JTP API Documentation

Interface RelationBasedReasoner

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
RelationBasedBCReasoner, RelationBasedFCReasoner
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner, AbstractRelationBasedFCReasoner, jtp.disp.AbstractRelationBasedReasoner, IntersectionTypeReasoner

public interface RelationBasedReasoner
extends Reasoner

This is the base interface for all reasoners that have their goals dispatched according to basic literal properties: relation symbol, polarity and arity. Do not implement this interface directly! Instead, implement either RelationBasedFCReasoner or RelationBasedBCReasoner, depending on whether your reasoner is forward- or backward-chaining.

Field Summary
static int ANY_ARITY
static int BOTH
static int NEGATIVE
static int POSITIVE
Method Summary
 int getArity()
          returns the "arity" of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.
 int getPolarity()
          returns the polarity of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.
 Symbol getRelation()
          returns the relation symbol of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.
Methods inherited from interface jtp.Reasoner
acceptable, process

Field Detail


public static final int ANY_ARITY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int POSITIVE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NEGATIVE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BOTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Symbol getRelation()
returns the relation symbol of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.

the relation symbol of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.


public int getArity()
returns the "arity" of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner. Arity is the number of parameters of the literal. Return ANY_ARITY for reasoners that are not limited to a certain arity.

the "arity" of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.


public int getPolarity()
returns the polarity of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner. Polarity can be one of the following:
  1. POSITIVE - for literals that are not negated,
  2. NEGATIVE - for literals that are negated,
  3. BOTH - if the reasoner can handle literals of any polarity.

JTP API Documentation