JTP API Documentation

Class LinearReductionReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LinearReductionReasoner
extends Object
implements Reasoner

An asking reasoner that implements the model elimination reduction rule. When the goal passed to this reasoner is the negation of an ancestor goal on the goal stack, the ancestor goal is proven true by this reasoner.

Constructor Summary
LinearReductionReasoner(jtp.modelim.Ring.Path goalStack)
Method Summary
 boolean acceptable(Object o)
          Returns true if o is a Literal; returns false otherwise.
 ReasoningStepIterator process(Object o)
          Attempts to find the negation of o in the goal stack.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LinearReductionReasoner(jtp.modelim.Ring.Path goalStack)
Method Detail


public ReasoningStepIterator process(Object o)
Attempts to find the negation of o in the goal stack.

Specified by:
process in interface Reasoner
o - the goal: either a query or an assertion
the iterator of reasoning steps - proofs for the query, or consequences of the assertion.


public boolean acceptable(Object o)
Returns true if o is a Literal; returns false otherwise.

Specified by:
acceptable in interface Reasoner
true if the goal is suitable for this reasoner, false otherwise.

JTP API Documentation