Function ARITY

Slots on this function:

Arity is the number of arguments that a relation can take. If a relation can take an arbitrary number of arguments, its arity is undefined. For example, a function such as `+' is of undefined arity; its last formal argument is specified with a sequence variable. The arity of a function is one more than the number of arguments it can take, in keeping with the unified treatment of functions and relations. The arity of the empty relation (i.e., with no tuples) is undefined.
Instance-Of: Function
Arity: 2
Domain: Relation
Range: Integer

Equivalence Axioms:

(<=> (Arity ?Relation)
     (And (Relation ?Relation)
          (Not (Empty ?Relation))
          (Integer ?N)
          (Forall (?Tuple)
                  (=> (Member ?Tuple ?Relation)
                      (= (Length ?Tuple) ?N)))))

Other Related Axioms:

(<= (Arity $X 1) (Class $X))

(<=> (Class ?Class) (And (Relation ?Class) (= (Arity ?Class) 1)))

(Arity Instance-Of 2)

(Arity Has-Instance 2)

(Arity All-Instances 2)

(Instance-Of (Arity One-Of) Undefined)

(Undefined (Arity One-Of))

(Arity Subclass-Of 2)

(Arity Superclass-Of 2)

(Arity Subrelation-Of 2)

(=> (Subrelation-Of ?Child-Relation ?Parent-Relation)
    (=> (Defined (Arity ?Parent-Relation))
        (= (Arity ?Child-Relation) (Arity ?Parent-Relation))))

(Arity Direct-Instance-Of 2)

(Arity Direct-Subclass-Of 2)

(=> (Arity $X $Y) (Integer $Y))

(=> (Arity $X $Y) (Relation $X))

(=> (= (Arity ?Relation) ?N)
    (Forall (?Tuple)
            (=> (Member ?Tuple ?Relation) (= (Length ?Tuple) ?N))))

(=> (= (Arity ?Relation) ?N) (Integer ?N))

(=> (= (Arity ?Relation) ?N) (Not (Empty ?Relation)))

(=> (= (Arity ?Relation) ?N) (Relation ?Relation))

(Arity Exact-Domain 2)

(Arity Exact-Range 2)

(Arity Total-On 2)

(Arity Onto 2)

(Arity Projection 3)

(=> (= (Projection ?Relation ?Column) ?Projection-Relation)
    (=< ?Column (Arity ?Relation)))

(=> (= (Projection ?Relation ?Column) ?Projection-Relation)
    (Defined (Arity ?Relation)))

(Arity Composition-Of 2)

(Instance-Of (Arity Compose) Undefined)

(Undefined (Arity Compose))

(Arity Alias 2)

(Arity Domain 2)

(Arity Domain-Of 2)

(Arity Range 2)

(Arity Range-Of 2)

(Arity Nth-Domain 3)

(<=> (Nth-Domain ?Relation ?N ?Type)
     (And (Defined (Arity ?Relation))
          (Positive-Integer ?N)
          (Class ?Type)
          (Forall (?Tuple)
                  (=> (Member ?Tuple ?Relation)
                      (And (>= (Length ?Tuple) ?N)
                           (Instance-Of (Nth ?Tuple ?N) ?Type))))))

(Arity Relation-Universe 2)

(Arity Has-Value 3)

(Arity All-Values 3)

(Arity Value-Type 3)

(Arity Same-Values 3)

(Arity Value-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Minimum-Value-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Maximum-Value-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Slot-Value-Type 3)

(Arity Slot-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Minimum-Slot-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Maximum-Slot-Cardinality 3)

(Arity Single-Valued-Slot 2)

(Arity Inherited-Slot-Value 3)

(Arity All-Inherited-Slot-Values 3)

(Arity Same-Slot-Values 3)

(Arity Inherited-Facet-Value 4)

(Arity Subclass-Partition 2)

(Arity Exhaustive-Subclass-Partition 2)

(Arity Documentation 2)

(Arity Related-Axioms 2)
