JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimeVocabulary
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of TimeVocabulary in jtp.time

Constructors in jtp.time with parameters of type TimeVocabulary
TimePointKnowledgeStore(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)

Uses of TimeVocabulary in jtp.time.demod

Constructors in jtp.time.demod with parameters of type TimeVocabulary
TimePointMapper(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)

Uses of TimeVocabulary in jtp.time.func

Fields in jtp.time.func declared as TimeVocabulary
protected  TimeVocabulary TimePointFunctionReasoner.tvocab

Constructors in jtp.time.func with parameters of type TimeVocabulary
TimePointToInteger(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)
PlusTimePoint(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)
MinusTimePoint(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)
TimePointFunctionReasoner(Symbol relation, int arity, CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)
FirstTimePoint(CanonicalMapping mapping, TimeVocabulary vocab)

Uses of TimeVocabulary in jtp.time.vocab

Classes in jtp.time.vocab that implement TimeVocabulary
 class DefaultTimeVocab
          A default implementation of TimeVocabulary.

JTP API Documentation