JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use Symbol
jtp.fol Provides classes representing structures of first order logic. 
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of Symbol in jtp.classifier

Methods in jtp.classifier with parameters of type Symbol
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.setPrimarySubclassRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.addSubclassRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.setPrimaryEquivalenceRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.addEquivalenceRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.addConjunctiveRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.addDisjunctiveRelation(Symbol relation)
 void ClassifierTellingReasoner.setListItemRelation(Symbol relation)

Constructors in jtp.classifier with parameters of type Symbol
SubsumptionProofStep(Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.context.rdf

Methods in jtp.context.rdf with parameters of type Symbol
protected  boolean RDFModelCreator.isAnon(Symbol sym)
protected  com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource RDFModelCreator.getAnonResource(Symbol sym, com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model model)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.disp

Methods in jtp.disp that return Symbol
 Symbol RelationBasedReasoner.getRelation()
          returns the relation symbol of literals that are appropriate for this reasoner.

Constructors in jtp.disp with parameters of type Symbol
AbstractRelationBasedFCReasoner(Symbol relation, int arity, int polarity)
AbstractRelationBasedBCReasoner(Symbol relation, int arity, int polarity)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.fol

Methods in jtp.fol that return Symbol
 Symbol DefaultLiteral.getRelation()
static Symbol Symbol.newSymbol(String s, String pkg)
          the right way to create a symbol.
static Symbol Symbol.uniqueSymbol(String prefix, String pkg)
static Symbol Symbol.newSymbol(String s)
static Symbol Symbol.getSymbol(String s, String pkg)
          finds a symbol with specified name.in the symbol table.
 Symbol Literal.getRelation()
          Returns the relation of this Literal.

Methods in jtp.fol with parameters of type Symbol
static String SubstUtils.printSymbol(Symbol sym)
          Printing method for Symbols.

Constructors in jtp.fol with parameters of type Symbol
DefaultLiteral(Symbol relation, Collection args, boolean polarity)
DefaultLiteral(Symbol relation, SubstitutableList args, boolean polarity)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.fol.kif

Methods in jtp.fol.kif that return Symbol
 Symbol SymbolFormat.parse(String s)
 Symbol SymbolFormat.parse(String s, ParsePosition status)
 Symbol CodeGenerator.symbol(antlr.collections.AST _t)

Methods in jtp.fol.kif with parameters of type Symbol
 StringBuffer SymbolFormat.format(Symbol sym, StringBuffer toAppendTo)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.frame

Fields in jtp.frame declared as Symbol
static Symbol HoldsReasoner.HOLDS
protected  Symbol SlotValueCollection.facet
protected  Symbol SlotValueCollection.slot

Methods in jtp.frame that return Symbol
 Symbol SlotValueCollection.getSlot()
 Symbol SlotValueCollection.getFacet()

Methods in jtp.frame with parameters of type Symbol
 void Renamer.transferSymbol(Symbol source, Symbol target, ReasoningStep grounds, Collection results)
 void Renamer.transferSymbol(Symbol source, Symbol target, ReasoningStep grounds, Collection results)
protected static Literal ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep.formLiteralInGoalClause(Symbol fac, Symbol sl, Object fr, boolean inv, Variable linkVar, boolean flip)
protected static Literal ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep.formLiteralInGoalClause(Symbol fac, Symbol sl, Object fr, boolean inv, Variable linkVar, boolean flip)
static Literal SlotValueCollection.formLiteral(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse)
static Literal SlotValueCollection.formLiteral(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStep proof)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStep proof)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
          This putValue method allows the user to specify to only assert the inverse value or the direct value.
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
          This putValue method allows the user to specify to only assert the inverse value or the direct value.
 void FrameKB.removeValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value)
 void FrameKB.removeValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.findValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.findValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.getValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.getValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.getValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.getValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
protected  SlotValueCollection FrameKB.createValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverse)
protected  SlotValueCollection FrameKB.createValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverse)

Constructors in jtp.frame with parameters of type Symbol
OneWayInferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, boolean inv, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol facet, Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol facet, Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Symbol prop, Object obj, Object val, List subSteps)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Symbol facFrom, Symbol slFrom, Object frFrom, boolean invFrom, Symbol facTo, Symbol slTo, Object frTo, boolean invTo, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Symbol facFrom, Symbol slFrom, Object frFrom, boolean invFrom, Symbol facTo, Symbol slTo, Object frTo, boolean invTo, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Symbol facFrom, Symbol slFrom, Object frFrom, boolean invFrom, Symbol facTo, Symbol slTo, Object frTo, boolean invTo, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Symbol facFrom, Symbol slFrom, Object frFrom, boolean invFrom, Symbol facTo, Symbol slTo, Object frTo, boolean invTo, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)
SlotValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverse)
SlotValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverse)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.frame.fc

