JTP API Documentation

Interface TimeVocabulary

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TimeVocabulary

An instance of TemporalVocabulary is passed around to various temporal reasoners and components to inform them of the constant symbols to accept, create, and use.

The user should feel free to create a vocabulary that implements this interface.

Method Summary
 Symbol getAbsoluteTimePointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to series of year, month, hour, etc., terms, denotes an absolute time point.
 Symbol getAfterOrEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after or at the same time as, i.e., not before, another time point.
 Symbol getAfterRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after another time point.
 Symbol getBeforeOrEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before or at the same time as, i.e., not after, another time point.
 Symbol getBeforeRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before another time point.
 Symbol getDayFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the day.
 Symbol getEndPointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the last point in the interval.
 Symbol getEqualRelation()
          The relation that indicates that one time point occurs at the same time as another time point.
 Symbol getFirstTimePointFn()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'first-time-point'.
 Symbol getHourFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the hour.
 Symbol getInstanceOfRelation()
          The symbol for the instance-of relation, for example, rdf:type.
 Symbol getInverseRelation()
          The symbol for the inverse relation, for example, owl:inverseOf.
 Symbol getLocationRelation()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'location'.
 Symbol getMillisecondFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the millisecond.
 Symbol getMinuteFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the minute.
 Symbol getMonthFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote month.
 Symbol getSecondFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the second.
 URL getSource()
          The ontology source that the definitions for the terms in this vocabulary are identified with.
 Symbol getStartPointFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the first point in the interval.
 Symbol getSubrelationRelation()
          The symbol for the sub-relation relation, for example, rdfs:subPropertyOf.
 Symbol getTimeIntervalFn()
          Function term symbol that, when applied to two time points, denotes the interval between the time points.
 Symbol getTimePointToIntegerFn()
          The symbol for the evaluable function 'time-point-to-int-fn'.
 Symbol getTimeZoneFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the time zone.
 Symbol getTransitiveRelationClass()
          The symbol for the TransitveRelation class, for example, owl:TransitiveProperty.
 Symbol getYearFn()
          In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the year.

Method Detail


public URL getSource()
The ontology source that the definitions for the terms in this vocabulary are identified with.


public Symbol getBeforeRelation()
The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before another time point.


public Symbol getAfterRelation()
The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after another time point.


public Symbol getEqualRelation()
The relation that indicates that one time point occurs at the same time as another time point.


public Symbol getBeforeOrEqualRelation()
The relation that indicates that one time point occurs before or at the same time as, i.e., not after, another time point.


public Symbol getAfterOrEqualRelation()
The relation that indicates that one time point occurs after or at the same time as, i.e., not before, another time point.


public Symbol getLocationRelation()
The symbol for the evaluable function 'location'. In the sentence (location A ?P1 ?P2), where A is a time point, ?P1 evaluates to the closest absolute time before A, and ?P1 evaluates to the closest absolute time after A.


public Symbol getTimePointToIntegerFn()
The symbol for the evaluable function 'time-point-to-int-fn'.

See Also:


public Symbol getFirstTimePointFn()
The symbol for the evaluable function 'first-time-point'.

See Also:


public Symbol getStartPointFn()
Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the first point in the interval.


public Symbol getEndPointFn()
Function term symbol that, when applied to a time interval, denotes the last point in the interval.


public Symbol getAbsoluteTimePointFn()
Function term symbol that, when applied to series of year, month, hour, etc., terms, denotes an absolute time point. If 'the-time-point' were the value of this field, a functional term such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST")) would denote the point March 21, 2000 16:15:45.500 PST.


public Symbol getTimeIntervalFn()
Function term symbol that, when applied to two time points, denotes the interval between the time points. If 'time-interval-fn' were the value of this field, a functional term such as (time-interval-fn A B) would denote the interval of time that occurs between the points A and B.


public Symbol getTimeZoneFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the time zone. E.g., if 'time-zone' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getYearFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the year. E.g., if 'year' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getMonthFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote month. E.g., if 'month' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getDayFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the day. E.g., if 'day' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getHourFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the hour. E.g., if 'hour' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getMinuteFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the minute. E.g., if 'minute' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getSecondFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the second. E.g., if 'second' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getMillisecondFn()
In an absolute time point spec, used to denote the millisecond. E.g., if 'millisecond' is the value of this field, you may have an absolute time point spec such as (the-time-point (year 2000) (month 3) (day 21) (hour 16) (minute 15) (second 45) (millisecond 500) (time-zone "PST"))


public Symbol getSubrelationRelation()
The symbol for the sub-relation relation, for example, rdfs:subPropertyOf.


public Symbol getTransitiveRelationClass()
The symbol for the TransitveRelation class, for example, owl:TransitiveProperty.


public Symbol getInstanceOfRelation()
The symbol for the instance-of relation, for example, rdf:type.


public Symbol getInverseRelation()
The symbol for the inverse relation, for example, owl:inverseOf.

JTP API Documentation