JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use Proof
jtp Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.modelim Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. 
jtp.proof Classes supporting JTP's implementation of InferenceWeb proofs
jtp.rs Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for ReasoningSteps. 
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of Proof in jtp

Subclasses of Proof in jtp
 class Cut
          When a reasoner returns a Cut reasoning step, it means that there are no more solutions left for the goal of the reasoning step.
 class DirectAssertion
          This class represents an act of directly asserting a sentence.
 class ReasoningStep
          An extension to the InferenceWeb Proof class that specifies and implements much of the JTP-specific functionality required of proofs in JTP.

Uses of Proof in jtp.classifier

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.classifier
 class SubsumptionProofStep

Uses of Proof in jtp.demod

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.demod
 class DemodulationReasoningStep
          A proof step where substitutions have been made that transform the input sentence into a new sentence.

Uses of Proof in jtp.frame

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame
static class EnumeratingReasoner.ProofStep
          This intermediate proof step is necessary for the frame system when the query does not have enough variables bound to prove the goal directly.
 class InferredValueReasoningStep
          A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through forward-chaining.
 class OneWayInferredValueReasoningStep
          A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens Inference made throught forward-chaining.
 class ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep
          This forward-chaining proof step represents the inference that one ValueCollection should include all of the values in another ValueCollection.

Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.fc

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.fc
 class ActionCreationReasoningStep
 class RuleCreationReasoningStep
          A proof step representing the creation of a horn clause to be use by the forward-chaining mechanisms in jtp.frame.fc.
 class RuleInstallationProofStep
          This proof step indicates that a horn clause created by a RuleCreationReasoningStep has been installed in a KB store and is available to backward-chaining reasoners.
 class RuleTriggeringProofStep

Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.listen

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.listen
 class VCListenerCreationReasoningStep
          A forward-chaining resolution reasoning step.

Uses of Proof in jtp.frame.vc

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.frame.vc
 class MembershipProofStep
          This proof step indicates that, in the frame system, a specific ValueCollection contains the value in question.

Uses of Proof in jtp.func

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.func
 class FunctionProofStep
          This proof step is used when the goal has been proved through some form of procedural attachment.

Uses of Proof in jtp.gmp

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.gmp
 class ModusPonensProofStep
          A proof step representing a Generalized Modus Ponens inference made through backward-chaining.

Uses of Proof in jtp.modelim

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.modelim
static class AskingQueryProcessor.ReformulationProofStep

Uses of Proof in jtp.proof

Methods in jtp.proof that return Proof
static Proof ProofUtil.simplify(Proof p)

Methods in jtp.proof with parameters of type Proof
static Proof ProofUtil.simplify(Proof p)
 String ModusPonensInference.toString(Proof prf, String prefix)
 String AxiomInference.toString(Proof prf)
 String AxiomInference.toString(Proof prf, String prefix)
 String AndIntroductionInference.toString(Proof prf)
 String AndIntroductionInference.toString(Proof prf, String prefix)
 String Inference.toString(Proof prf)
 String Inference.toString(Proof prf, String prefix)

Uses of Proof in jtp.proof.transform

Methods in jtp.proof.transform that return Proof
 Proof UnrolledRulesTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof StubTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof SecondaryStorageLookupTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof ProofTransformingEngine.transform(Proof in)
 Proof IdenticalSubproofTrimmer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof ProofTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof IdenticalSubgoalTransformer.transform(Proof p)

Methods in jtp.proof.transform with parameters of type Proof
 Proof UnrolledRulesTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof StubTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof SecondaryStorageLookupTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof ProofTransformingEngine.transform(Proof in)
 Proof IdenticalSubproofTrimmer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof ProofTransformer.transform(Proof in)
 Proof IdenticalSubgoalTransformer.transform(Proof p)

Uses of Proof in jtp.rs

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.rs
 class DefaultCut
          A default implementation of Cut.
 class ReasoningStepStub
 class StoredReasoningStep
 class TranslationReasoningStep
          This backward-chaining proof step indicates that the goal can be reformulated as the subgoal.

Methods in jtp.rs with parameters of type Proof
static Map RSUtils.getRecursiveBindings(Proof rs, Map collector)
          Recursively collects bindings from rs and all of its child proofs in the proof tree below it.
protected  boolean LinearizedProof.isAnAxiomRS(Proof rs)
protected  void LinearizedProof.sort(Proof rs)
 String LinearizedProof.printShortComment(Proof p)

Constructors in jtp.rs with parameters of type Proof
LinearizedProof(Proof rs)

Uses of Proof in jtp.time

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.time
 class TimePointKnowledgeStore.TimePointReasoningStep

Uses of Proof in jtp.time.demod

Subclasses of Proof in jtp.time.demod
 class TimePointMappingReasoningStep

Uses of Proof in jtp.ui.rs

Methods in jtp.ui.rs that return Proof
 Proof RSDetailsPane.getProof()
 Proof RSBrowser.getProof()
 Proof GoalTree.getRootProof()

Methods in jtp.ui.rs with parameters of type Proof
 void RSDetailsPane.setProof(Proof v)
 void RSBrowser.setProof(Proof proof)
protected  void RSBrowser.createAllVarsView(Proof rs)
static void RSBrowser.show(Proof rs)
 void GoalTree.setRootProof(Proof v)

JTP API Documentation