JTP API Documentation

Class InEqual

All Implemented Interfaces:
Reasoner, RelationBasedBCReasoner, RelationBasedReasoner, Serializable

public class InEqual
extends AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner

Equals.java Created: Thu Dec 30 05:53:45 1999

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jtp.disp.AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner
arity, polarity, relation
Fields inherited from interface jtp.disp.RelationBasedReasoner
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ReasoningStepIterator process(Object gob)
          This method attempts to find proof for the goal.
Methods inherited from class jtp.disp.AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner
acceptable, getArity, getPolarity, getRelation, literalAcceptable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jtp.disp.RelationBasedReasoner
getArity, getPolarity, getRelation

Constructor Detail


public InEqual()
Method Detail


public ReasoningStepIterator process(Object gob)
Description copied from interface: Reasoner
This method attempts to find proof for the goal. It returns an enumeration of reasoning steps that correspond to alternative proofs for the goal. Consequently, the items of the enumeration can actually belong to different models of the goal sentence, and have incompatible variable assignments.

Example. A reasoner that performs unification of the goal with facts in a knowledge base can return the following enumeration for the goal (parent joe ?x):

  1. A reasoning step proving (parent joe fred) with variable assignment ?x=fred,
  2. A reasoning step proving (parent joe mary) with variable assignment ?x=mary.

gob - the goal: either a query or an assertion
the iterator of reasoning steps - proofs for the query, or consequences of the assertion.

JTP API Documentation