JTP API Documentation | ||||||||||
Packages that use ReasoningStep | |
jtp | Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. |
jtp.classifier | |
jtp.demod | |
jtp.frame | |
jtp.frame.fc | |
jtp.frame.listen | |
jtp.frame.listen.dl | |
jtp.frame.vc | |
jtp.func | |
jtp.gmp | Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. |
jtp.modelim | Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. |
jtp.rs | Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and
ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for
ReasoningSteps. |
jtp.time | Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. |
jtp.time.demod | |
jtp.time.tlgraph | |
jtp.ui |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp | |
class |
When a reasoner returns a Cut reasoning step, it means that there are no more solutions left for the goal of the reasoning step. |
class |
This class represents an act of directly asserting a sentence. |
Methods in jtp that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
retrieves the next reasoning step in the sequence, or null if there are no more. |
protected ReasoningStep |
Returns a clone of this ReasoningStep in which all nested Variables have been replaced by the values that they are bound to at the time of clone creation. |
Methods in jtp with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
void |
InconsistencyException.setProof(ReasoningStep v)
Sets the reasoning step demostrating the inconsistency. |
protected boolean |
ReasoningStep.cloneNeedsDereferencing(ReasoningStep clone)
Determines if clone is different from this
because this has data members that contain
Unifyables that were
dereferenced in clone . |
Constructors in jtp with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
InconsistencyException(ReasoningStep proof)
InconsistencyException(String s,
ReasoningStep proof)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.classifier |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.classifier | |
class |
SubsumptionProofStep.java |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.demod |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.demod | |
class |
A proof step where substitutions have been made that transform the input sentence into a new sentence. |
Methods in jtp.demod that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
DemodulationProofTranslator.translate(ReasoningStep rs)
ReasoningStep |
CanonicalMapping.getMappingGrounds(Object key)
Methods in jtp.demod with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
DemodulationProofTranslator.translate(ReasoningStep rs)
void |
CanonicalMapping.moveEqualityClass(Object from,
Object to,
ReasoningStep grounds)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame | |
static class |
This intermediate proof step is necessary for the frame system when the query does not have enough variables bound to prove the goal directly. |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through forward-chaining. |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens Inference made throught forward-chaining. |
class |
This forward-chaining proof step represents the inference that one ValueCollection
should include all of the values in another ValueCollection. |
Methods in jtp.frame that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.frame with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
void |
Renamer.transferSymbol(Symbol source,
Symbol target,
ReasoningStep grounds,
Collection results)
void |
FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet,
Symbol slot,
Object frame,
Object value,
ReasoningStep proof,
ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
void |
FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet,
Symbol slot,
Object frame,
Object value,
ReasoningStep proof)
void |
FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet,
Symbol slot,
Object frame,
Object value,
boolean inverse,
ReasoningStep proof,
ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
This putValue method allows the user to specify to only assert the inverse value or the direct value. |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.fc |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.fc | |
class |
class |
A proof step representing the creation of a horn clause to be use by the forward-chaining mechanisms in jtp.frame.fc. |
class |
This proof step indicates that a horn clause created by a RuleCreationReasoningStep has been installed in a KB
store and is available to backward-chaining reasoners. |
class |
Fields in jtp.frame.fc declared as ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStepIterator |
UnrollingRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input,
List subSteps,
List varStack)
protected ReasoningStepIterator |
TrueLinkRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input,
List subSteps,
List varStack)
BlendingRuleAction |
InferredValueRuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit,
Literal assertionLit,
ReasoningStep ruleStep,
List triggers)
protected ReasoningStepIterator |
InconsistencyRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input,
List subSteps,
List varStack)
BlendingRuleAction |
RuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit,
Literal assertionLit,
ReasoningStep ruleStep,
List triggers)
The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it. |
ReasoningStepIterator |
EquivalenceEnforcer.processEquivalence(Object from,
Object to,
ReasoningStep grounds)
protected List |
BlendingRuleAction.prepareSubSteps(ReasoningStep input)
protected abstract ReasoningStepIterator |
BlendingRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input,
List subSteps,
List varStack)
abstract BlendingRuleAction |
ActionCreationReasoningStep.createAction(Literal ruleLit,
ReasoningStep rs,
List triggers)
Constructors in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
TrueLinkRuleAction(FrameKB fkb,
Literal from,
Literal to,
Variable linkVar,
Literal ruleLit,
ReasoningStep ruleStep,
List triggers)
InconsistencyRuleAction(Literal ruleLit,
ReasoningStep ruleStep,
List triggers)
BlendingRuleAction(Literal ruleLit,
ReasoningStep ruleStep,
List triggers)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.listen |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.listen | |
class |
A forward-chaining resolution reasoning step. |
Methods in jtp.frame.listen that return ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep[] |
ValueInferringVCListener.prepareResult(List subproofs)
protected ReasoningStep[] |
OneWayValueInferringVCListener.prepareResult(List subproofs)
protected ReasoningStep[] |
UnrollingVCListener.prepareResult(List subproofs)
protected ReasoningStep[] |
LinkingVCListener.prepareResult(List subproofs)
protected abstract ReasoningStep[] |
AbstractVCListener.prepareResult(List subproofs)
protected ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
void |
AbstractVCListener.directValueAdded(Object val,
ReasoningStep rs,
ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
protected boolean |
VCListenerCreationReasoningStep.cloneNeedsDereferencing(ReasoningStep clone)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.listen.dl |
Methods in jtp.frame.listen.dl that return ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep[] |
IntersectionTypeReasoner.addIntersection(Object list,
Object className,
ReasoningStep intersectionProof)
Set up watching for instances of a new conjunctively defined class. |
protected ReasoningStep[] |
