JTP API Documentation

Interface KnowledgeStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClauseOrientationKB, TimePointKnowledgeStore

public interface KnowledgeStore

A very basic interface for JTP knowledge stores. The only requirement placed on a KnowledgeStore is that it is associated with a telling reasoner and an asking reasoner that are capable of asserting information to and retrieving information from the knwoledge store.

Method Summary
 Reasoner getAskingReasoner()
          Returns an asking reasoner that can retrieve knowledge from the KnowledgeStore.
 Reasoner getTellingReasoner()
          Returns a telling reasoner that can assert knowledge to the KnowledgeStore.

Method Detail


public Reasoner getAskingReasoner()
Returns an asking reasoner that can retrieve knowledge from the KnowledgeStore.


public Reasoner getTellingReasoner()
Returns a telling reasoner that can assert knowledge to the KnowledgeStore.

JTP API Documentation