JTP API Documentation

Class EnumeratingReasoner.ProofStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable, Unifyable
Enclosing class:

public static class EnumeratingReasoner.ProofStep
extends ReasoningStep

This intermediate proof step is necessary for the frame system when the query does not have enough variables bound to prove the goal directly.

The subgoals of this proof step serve to bind enough variables to allow the SlotValueAskingReasoner to prove the goal directly. For example, if the goal is (type ?x ?c) the subgoals of this proof step will be (has-slot ?x type) and (type ?x ?c)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
bindings, goal, inference, subGoals, subProofs
Method Summary
 String tracePrint()
          Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.
Methods inherited from class jtp.ReasoningStep
addContentsIfUnifyable, backtrack, clone, cloneNeedsDereferencing, collectUnifyableElements, contains, createDereferencedClone, deReferenceBindings, deReferenceElement, deReferenceList, deReferenceVariables, getCost, getInference, getSubProofs, getVariables, makeStep, unify
Methods inherited from class jtp.proof.Proof
getBindings, getGoal, getSubGoals, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String tracePrint()
Description copied from class: ReasoningStep
Returns a string that describes the inference that this reasoning step makes.

Specified by:
tracePrint in class ReasoningStep

JTP API Documentation