JTP API Documentation

Interface ReasoningStepIterator

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayReasoningStepIterator, DefaultReasoningStepCollector, IteratorBasedReasoningStepIterator, ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector, ModusPonensRecycler, SlotValueAskingReasoner.LinkResolvingReasoningStepIterator

public interface ReasoningStepIterator

A mechanism to iterate through reasoning steps. Each reasoning step corresponds to an alternative proof for a query, or an individual consequence to an assertion.

Method Summary
 ReasoningStep next()
          retrieves the next reasoning step in the sequence, or null if there are no more.

Method Detail


public ReasoningStep next()
                   throws ReasoningException
retrieves the next reasoning step in the sequence, or null if there are no more. Note that some reasoners reuse reasoning steps, so you might want to make a clone if you want to keep one.

the next reasoning step in the sequence, or null if there are no more.

JTP API Documentation