JTP API Documentation

Class LinkAsserter

All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanContextChild, BeanContextServiceRevokedListener, BeanContextServicesListener, EventListener, Reasoner, Serializable

public class LinkAsserter
extends PropertyImporter
implements Reasoner

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected static class LinkAsserter.UndoInsert
          Class of undoable edits that corresponds to adding a ValueLink to a ValueCollection's input links.
protected static class LinkAsserter.UndoRemove
Field Summary
protected static boolean VERBOSE
Fields inherited from class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
beanContext, beanContextChildPeer, pcSupport, rejectedSetBCOnce, vcSupport
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean acceptable(Object o)
          decides if the goal is suitable for being processed by this reasoner.
static boolean checkLinkRedundancy(ValueCollection source, ValueCollection target, int depth)
          checks if there is a directed path in the value collection graph from source to target.
 FrameKB getFrameKB()
 int getRedundancyCheckDepth()
          returns the current value for the number of links that the asserter will follow in the graph to see if the source and target value collections are already connected.
 UndoManager getUndoManager()
static void insertLink(ValueLink vl)
          inserts the specified link into the value collections' data structures, if there isn't already a link between these two collections.
protected  ValueLink prepareValueLink(ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep rs)
protected  ValueLink prepareValueLink(ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep rs, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 ReasoningStepIterator process(Object o)
          This method attempts to find proof for the goal.
 void processInsertion(ValueLink vl)
 void processInsertion(ValueLink vl, DefaultReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void processRemoval(ValueLink vl)
static ReasoningStepIterator propagateAssertedValue(ValueCollection vc, Object value)
static ReasoningStepIterator propagateLinkResults(ValueLink vl)
static ReasoningStepIterator propagateResultsForTarget(ValueLink vl)
static void removeLink(ValueLink vl)
 void setFrameKB(FrameKB f)
 void setRedundancyCheckDepth(int v)
          Set the value of redundancyCheckDepth.
 void setUndoManager(UndoManager undo)
Methods inherited from class jtp.util.PropertyImporter
getImportedProperties, initializeBeanContextResources, setImportedProperties
Methods inherited from class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getBeanContext, getBeanContextChildPeer, isDelegated, releaseBeanContextResources, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, serviceAvailable, serviceRevoked, setBeanContext, validatePendingSetBeanContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static boolean VERBOSE
Constructor Detail


public LinkAsserter()
Method Detail


public UndoManager getUndoManager()


public void setUndoManager(UndoManager undo)


public FrameKB getFrameKB()


public void setFrameKB(FrameKB f)


public int getRedundancyCheckDepth()
returns the current value for the number of links that the asserter will follow in the graph to see if the source and target value collections are already connected.

Value of redundancyCheckDepth.


public void setRedundancyCheckDepth(int v)
Set the value of redundancyCheckDepth.

v - Value to assign to redundancyCheckDepth.
See Also:


public boolean acceptable(Object o)
Description copied from interface: Reasoner
decides if the goal is suitable for being processed by this reasoner. This method should be fast; if there are doubts as to whether a goal is acceptable, and it looks like determining it might take some time, the method should return true and let the process method figure it out.

Example. Many reasoners only process literals with certain predicates and arity. These reasoners will use those criteria to determine acceptability, for example a reasoner dealing with equality could accept goals that are:

  1. Literals,
  2. have = as their relation predicate,
  3. have exactly two arguments.

Specified by:
acceptable in interface Reasoner
true if the goal is suitable for this reasoner, false otherwise.


public ReasoningStepIterator process(Object o)
Description copied from interface: Reasoner
This method attempts to find proof for the goal. It returns an enumeration of reasoning steps that correspond to alternative proofs for the goal. Consequently, the items of the enumeration can actually belong to different models of the goal sentence, and have incompatible variable assignments.

Example. A reasoner that performs unification of the goal with facts in a knowledge base can return the following enumeration for the goal (parent joe ?x):

  1. A reasoning step proving (parent joe fred) with variable assignment ?x=fred,
  2. A reasoning step proving (parent joe mary) with variable assignment ?x=mary.

Specified by:
process in interface Reasoner
o - the goal: either a query or an assertion
the iterator of reasoning steps - proofs for the query, or consequences of the assertion.


protected ValueLink prepareValueLink(ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep rs)


protected ValueLink prepareValueLink(ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep rs,
                                     ReasoningStepCollector rsc)


public static ReasoningStepIterator propagateAssertedValue(ValueCollection vc,
                                                           Object value)


public static ReasoningStepIterator propagateLinkResults(ValueLink vl)


public static ReasoningStepIterator propagateResultsForTarget(ValueLink vl)


public static boolean checkLinkRedundancy(ValueCollection source,
                                          ValueCollection target,
                                          int depth)
checks if there is a directed path in the value collection graph from source to target.

source - the start of the path
target - the end of the path
depth - the maximal depth of the path to look for


public static void insertLink(ValueLink vl)
inserts the specified link into the value collections' data structures, if there isn't already a link between these two collections.

vl - the link to insert
true if the state of the system has changed (i.e., link was actually inserted.)


public void processInsertion(ValueLink vl)


public void processInsertion(ValueLink vl,
                             DefaultReasoningStepCollector rsc)


public void processRemoval(ValueLink vl)


public static void removeLink(ValueLink vl)

JTP API Documentation