JTP API Documentation

Class OneWayTripleTemplate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Unifyable

public class OneWayTripleTemplate
extends TripleTemplate

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
protected  AbstractVCListener createListener(Object value, Object comparisonVal, Symbol comparisonSign, VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
          The template instance returns a AbstractVCListener that can instantiate the template given a concrete object as input.
 Object deReferenceVariables()
          Replaces all the variables in this Unifyable by their values.
protected  Clause getClause()
          The template instance returns a Clause that, as close as possible, indicates what this template represents in FOL.
Methods inherited from class jtp.frame.listen.TripleTemplate
contains, getVariables, toString
Methods inherited from class jtp.frame.listen.ListenerTemplate
createLiteral, instantiateTemplate, unify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


protected AbstractVCListener createListener(Object value,
                                            Object comparisonVal,
                                            Symbol comparisonSign,
                                            VCListenerCreationReasoningStep rs)
Description copied from class: ListenerTemplate
The template instance returns a AbstractVCListener that can instantiate the template given a concrete object as input.

createListener in class TripleTemplate


public Object deReferenceVariables()
Description copied from interface: Unifyable
Replaces all the variables in this Unifyable by their values. If a value is, in its turn, a variable, the process is repeated.

Specified by:
deReferenceVariables in interface Unifyable
deReferenceVariables in class TripleTemplate
the copy of this Unifyable with all variables de-referenced. In many subclass implementations, this is returned if no variables needed to be dereferenced.
See Also:


protected Clause getClause()
Description copied from class: ListenerTemplate
The template instance returns a Clause that, as close as possible, indicates what this template represents in FOL.

getClause in class TripleTemplate

JTP API Documentation