.demod that implement Reasoner
 class DemodulatingProxy
          DemodulatingProxy.java Created: Thu Aug 8 23:10:09 2002
 class DemodulationReasoner
          DemodulationReasoner.java Created: Thu Aug 8 22:26:24 2002
 class ForwardChainingDemodulationProxy
          ForwardChainingDemodulationProxy.java Created: Mon Aug 26 21:49:30 2002

Constructors in jtp.demod with parameters of type Reasoner
ForwardChainingDemodulationProxy(CanonicalMapping map, Reasoner delegate)
DemodulatingProxy(CanonicalMapping mapping, Reasoner delegate)

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.disp

Subinterfaces of Reasoner in jtp.disp
 interface RelationBasedBCReasoner
          This interface represents backward-chaining reasoners whose goals are literals that can be dispatched based on their relation symbols, polarities and arities.
 interface RelationBasedFCReasoner
          This interface represents forward-chaining reasoners whose goals are reasoning steps proving literals, each such reasoning step can be dispatched based on the literal's relation symbol, polarity and arity.
 interface RelationBasedReasoner
          This is the base interface for all reasoners that have their goals dispatched according to basic literal properties: relation symbol, polarity and arity.

Classes in jtp.disp that implement Reasoner
 class AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner
 class AbstractRelationBasedFCReasoner
(package private)  class jtp.disp.AbstractRelationBasedReasoner
          AbstractRelationBasedReasoner.java Created: Thu Dec 30 03:38:37 1999
 class RelationBasedBCDispatcher
          This dispatcher handles reasoners implementing RelationBasedBCReasoner.
 class RelationBasedDispatcher
          RelationBasedDispatcher.java Created: Tue Oct 05 01:00:20 1999
 class RelationBasedFCDispatcher
          This dispatcher handles reasoners implementing RelationBasedFCReasoner.
 class SequentialDispatcher
          SequentialDispatcher.java Created: Wed Nov 17 00:22:03 1999

Methods in jtp.disp with parameters of type Reasoner
 boolean SequentialDispatcher.addReasoner(Reasoner r)
 boolean SequentialDispatcher.removeReasoner(Reasoner r)
 boolean RelationBasedFCDispatcher.addReasoner(Reasoner r)
 boolean RelationBasedFCDispatcher.removeReasoner(Reasoner r)
 boolean RelationBasedBCDispatcher.addReasoner(Reasoner r)
 boolean RelationBasedBCDispatcher.removeReasoner(Reasoner r)
static boolean DispatcherUtils.addToDispatcher(Reasoner r, Dispatcher tgt)
          Adds Reasoner r to Dispatcher tgt or an appropriate child dispatcher of tgt.
static boolean DispatcherUtils.removeFromDispatcher(Reasoner r, Dispatcher tgt)
          Removes a reasoner from a dispatcher.
protected static List DispatcherUtils.findChildDispatchers(Reasoner r0, Dispatcher tgt, List out)
          For a given dispatcher tgt, finds all children dispatchers that would accept reasoner r0.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.frame

Classes in jtp.frame that implement Reasoner
 class EnumeratingReasoner
          EnumeratingReasoner.java Created: Fri Jan 12 00:38:44 2001
static class FrameTranslators.SubclassOfTranslator
static class FrameTranslators.TemplateFacetValueTranslator
static class FrameTranslators.TemplateSlotValueTranslator
 class HoldsReasoner
          HoldsReasoner.java Created: Wed Dec 20 00:47:27 2000
 class LinkAsserter
 class SlotValueAskingReasoner
 class SlotValueTellingReasoner
          SlotValueTellingReasoner.java Created: Sun Dec 3 02:42:44 2000

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.frame.fc

Classes in jtp.frame.fc that implement Reasoner
 class AbstractRuleCreator
 class BackwardChainingStorage
          BackwardChainingStorage.java Created: Thu Jan 11 19:27:25 2001
 class BlendingRuleAction
          BlendingRuleAction.java Created: Wed Feb 27 20:46:52 2002
 class EquivalenceDemonstrator
 class EquivalenceEnforcer
          EquivalenceEnforcer.java Created: Sun Aug 11 20:23:09 2002
 class InconsistencyActionCreator
 class InconsistencyRuleAction
 class NewRuleConsequences
 class OptimizedRuleInstantiator
          Overrides RuleInstantiator.acceptable(Object) to reduce the likelihood of OptimizedRuleInstantiator.process(java.lang.Object) getting invoked, thus (hopefully) optimizing it.
 class PredefinedActionCreator
 class RuleClauseAndTriggerInstaller
 class RuleCreationDispatcher
 class RuleInstantiator
 class RuleUnroller
 class SimpleRuleCreator
 class TrueLinkCreator
          TrueLinkCreator.java Created: Tue Mar 12 01:54:28 2002
 class TrueLinkRuleAction
          TrueLinkRuleAction.java Created: Tue Mar 12 01:03:59 2002
 class UnrollingRuleAction

Methods in jtp.frame.fc that return Reasoner
 Reasoner RuleInstallationProofStep.getAction()
 Reasoner RuleInstantiator.getAskingReasoner()
 Reasoner NewRuleConsequences.getAskingReasoner()
          Get the value of askingReasoner.

Methods in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Reasoner
protected  boolean RuleClauseAndTriggerInstaller.installAction(Reasoner action)
 void RuleInstantiator.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner v)
 void NewRuleConsequences.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          Set the value of askingReasoner.