IntersectionTypeReasoner.newInstanceOfClass(Object instance,
Object cl,
ReasoningStep proof)
Called when instance has been discovered to be an
instance of cl . |
Methods in jtp.frame.listen.dl with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep[] |
IntersectionTypeReasoner.addIntersection(Object list,
Object className,
ReasoningStep intersectionProof)
Set up watching for instances of a new conjunctively defined class. |
protected ReasoningStep[] |
IntersectionTypeReasoner.newInstanceOfClass(Object instance,
Object cl,
ReasoningStep proof)
Called when instance has been discovered to be an
instance of cl . |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.vc |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.frame.vc | |
class |
This proof step indicates that, in the frame system, a specific ValueCollection contains the value in
question. |
Fields in jtp.frame.vc declared as ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.frame.vc that return ReasoningStep | |
protected ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
ValueLink.getProof(Object o)
ReasoningStep |
ValueCollection.getProof(Object o)
Methods in jtp.frame.vc with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
void |
Multiplexor.directValueAdded(Object value,
ReasoningStep rs,
ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
protected boolean |
MembershipProofStep.cloneNeedsDereferencing(ReasoningStep clone0)
void |
MembershipProofStep.setSubStep(ReasoningStep rs)
void |
ValueCollectionListener.directValueAdded(Object value,
ReasoningStep rs,
ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
boolean |
ValueCollection.add(Object o,
ReasoningStep proof)
void |
ValueCollection.setProof(Object o,
ReasoningStep proof)
Constructors in jtp.frame.vc with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
ValueLink(ValueCollection source,
ValueCollection target,
ReasoningStep proof)
Creates a link from source to target. |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.func |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.func | |
class |
This proof step is used when the goal has been proved through some form of procedural attachment. |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.gmp |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.gmp | |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through backward-chaining. |
Methods in jtp.gmp that return ReasoningStep | |
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep)
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep,
List varStack)
tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step. |
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep,
List varStack,
ModusPonensProofStep reusableStep)
tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step. |
ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.gmp with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep)
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep,
List varStack)
tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step. |
static ReasoningStep |
Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal,
ReasoningStep subStep,
List varStack,
ModusPonensProofStep reusableStep)
tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step. |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.modelim |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.modelim | |
static class |
Methods in jtp.modelim that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.modelim with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
protected void |
ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector.notifyOfIntermediateResult(ReasoningStep rs)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.rs |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.rs | |
class |
A default implementation of Cut. |
class |
class |
class |
This backward-chaining proof step indicates that the goal can be reformulated as the subgoal. |
Methods in jtp.rs that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
static ReasoningStep |
RSUtils.recursiveClone(ReasoningStep rs)
Constructs a ReasoningStep clone by cloning it and recursively cloning its subproofs as well. |
ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
SecondaryProofStorageLookup.lookUp(Object goal)
abstract ReasoningStep |
ReasoningStep |
Methods in jtp.rs with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
static void |
RSUtils.recursiveMakeStep(ReasoningStep rs)
Binds nested Variables in a ReasoningStep. |
static void |
RSUtils.recursiveBacktrack(ReasoningStep rs)
Unbinds nested Variables in a ReasoningStep. |
static ReasoningStep |
RSUtils.recursiveClone(ReasoningStep rs)
Constructs a ReasoningStep clone by cloning it and recursively cloning its subproofs as well. |
static String |
RSUtils.printReasoningStep(ReasoningStep rs,
String prefix)
Creates a String representation of a ReasoningStep. |
static int |
RSUtils.getNestingDepth(ReasoningStep rs)
Return the depth of the proof tree that rs is the
root of. |
static boolean |
DefaultCut.isValidCut(ReasoningStep ps,
DepthMonitor dm)
void |
DefaultReasoningStepCollector.addReasoningStep(ReasoningStep rs)
boolean |
SecondaryProofStorageWriter.storeProof(ReasoningStep rs)
Files the proof away in secondary storage. |
void |
ReasoningStepCollector.addReasoningStep(ReasoningStep rs)
Constructors in jtp.rs with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0,
ReasoningStep ps1)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0,
ReasoningStep ps1)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0,
ReasoningStep ps1,
ReasoningStep ps2)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0,
ReasoningStep ps1,
ReasoningStep ps2)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep ps0,
ReasoningStep ps1,
ReasoningStep ps2)
ArrayReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStep[] ps)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.time |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.time | |
class |
Methods in jtp.time that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getTimePointReasoningStep(Literal goal,
List substeps)
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointEqualityReasoningStep(Object tp1,
Object tp2,
List substeps)
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointRelationInverseReasoningStep(ReasoningStep sub)
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointSubRelationReasoningStep(Symbol sub,
Symbol prop,
ReasoningStep rs)
Methods in jtp.time with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointRelationInverseReasoningStep(ReasoningStep sub)
ReasoningStep |
TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointSubRelationReasoningStep(Symbol sub,
Symbol prop,
ReasoningStep rs)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.time.demod |
Subclasses of ReasoningStep in jtp.time.demod | |
class |
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.time.tlgraph |
Methods in jtp.time.tlgraph that return ReasoningStep | |
ReasoningStep |
TLGraph.proveRelation(TimePoint tp1,
TimePoint tp2,
byte relation)
Methods in jtp.time.tlgraph with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
void |
Node.addEqualReasoningStep(TimePoint tp,
ReasoningStep rs)
void |
TLGraph.update(TimePoint tp1,
byte relation,
TimePoint tp2,
ReasoningStep rs)
Uses of ReasoningStep in jtp.ui |
Methods in jtp.ui with parameters of type ReasoningStep | |
static String |
AnswerUtil.printProof(ReasoningStep rs,
String padding)
JTP API Documentation | ||||||||||