Fields in jtp.frame.fc declared as Symbol
protected static Symbol ActionCreationReasoningStep.ACTION_RESULT_LIT

Methods in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Symbol
protected  Literal SimpleRuleCreator.formTargetLiteral(ClauseOrientation co, Symbol id)
protected  Literal PredefinedActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal tgt, Symbol id)
protected  Literal InconsistencyActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Clause cl, Symbol id)
 boolean TriggerLiteralMatcher.removeTrigger(Literal trigger, Symbol ruleSym)
 boolean RuleInstantiator.removeTrigger(Literal trigger, Symbol ruleSym)
 boolean BackwardChainingStorage.removeRule(Symbol ruleSymbol)
 void BackwardChainingStorage.addFunctionSymbol(Symbol sym)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.frame.listen

Fields in jtp.frame.listen declared as Symbol
protected static Symbol Context.VC
protected static Symbol Context.VALUE_LINK
protected static Symbol Context.ONE_VALUE
protected static Symbol Context.TRIPLE

Methods in jtp.frame.listen that return Symbol
abstract  Symbol Validator.getSign()

Methods in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type Symbol
protected  AbstractVCListener VLTemplate.createListener(Object value, Object comparisonVal, Symbol comparisonSign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
protected  AbstractVCListener TripleTemplate.createListener(Object value, Object comparisonVal, Symbol comparisonSign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
protected  AbstractVCListener OneWayTripleTemplate.createListener(Object value, Object comparisonVal, Symbol comparisonSign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
static Validator Validator.createValidator(Symbol sign)
protected abstract  AbstractVCListener ListenerTemplate.createListener(Object val, Object comparisonVal, Symbol comparisonSign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
          The template instance returns a AbstractVCListener that can instantiate the template given a concrete object as input.
protected  AbstractVCListener VCTemplate.createListener(Object value, Object value2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)

Constructors in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type Symbol
ValueInferringVCListener(Object val, Object val2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
OneWayValueInferringVCListener(Object val, Object val2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
UnrollingVCListener(Object val, Object val2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
LinkingVCListener(Object val, Object val2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
AbstractVCListener(Object val, Object val2, Symbol sign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
VCTemplate(Object slot, Object frame, Object val, boolean inverse, Object val2, Symbol sign)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.frame.listen.dl

Fields in jtp.frame.listen.dl declared as Symbol
protected  Symbol IntersectionTypeReasoner.intersectionRelation
protected  Symbol IntersectionTypeReasoner.typeRelation
protected  Symbol IntersectionTypeReasoner.itemRelation

Methods in jtp.frame.listen.dl that return Symbol
 Symbol IntersectionTypeReasoner.getRelation()

Constructors in jtp.frame.listen.dl with parameters of type Symbol
IntersectionTypeReasoner(Symbol intersection, Symbol type, Symbol item)
IntersectionTypeReasoner(Symbol intersection, Symbol type, Symbol item)
IntersectionTypeReasoner(Symbol intersection, Symbol type, Symbol item)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.frame.vocab

