Slots on this relation:

SINGLE-VALUED-SLOT is a constraint on the second argument of a binary relation that is conditional on the first argument to the relation being an instance of a given class. It is like unary-function, except it is local to the values of the relation on instances of the given subset of the domain.
Instance-Of: Relation
Arity: 2

Equivalence Axioms:

(<=> (Single-Valued-Slot ?Class ?Binary-Relation)
     (= (Slot-Cardinality ?Class ?Binary-Relation) 1))

Other Related Axioms:

(<=> (Single-Valued-Slot ?Class ?Binary-Relation)
     (And (Class ?Class)
          (Binary-Relation ?Binary-Relation)
          (=> (Instance-Of ?Instance ?Class)
              (=> (Holds ?Binary-Relation ?Instance ?Slot-Value1)
                  (Holds ?Binary-Relation ?Instance ?Slot-Value2)
                  (= ?Slot-Value1 ?Slot-Value2)))))

(<=> (Single-Valued-Slot ?Class ?Binary-Relation)
     (= (Slot-Cardinality ?Class ?Binary-Relation) 1))