True of terms denoting the bottom object, usually meaning that a function is undefined on given arguments. There is exactly one object in the universe of discourse that is undefined, called BOTTOM. Functional terms that are undefined are equal to this special element.
(Arity *) (Arity +) (Arity -) (Arity /) (Arity Difference) (Arity Holds) (Arity Intersection) (Arity Lcm) (Arity Listof) (Arity Logand) (Arity Logeqv) (Arity Logior) (Arity Logxor) (Arity Max) (Arity Min) (Arity Mutually-Disjoint) (Arity Pairwise-Disjoint) (Arity Set-Cover) (Arity Set-Partition) (Arity Setof) (Arity Union) (Arity Value) Bottom
(<=> (Undefined ?Value) (= ?Value Bottom))
(= ?Value Bottom)
(<=> (Undefined ?Value) (= ?Value Bottom)) (Instance-Of (Undefined ?X) Not) (Not (Undefined ?X)) (<=> (Defined ?X) (Not (Undefined ?X)))