JTP API Documentation

Package jtp.gmp

Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability.


Class Summary
ClauseOrientation A view of a Clause in which one of the Literals in the clause has been selected as a head.
ClauseOrientationKB A general-purpose telling reasoner and knowledge store for Clauses.
ModusPonensProofStep A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through backward-chaining.
ModusPonensReasoner An asking reasoner that provides Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning functionality.
ModusPonensRecycler An iterator over partial proofs for a particular goal.
Utils Utils.java Created: Thu Jan 4 02:24:58 2001

Package jtp.gmp Description

Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability.

JTP API Documentation