JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Literal
jtp.fol Provides classes representing structures of first order logic. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.proof Classes supporting JTP's implementation of InferenceWeb proofs
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of Literal in jtp.context.rdf

Methods in jtp.context.rdf with parameters of type Literal
protected  void RDFModelCreator.addLiteralToModel(Literal lit, com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model model)

Uses of Literal in jtp.demod

Methods in jtp.demod that return Literal
static Literal DemodUtils.substitute(Literal lit, Map substMap, Collection substitutionsMade)

Methods in jtp.demod with parameters of type Literal
static Literal DemodUtils.substitute(Literal lit, Map substMap, Collection substitutionsMade)

Uses of Literal in jtp.disp

Methods in jtp.disp with parameters of type Literal
 ReasoningStepIterator RelationBasedDispatcher.process(Literal lit, Object o)

Uses of Literal in jtp.fol

Classes in jtp.fol that implement Literal
 class DefaultLiteral
          Default implementation of Literal.

Methods in jtp.fol that return Literal
static Literal SubstUtils.substituteLiteral(Literal l, Map m)
          Uses mapping m to substitute arguments of Literal l that are (or contain) keys of mapping with values in mapping.
static Literal SubstUtils.deReferenceLiteral(Literal inputLiteral)
          Returns a Literal based on inputLiteral in which Variables in its arguments have been replaced by the values that they are bound to.
 Literal CanonicalVariables.canonicalize(Literal arg)
protected  Literal CanonicalVariables.canonicalize_internal(Literal l)

Methods in jtp.fol with parameters of type Literal
static Literal SubstUtils.substituteLiteral(Literal l, Map m)
          Uses mapping m to substitute arguments of Literal l that are (or contain) keys of mapping with values in mapping.
static String SubstUtils.printLiteral(Literal lit)
          Printing method for Literals.
static Literal SubstUtils.deReferenceLiteral(Literal inputLiteral)
          Returns a Literal based on inputLiteral in which Variables in its arguments have been replaced by the values that they are bound to.
 Literal CanonicalVariables.canonicalize(Literal arg)
protected  Literal CanonicalVariables.canonicalize_internal(Literal l)

Constructors in jtp.fol with parameters of type Literal
DefaultClause(Literal l1, Literal l2)
DefaultClause(Literal l1, Literal l2)
DefaultClause(Literal l1, Literal l2, Literal l3)
DefaultClause(Literal l1, Literal l2, Literal l3)
DefaultClause(Literal l1, Literal l2, Literal l3)

Uses of Literal in jtp.fol.kif

Methods in jtp.fol.kif that return Literal
 Literal CodeGenerator.literal(antlr.collections.AST _t)

Uses of Literal in jtp.frame

Methods in jtp.frame that return Literal
 Literal HoldsReasoner.translate(Literal goal)
static Literal HoldsReasoner.holdify(Literal l)
 Literal FrameTranslators.SubclassOfTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)
 Literal FrameTranslators.TemplateFacetValueTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)
 Literal FrameTranslators.TemplateSlotValueTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)
protected static Literal ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep.formLiteralInGoalClause(Symbol fac, Symbol sl, Object fr, boolean inv, Variable linkVar, boolean flip)
static Literal SlotValueCollection.formLiteral(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse)

Methods in jtp.frame with parameters of type Literal
 Literal HoldsReasoner.translate(Literal goal)
static Literal HoldsReasoner.holdify(Literal l)
static Object HoldsReasoner.getFirstOrderRelation(Literal l)
 Literal FrameTranslators.SubclassOfTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)
 Literal FrameTranslators.TemplateFacetValueTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)
 Literal FrameTranslators.TemplateSlotValueTranslator.translateLiteral(Literal lit)

Constructors in jtp.frame with parameters of type Literal
OneWayInferredValueReasoningStep(Literal goal, boolean inv, List subSteps)
InferredValueReasoningStep(Literal goal, List subSteps)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Literal from, Literal to, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)
ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep(Literal from, Literal to, Variable linkVar, List subProofs)

Uses of Literal in jtp.frame.fc

Fields in jtp.frame.fc declared as Literal
static Literal InconsistencyRuleAction.FALSE_LITERAL
protected  Literal BlendingRuleAction.ruleLit

