JTP API Documentation

Class InferredValueRuleFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
RuleFactory, Serializable

public class InferredValueRuleFactory
extends Object
implements RuleFactory, Serializable

Created: Mon Aug 5 16:19:33 PDT 2002

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
InferredValueRuleFactory(FrameKB fkb)
Method Summary
 BlendingRuleAction createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
          The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InferredValueRuleFactory(FrameKB fkb)
Method Detail


public BlendingRuleAction createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit,
                                           Literal assertionLit,
                                           ReasoningStep ruleStep,
                                           List triggers)
Description copied from interface: RuleFactory
The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it.

Specified by:
createRuleAction in interface RuleFactory

JTP API Documentation