Fields in jtp.frame.vocab declared as Symbol
static Symbol StandardFrames.TEMPLATE_SLOT_VALUE
static Symbol StandardFrames.TEMPLATE_FACET_VALUE
static Symbol StandardFrames.INSTANCE_OF
static Symbol StandardFrames.SUBCLASS_OF
static Symbol StandardFrames.SLOT
static Symbol StandardFrames.FRAME
static Symbol StandardFrames.HOLDS
static Symbol StandardFrames.HAS_SLOT
static Symbol StandardFrames.HAS_INVERSE_SLOT
static Symbol StandardFrames.HAS_FACET
static Symbol StandardFrames.SUBSET_OF_VALUES
static Symbol StandardFrames.FRAME_CLASS_TEMPLATE
static Symbol RDFS.Class
static Symbol RDFS.Datatype
static Symbol RDFS.ConstraintProperty
static Symbol RDFS.Container
static Symbol RDFS.ContainerMembershipProperty
static Symbol RDFS.ConstraintResource
static Symbol RDFS.Literal
static Symbol RDFS.Resource
static Symbol RDFS.comment
static Symbol RDFS.domain
static Symbol RDFS.label
static Symbol RDFS.isDefinedBy
static Symbol RDFS.range
static Symbol RDFS.seeAlso
static Symbol RDFS.subClassOf
static Symbol RDFS.subPropertyOf
static Symbol RDFS.member
static Symbol RDF.type
static Symbol RDF.Property
static Symbol RDF.Alt
static Symbol RDF.Bag
static Symbol RDF.Seq
static Symbol RDF.Statement
static Symbol RDF.List
static Symbol RDF.nil
static Symbol RDF.first
static Symbol RDF.rest
static Symbol RDF.item
static Symbol RDF.subject
static Symbol RDF.predicate
static Symbol RDF.object
static Symbol RDF.value
static Symbol OWL.Class
static Symbol OWL.Restriction
static Symbol OWL.Thing
static Symbol OWL.Nothing
static Symbol OWL.ObjectProperty
static Symbol OWL.DatatypeProperty
static Symbol OWL.TransitiveProperty
static Symbol OWL.SymmetricProperty
static Symbol OWL.FunctionalProperty
static Symbol OWL.InverseFunctionalProperty
static Symbol OWL.AllDifferent
static Symbol OWL.Ontology
static Symbol OWL.DeprecatedClass
static Symbol OWL.DeprecatedProperty
static Symbol OWL.AnnotationProperty
static Symbol OWL.equivalentProperty
static Symbol OWL.equivalentClass
static Symbol OWL.disjointWith
static Symbol OWL.sameAs
static Symbol OWL.differentFrom
static Symbol OWL.distinctMembers
static Symbol OWL.unionOf
static Symbol OWL.intersectionOf
static Symbol OWL.complementOf
static Symbol OWL.oneOf
static Symbol OWL.onProperty
static Symbol OWL.allValuesFrom
static Symbol OWL.hasValue
static Symbol OWL.someValuesFrom
static Symbol OWL.minCardinality
static Symbol OWL.maxCardinality
static Symbol OWL.cardinality
static Symbol OWL.inverseOf
static Symbol OWL.imports
static Symbol OWL.versionInfo
static Symbol OWL.priorVersion
static Symbol OWL.backwardCompatibleWith
static Symbol OWL.incompatibleWith
static Symbol DAML.collection
static Symbol DAML.List
static Symbol DAML.UniqueProperty
static Symbol DAML.UnambiguousProperty
static Symbol DAML.TransitiveProperty
static Symbol DAML.Restriction
static Symbol DAML.Ontology
static Symbol DAML.nil
static Symbol DAML.Thing
static Symbol DAML.Nothing
static Symbol DAML.Literal
static Symbol DAML.Class
static Symbol DAML.Property
static Symbol DAML.Datatype
static Symbol DAML.DatatypeProperty
static Symbol DAML.ObjectProperty
static Symbol DAML.versionInfo
static Symbol DAML.imports
static Symbol DAML.inverseOf
static Symbol DAML.disjointWith
static Symbol DAML.disjointUnionOf
static Symbol DAML.sameClassAs
static Symbol DAML.samePropertyAs
static Symbol DAML.oneOf
static Symbol DAML.intersectionOf
static Symbol DAML.unionOf
static Symbol DAML.complementOf
static Symbol DAML.equivalentTo
static Symbol DAML.onProperty
static Symbol DAML.toClass
static Symbol DAML.hasValue
static Symbol DAML.hasClass
static Symbol DAML.hasClassQ
static Symbol DAML.cardinality
static Symbol DAML.minCardinality
static Symbol DAML.maxCardinality
static Symbol DAML.cardinalityQ
static Symbol DAML.minCardinalityQ
static Symbol DAML.maxCardinalityQ
static Symbol DAML.first
static Symbol DAML.rest
static Symbol DAML.item
static Symbol DAML.subPropertyOf
static Symbol DAML.type
static Symbol DAML.value
static Symbol DAML.subClassOf
static Symbol DAML.domain
static Symbol DAML.range
static Symbol DAML.label
static Symbol DAML.comment
static Symbol DAML.seeAlso
static Symbol DAML.isDefinedBy
static Symbol DAML.sameIndividualAs
static Symbol DAML.differentIndividualFrom

Uses of Symbol in jtp.func

Fields in jtp.func declared as Symbol
static Symbol GetSetof.Setof
static Symbol ForIn.Setof

