JTP API Documentation

Class InferredValueReasoningStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable, Unifyable
Direct Known Subclasses:
OneWayInferredValueReasoningStep, SubsumptionProofStep, TimePointKnowledgeStore.TimePointReasoningStep

public class InferredValueReasoningStep
extends ReasoningStep

A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through forward-chaining.

The goal of an instance of InferredValueReasoningStep is a Literal. The first subgoal is generally a horn Clause, and the rest of the subgoals are literals that unify with the antecedent of the horn clause. The bound consequent of the horn clause is the goal of this proof step. The subproof that corresponds to the horn clause subgoal is generally a RuleCreationReasoningStep.

Created: Fri Aug 2 15:58:48 PDT 2002

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
bindings, goal, inference, subGoals, subProofs
Constructor Summary
InferredValueReasoningStep(Literal goal, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol facet, Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
 int hashCode()
 String tracePrint()
          Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.
Methods inherited from class jtp.ReasoningStep
addContentsIfUnifyable, backtrack, clone, cloneNeedsDereferencing, collectUnifyableElements, contains, createDereferencedClone, deReferenceBindings, deReferenceElement, deReferenceList, deReferenceVariables, getCost, getInference, getSubProofs, getVariables, makeStep, unify
Methods inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
getBindings, getGoal, getSubGoals, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InferredValueReasoningStep(Literal goal,
                                  List subSteps)


public InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol facet,
                                  Symbol prop,
                                  Object obj,
                                  Object val,
                                  List subSteps)


public InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol prop,
                                  Object obj,
                                  Object val,
                                  List subSteps)
Method Detail


public String tracePrint()
Description copied from class: ReasoningStep
Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.

Specified by:
tracePrint in class ReasoningStep


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object

JTP API Documentation