Constructors in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Reasoner
RuleInstallationProofStep(Literal template, Reasoner action)
RuleInstallationProofStep(Literal template, Reasoner action, List subSteps)

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.frame.listen

Classes in jtp.frame.listen that implement Reasoner
 class VCListenerCreator
          A reasoner which installs ValueCollectionListeners in SlotValueCollections.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.frame.listen.dl

Classes in jtp.frame.listen.dl that implement Reasoner
 class IntersectionTypeReasoner
          A telling reasoner that is activated when literals with the relation daml:intersectionOf are told.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.func

Classes in jtp.func that implement Reasoner
 class Equals
          Equals.java Created: Thu Dec 30 05:53:45 1999
 class EvaluableFunctionReasoner
 class ForIn
          ForIn.java Created: Thu Dec 30 06:03:43 1999
 class GetSetof
 class Greater
          Greater.java Created: Thu Dec 30 04:49:31 1999
 class InEqual
          Equals.java Created: Thu Dec 30 05:53:45 1999
 class Less
          Less.java Created: Thu Dec 30 05:24:51 1999
(package private)  class jtp.func.NumberComparator
          NumberComparator.java Created: Thu Dec 30 04:53:50 1999
 class Unprovable
          Unprovable.java Created: Thu Dec 30 04:00:16 1999

Methods in jtp.func that return Reasoner
 Reasoner Unprovable.getAskingReasoner()
          Get the value of askingReasoner.
 Reasoner GetSetof.getAskingReasoner()
          Get the value of askingReasoner.

Methods in jtp.func with parameters of type Reasoner
 void Unprovable.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          Set the value of askingReasoner.
 void GetSetof.setAskingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          Set the value of askingReasoner.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.gmp

Classes in jtp.gmp that implement Reasoner
 class ClauseOrientationKB
          A general-purpose telling reasoner and knowledge store for Clauses.
 class ModusPonensReasoner
          An asking reasoner that provides Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning functionality.

Methods in jtp.gmp that return Reasoner
 Reasoner ClauseOrientationKB.getAskingReasoner()
          Returns a ModusPonensReasoner that uses this as a knowledge store.
 Reasoner ClauseOrientationKB.getTellingReasoner()
          Returns a telling reasoner for this knowledge store.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.modelim

Classes in jtp.modelim that implement Reasoner
 class AncestorCycleCutReasoner
          An asking reasoner that improves search time by cutting off search along a line of reasoning if the current goal is identical to a ancestor goal on the goal stack.
 class AskingQueryProcessor
          Converts a complex query into a pair of query definition and query answer literal.
 class BreadthFirstForwardReasoner
          A telling control reasoner that implements a breadth-first strategy in the search for derived consequences of an assertion.
 class LinearReductionReasoner
          An asking reasoner that implements the model elimination reduction rule.
 class ModelEliminationReasoner
          An asking control reasoner that works by decomposing goals into subgoals.

Methods in jtp.modelim that return Reasoner
 Reasoner ModelEliminationReasoner.getIntermediateResultDispatcher()
 Reasoner AskingQueryProcessor.getTellingReasoner()

Methods in jtp.modelim with parameters of type Reasoner
 void ModelEliminationReasoner.setIntermediateResultDispatcher(Reasoner v)
 void AskingQueryProcessor.setTellingReasoner(Reasoner v)
          sets the reasoner that receives the assertions defining the answer literals.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.proof.transform

Classes in jtp.proof.transform that implement Reasoner
 class ProofTransformingReasonerProxy

Methods in jtp.proof.transform that return Reasoner
 Reasoner ProofTransformingReasonerProxy.getDelegate()

Constructors in jtp.proof.transform with parameters of type Reasoner
ProofTransformingReasonerProxy(Reasoner delegate, ProofTransformer transformer)

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.rs

Classes in jtp.rs that implement Reasoner
 class DefaultTranslationReasoner
 class TranslatingProxyReasoner

Methods in jtp.rs that return Reasoner
 Reasoner TranslatingProxyReasoner.getDelegate()

Methods in jtp.rs with parameters of type Reasoner
 void TranslatingProxyReasoner.setDelegate(Reasoner delegate)

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.time

Classes in jtp.time that implement Reasoner
 class TimePointKnowledgeStore.AskingReasoner
 class TimePointKnowledgeStore.TellingReasoner

Methods in jtp.time that return Reasoner
 Reasoner TimePointKnowledgeStore.getAskingReasoner()
          The relations that this reasoner can answer queries about include before, after, equal-point, before-or-equal, and after-or-equal.
 Reasoner TimePointKnowledgeStore.getTellingReasoner()
          A reasoner that handles assertions about the relations between time points.

Uses of Reasoner in jtp.time.func

Classes in jtp.time.func that implement Reasoner
 class FirstTimePoint
          Functional reasoner that takes a CalendarTimePoint tp and a unit (e.g., 'week', 'day'), and returns the first time point in the unit that tp contains.
 class MinusTimePoint
          Functional reasoner that takes two CalendarTimePoints and returns the number of milliseconds separating the points.
 class PlusTimePoint
          Functional reasoner that takes a CalendarTimePoint and an integer representing a quantity of milliseconds and returns the timepoint that results in increasing the former by the latter.
 class TimePointFunctionReasoner
          Abstract class of reasoners that deal with evaluable functions whose arguments are TimePoints.
 class TimePointToInteger
          Functional reasoner that converts a CalendarTimePoint to an integer value.

JTP API Documentation