Constructors in jtp.func with parameters of type Symbol
EvaluableFunctionReasoner(Symbol opSymbol, int arity)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.time

Methods in jtp.time that return Symbol
 Symbol TimePointKnowledgeStore.getRelationSymbol(byte r)

Methods in jtp.time with parameters of type Symbol
 byte TimePointKnowledgeStore.getByteRelation(Symbol r)
 ReasoningStep TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointSubRelationReasoningStep(Symbol sub, Symbol prop, ReasoningStep rs)
 ReasoningStep TimePointKnowledgeStore.getPointSubRelationReasoningStep(Symbol sub, Symbol prop, ReasoningStep rs)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.time.func

Fields in jtp.time.func declared as Symbol
protected  Symbol[] FirstTimePoint.units

Constructors in jtp.time.func with parameters of type Symbol
TimePointFunctionReasoner(Symbol relation, int arity, CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)

Uses of Symbol in jtp.time.vocab

Fields in jtp.time.vocab declared as Symbol
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.BEFORE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.EQUAL_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.BEFORE_OR_EQUAL_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.AFTER
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.NOT_EQUAL_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.AFTER_OR_EQUAL_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.STARTING_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.ENDING_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.LOCATION_OF
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TIME_POINT_TO_INT_FN
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.FIRST_TIME_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.LAST_TIME_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TIME_INTERVAL_FN
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.PRECEDE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.PRECEDE_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MEET
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MEET_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.OVERLAP
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.OVERLAP_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.COSTART
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.COSTART_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.DURING
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.DURING_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.COFINISH
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.COFINISH_INVERSE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.COTEMPORAL
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.START_AFTER_STARTING_OF
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.START_DURING
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.END_AFTER_STARTING_OF
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.END_AFTER_ENDING_OF
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.END_DURING
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TEMPORALLY_INTERSECTS
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TEMPORALLY_CONTAINS
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TEMPORALLY_CONTAINED_BY
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.DURATION
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.DURATION_IN_UNITS
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.WHENFN
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.THE_TIME_POINT
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.YEAR
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MONTH
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.WEEK
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.DAY
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.HOUR
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MINUTE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.SECOND
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MILLISECOND
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TIME_ZONE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.MAGNITUDE
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.SUB_RELATION
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.TRANSITIVE_RELATION
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.INSTANCE_OF
static Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.INVERSE

Methods in jtp.time.vocab that return Symbol
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getBeforeRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before another time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getAfterRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after another time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs at the same time as another time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getBeforeOrEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before or at the same time as, i.e., not after, another time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getAfterOrEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after or at the same time as, i.e., not before, another time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getLocationRelation()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'location'.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getTimePointToIntegerFn()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'time-point-to-int-fn'.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getFirstTimePointFn()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'first-time-point'.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getStartPointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the first point in the interval.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getEndPointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the last point in the interval.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getAbsoluteTimePointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to series of year, month, hour, etc., terms, denotes an absolute time point.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getTimeIntervalFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to two time points, denotes the interval between the time points.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getTimeZoneFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the time zone.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getYearFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the year.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getMonthFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote month.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getDayFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the day.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getHourFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the hour.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getMinuteFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the minute.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getSecondFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the second.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getMillisecondFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the millisecond.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getSubrelationRelation()
          The symbol for the sub-relation relation, for example, rdfs:subPropertyOf.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getTransitiveRelationClass()
          The symbol for the TransitveRelation class, for example, owl:TransitiveProperty.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getInstanceOfRelation()
          The symbol for the instance-of relation, for example, rdf:type.
 Symbol TimeVocabulary.getInverseRelation()
          The symbol for the inverse relation, for example, owl:inverseOf.
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getBeforeRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getAfterRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getEqualRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getBeforeOrEqualRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getAfterOrEqualRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getLocationRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getTimePointToIntegerFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getFirstTimePointFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getStartPointFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getEndPointFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getAbsoluteTimePointFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getTimeIntervalFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getTimeZoneFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getYearFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getMonthFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getDayFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getHourFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getMinuteFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getSecondFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getMillisecondFn()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getSubrelationRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getTransitiveRelationClass()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getInstanceOfRelation()
 Symbol DefaultTimeVocab.getInverseRelation()

Uses of Symbol in jtp.ui.rs

Methods in jtp.ui.rs with parameters of type Symbol
 void EnglishSentenceFormat.addTemplate(Symbol relation, String pattern)

JTP API Documentation