JTP API Documentation | ||||||||||
Packages that use Proof | |
jtp | Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. |
jtp.classifier | |
jtp.demod | |
jtp.frame | |
jtp.frame.fc | |
jtp.frame.listen | |
jtp.frame.vc | |
jtp.func | |
jtp.gmp | Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. |
jtp.modelim | Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. |
jtp.proof | Classes supporting JTP's implementation of InferenceWeb proofs. |
jtp.proof.transform | |
jtp.rs | Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and
ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for
ReasoningSteps. |
jtp.time | Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. |
jtp.time.demod | |
jtp.ui.rs |
Uses of Proof in jtp |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp | |
class |
When a reasoner returns a Cut reasoning step, it means that there are no more solutions left for the goal of the reasoning step. |
class |
This class represents an act of directly asserting a sentence. |
class |
An extension to the InferenceWeb Proof class that specifies and
implements much of the JTP-specific functionality required of proofs
in JTP. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.classifier |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.classifier | |
class |
SubsumptionProofStep.java |
Uses of Proof in jtp.demod |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.demod | |
class |
A proof step where substitutions have been made that transform the input sentence into a new sentence. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.frame |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame | |
static class |
This intermediate proof step is necessary for the frame system when the query does not have enough variables bound to prove the goal directly. |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through forward-chaining. |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens Inference made throught forward-chaining. |
class |
This forward-chaining proof step represents the inference that one ValueCollection
should include all of the values in another ValueCollection. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.fc |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.fc | |
class |
class |
A proof step representing the creation of a horn clause to be use by the forward-chaining mechanisms in jtp.frame.fc. |
class |
This proof step indicates that a horn clause created by a RuleCreationReasoningStep has been installed in a KB
store and is available to backward-chaining reasoners. |
class |
Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.listen |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.listen | |
class |
A forward-chaining resolution reasoning step. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.vc |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.vc | |
class |
This proof step indicates that, in the frame system, a specific ValueCollection contains the value in
question. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.func |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.func | |
class |
This proof step is used when the goal has been proved through some form of procedural attachment. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.gmp |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.gmp | |
class |
A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through backward-chaining. |
Uses of Proof in jtp.modelim |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.modelim | |
static class |
Uses of Proof in jtp.proof |
Methods in jtp.proof that return Proof | |
static Proof |
ProofUtil.simplify(Proof p)
Methods in jtp.proof with parameters of type Proof | |
static Proof |
ProofUtil.simplify(Proof p)
String |
ModusPonensInference.toString(Proof prf,
String prefix)
String |
AxiomInference.toString(Proof prf)
String |
AxiomInference.toString(Proof prf,
String prefix)
String |
AndIntroductionInference.toString(Proof prf)
String |
AndIntroductionInference.toString(Proof prf,
String prefix)
String |
Inference.toString(Proof prf)
String |
Inference.toString(Proof prf,
String prefix)
Uses of Proof in jtp.proof.transform |
Methods in jtp.proof.transform that return Proof | |
Proof |
UnrolledRulesTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
StubTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
SecondaryStorageLookupTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
ProofTransformingEngine.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
IdenticalSubproofTrimmer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
ProofTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
IdenticalSubgoalTransformer.transform(Proof p)
Methods in jtp.proof.transform with parameters of type Proof | |
Proof |
UnrolledRulesTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
StubTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
SecondaryStorageLookupTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
ProofTransformingEngine.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
IdenticalSubproofTrimmer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
ProofTransformer.transform(Proof in)
Proof |
IdenticalSubgoalTransformer.transform(Proof p)
Uses of Proof in jtp.rs |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.rs | |
class |
A default implementation of Cut. |
class |
class |
class |
This backward-chaining proof step indicates that the goal can be reformulated as the subgoal. |
Methods in jtp.rs with parameters of type Proof | |
static Map |
RSUtils.getRecursiveBindings(Proof rs,
Map collector)
Recursively collects bindings
from rs and all of its
child proofs in the proof
tree below it. |
protected boolean |
LinearizedProof.isAnAxiomRS(Proof rs)
protected void |
LinearizedProof.sort(Proof rs)
String |
LinearizedProof.printShortComment(Proof p)
Constructors in jtp.rs with parameters of type Proof | |
LinearizedProof(Proof rs)
Uses of Proof in jtp.time |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.time | |
class |
Uses of Proof in jtp.time.demod |
Subclasses of Proof in jtp.time.demod | |
class |
Uses of Proof in jtp.ui.rs |
Methods in jtp.ui.rs that return Proof | |
Proof |
Proof |
Proof |
Methods in jtp.ui.rs with parameters of type Proof | |
void |
RSDetailsPane.setProof(Proof v)
void |
RSBrowser.setProof(Proof proof)
protected void |
RSBrowser.createAllVarsView(Proof rs)
static void |
RSBrowser.show(Proof rs)
void |
GoalTree.setRootProof(Proof v)
JTP API Documentation | ||||||||||