Methods in jtp.frame.fc that return Literal
protected  Literal TrueLinkCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal head, Literal source, Variable linkVar, String id)
protected  Literal TrueLinkCreator.pickHeadLiteral(Clause cl)
protected  Literal SimpleRuleCreator.formTargetLiteral(ClauseOrientation co, Symbol id)
protected  Literal RuleUnroller.formTargetLiteral(Collection frontLayer, Collection backLayer, String id)
 Literal RuleTriggeringProofStep.getTargetLiteral()
 Literal RuleInstallationProofStep.getRuleTemplate()
protected  Literal PredefinedActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal tgt, Symbol id)
protected  Literal InconsistencyActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Clause cl, Symbol id)
protected  Literal TriggerLiteralMatcher.triggerEntry(Literal input, jtp.frame.fc.TriggerLiteralMatcher.Entry ent)
          Checks if a rule base entry is triggered by a literal (that is, if the entry target literal unifies with the argument).
 Literal BlendingRuleAction.getRuleLiteral()

Methods in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Literal
protected  RuleTriggeringProofStep TrueLinkCreator.formRuleClause(Clause cl, Variable linkVar, Literal head, Literal source, RuleCreationReasoningStep rrs)
protected  RuleTriggeringProofStep TrueLinkCreator.formRuleClause(Clause cl, Variable linkVar, Literal head, Literal source, RuleCreationReasoningStep rrs)
protected  Literal TrueLinkCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal head, Literal source, Variable linkVar, String id)
protected  Literal TrueLinkCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal head, Literal source, Variable linkVar, String id)
protected  int RuleUnroller.getLiteralLayerNumber(Literal lit)
 boolean RuleUnroller.UnrollingTemplate.match(Literal l)
protected  Literal PredefinedActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Literal tgt, Symbol id)
 BlendingRuleAction InferredValueRuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
 BlendingRuleAction InferredValueRuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
 BlendingRuleAction RuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
          The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it.
 BlendingRuleAction RuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
          The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it.
 Collection TriggerLiteralMatcher.trigger(Literal input)
protected  Collection TriggerLiteralMatcher.triggerBucket(Literal input, Object key, Collection result)
protected  Literal TriggerLiteralMatcher.triggerEntry(Literal input, jtp.frame.fc.TriggerLiteralMatcher.Entry ent)
          Checks if a rule base entry is triggered by a literal (that is, if the entry target literal unifies with the argument).
 void TriggerLiteralMatcher.addTrigger(Literal trigger, Literal target, TriggerValidator validator)
 void TriggerLiteralMatcher.addTrigger(Literal trigger, Literal target, TriggerValidator validator)
 boolean TriggerLiteralMatcher.removeTrigger(Literal trigger, Symbol ruleSym)
 void RuleInstantiator.addTrigger(Literal trigger, Literal target, TriggerValidator validator)
 void RuleInstantiator.addTrigger(Literal trigger, Literal target, TriggerValidator validator)
 boolean RuleInstantiator.removeTrigger(Literal trigger, Symbol ruleSym)
 boolean TriggerValidator.validateTrigger(Literal instantiation)
 boolean BlendingRuleAction.validateTrigger(Literal instantiation)
abstract  BlendingRuleAction ActionCreationReasoningStep.createAction(Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep rs, List triggers)

Constructors in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Literal
UnrollingRuleAction(Clause cl, Literal ruleLit, String id, RuleCreationReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
TrueLinkRuleAction(FrameKB fkb, Literal from, Literal to, Variable linkVar, Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
TrueLinkRuleAction(FrameKB fkb, Literal from, Literal to, Variable linkVar, Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
TrueLinkRuleAction(FrameKB fkb, Literal from, Literal to, Variable linkVar, Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
RuleTriggeringProofStep(List triggers, Literal triggerTgt, BlendingRuleAction action, TriggerValidator validator)
RuleTriggeringProofStep(List triggers, Literal triggerTgt, BlendingRuleAction action, TriggerValidator validator, List subSteps)
RuleInstallationProofStep(Literal template, Reasoner action)
RuleInstallationProofStep(Literal template, Reasoner action, List subSteps)
InconsistencyRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
BlendingRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)

Uses of Literal in jtp.frame.listen

Methods in jtp.frame.listen that return Literal
protected static Literal ListenerTemplate.createLiteral(Object slot, Object frame, Object val, boolean polarity)
protected  Literal[] Context.orderLiterals(Literal[] lits)
          Returns a new array of the Literals from lits.

Methods in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type Literal
protected  void Context.addLink(Literal tgt, Literal src)
protected  void Context.addLink(Literal tgt, Literal src)
protected  Literal[] Context.orderLiterals(Literal[] lits)
          Returns a new array of the Literals from lits.
protected  void Context.addRule(Literal[] antecedents, Literal consequent, String ruleName)
          Adds a new forward-chaining rule to the system.
protected  void Context.addRule(Literal[] antecedents, Literal consequent, String ruleName)
          Adds a new forward-chaining rule to the system.

Uses of Literal in jtp.func

Methods in jtp.func that return Literal
static Literal ForIn.makeLiteral(List ts)

Methods in jtp.func with parameters of type Literal
static ReasoningStepIterator Equals.compare(Literal s, boolean polarity, boolean withUNA)

Constructors in jtp.func with parameters of type Literal
FunctionProofStep(Literal goal, Object val, Map bindings)
FunctionProofStep(Literal goal, Object val, Variable v)
FunctionProofStep(Literal goal, Object val)
FunctionProofStep(Literal s)

Uses of Literal in jtp.gmp

Fields in jtp.gmp declared as Literal
protected  Literal ModusPonensRecycler.goal

Methods in jtp.gmp that return Literal
 Literal ClauseOrientation.getHead()

Methods in jtp.gmp with parameters of type Literal
static boolean Utils.unify(Literal goal, ClauseOrientation hc, Collection vars, List varStack)
          Performs unification of a goal with the head of the clause orientation.
static ReasoningStep Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal, ReasoningStep subStep)
static ReasoningStep Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal, ReasoningStep subStep, List varStack)
          tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step.
static ReasoningStep Utils.deriveFrom(Literal goal, ReasoningStep subStep, List varStack, ModusPonensProofStep reusableStep)
          tries to derive a proof for a literal from a pre-existing reasoning step.

Constructors in jtp.gmp with parameters of type Literal
ClauseOrientation(Clause cl, Literal head)
          Creates a new clause orientation from a clause and a literal chosen as the orientation head.

Uses of Literal in jtp.proof

Methods in jtp.proof that return Literal
static Literal ProofUtil.instantiate(Literal litIn, Map bindings)

Methods in jtp.proof with parameters of type Literal
static String ProofUtil.printLiteral(Literal l, boolean flip)
static Literal ProofUtil.instantiate(Literal litIn, Map bindings)
static Set ProofUtil.getVars(Literal lit)

Uses of Literal in jtp.time

Methods in jtp.time with parameters of type Literal
 ReasoningStep TimePointKnowledgeStore.getTimePointReasoningStep(Literal goal, List substeps)
protected  ReasoningStepIterator TimePointKnowledgeStore.AskingReasoner.processLocationQuery(Literal goal, DemodulationReasoningStep drs)
protected  ReasoningStepIterator TimePointKnowledgeStore.AskingReasoner.processPointRelationQuery(Literal goal, DemodulationReasoningStep drs)

Constructors in jtp.time with parameters of type Literal
TimePointKnowledgeStore.TimePointReasoningStep(Literal goal, List substeps)

Uses of Literal in jtp.time.demod

Methods in jtp.time.demod with parameters of type Literal
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Literal lit)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Literal lit, boolean mapSymbols)

Uses of Literal in jtp.ui.rs

Methods in jtp.ui.rs with parameters of type Literal
abstract  StringBuffer SentenceFormatPlain.format(Literal l, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer KIFSentenceFormatPlain.format(Literal l, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer KIFSentenceFormat.format(Literal l, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
abstract  StringBuffer SentenceFormat.format(Literal l, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer EnglishSentenceFormat.format(Literal l, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)

JTP API Documentation